文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

This article also clarifies how useless it is for young people to enter the world of politics

2024年09月29日 12時01分10秒 | 全般

The following is a memorandum.
In the previous chapter, I wrote about "door-to-door type elections."
It brought back memories of my youth.
There were two great friends at my alma mater.
One was from Kesennuma.
The other was from the northern part of Miyagi Prefecture.
I had visited and stayed at both of their homes.
I still remember the beauty of the Kesennuma coastline vividly.
The latter had visited my home.
He was troubled by family problems in a completely different way to me.
He slapped his mother across the face at a crucial time in deciding his life's path.
I reacted with three punches to my father's face, moving so fast that it was almost like an instinctive reaction, even though it was a coincidence.
The circumstances of this are as I have already described.
My father, who had put up no resistance at all, said the best words of his life after that moment had passed.
"This is my house, so you should leave."
It was also when my life, blessed with the brains to become a super-elite representative of Japan, was decisively switched to a completely different life.
The latter of the two was also a person who was slow to mature.
He failed to pass the entrance exam the first time and was in a state of domestic distress.
However, the following year, he became the top student in the whole school, including current students.
However, due to the circumstances described above, he did not attend the University of Tokyo but instead studied at Tohoku University in his hometown.
It was the era of the Zenkyoto student movement.
It was also an era when students were marching in demonstrations through the streets of Sendai.
I disappeared from their field of vision in an instant.
For a long time, I was listed as a missing person in the alum register of my old school.
He thought of me as a genius who could point out the contradiction.
When I returned to my parent's house after a long time, I looked at the postcards and letters he had sent me so often, which made me sad.

It was because the postcards and letters he had sent me were a stark reminder that, despite having gone on to study at the highest level of academia to pursue his studies, he was suffering day after day from the attacks of the Zenkyoto.
"If only you had been there at that time... you would have instantly refuted their contradictory logic and solved my suffering..."

I had already dispersed and was no longer going to Kyoto University, but I had somehow managed to get to Kyoto and was scraping by.
One day, I saw a Kyoto University student handing out leaflets at Sanjo Keihan Station.
I said to him
"I think you want to change the politics of the Liberal Democratic Party. Then, it's pointless to be handing out leaflets here. Because people living in a big city like Kyoto all have a critical spirit... I was born in a fishing village next to Sendai in Miyagi Prefecture, as part of a family of boat owners... My uncle, who I was very close to and with whom I had a very close relationship, was a fishing cooperative member. When election season comes around, they always come to ask my grandparents and mother to vote for someone from the Liberal Democratic Party. Of course, my grandparents and mother never think about what that person will do for the country or what will happen to the country. It is the same in every region of Japan. If you really want to defeat the Liberal Democratic Party, you must do that for the rest of your life. In other words, you need to do door-to-door canvassing every day. Are you doing this because you are prepared to continue doing such activities for the rest of your life? ... (omission)
That's why I don't get involved in politics. I have to use the brain that God gave me for something else. In the first place, the university is the highest educational institution. The most important thing to do is devote yourself to your studies. Besides, you are still relying on your parents for your livelihood. You should think about how you should approach politics when you become a working adult and can make your own living, not when you are still living off your parents' money."

In a sense, he who was trying to recruit me was, in turn, recruited by me from an angle he had not expected at all.
I think that the student did not throw away his life in politics.
This article continues.

This article also clarifies how useless it is for young people to enter the world of politics and how it is a significant loss to Japan.


2024/9/26 in Umeda


