文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

First, because of the current situation, this is an urgent issue.

2022年09月12日 20時42分38秒 | 全般

The following is a rough draft.
If the Kishida Cabinet truly intends to protect "beautiful Japan and the spirit of the Japanese people," there are two things it must do.
First, because of the current situation, this is an urgent issue.
Immediately issue an administrative order or guidance to the SNS operators.
The first is to immediately issue an administrative order or guidance to social networking site operators: "Only postings that reveal the user's actual name and nationality should be allowed.
It will later enact as a Japanese law.
This article continues.

This blog had around 30,000 daily searches and 3,000 visitors until a criminal attacked it for search tampering in 2018~2019.

Suddenly, during the August Obon vacation and the following holidays, the numbers returned to about 1/3 of what they had been.
Since late August, the tampering attacks had become so severe that I was fed up with them.

Yesterday, I noticed that from late August until yesterday, all of the chapters I had posted on goo had been excluded from Microsoft's searches.
They use some means besides search obstruction attacks such as Path Traversal.
My work is gratuitous, not for the expectation or gain of reward.
I have been continuing my work in sympathy with Kukai's teaching, "Smash evil with good deeds," but this attack has made me lose motivation to continue.
This article continues.



