文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

I want to ask for the help of readers of this column

2023年06月14日 22時29分17秒 | 全般

I just noticed that Goo's search table (search results) can be downloaded and saved for the first time.

It was only after 5/29 when Ameba began unannounced work to filter out unauthorized access, that this column returned to a form similar to that of its original state,
It is evident at a glance that this continued until yesterday.
I have sent an e-mail to NTT Resonant, the Goo management company, for the first time, asking them to send it, verify it, and start eliminating unauthorized access at Goo as well.
Considering the current circumstances, it is challenging to say whether they will do so.

Therefore, I would like the help of readers of this column who are familiar with this kind of search obstruction tactics.
I want to ask for the help of readers of this column who are familiar with such search obstruction tactics and their preventive measures to e-mail or call NTT Resonant, the company that operates Goo.
NTT Resonant is,  not for show, a subsidiary of NTT.
NTT Resonant does not have a consumer-neglectful attitude, a common fault of all Internet-related companies, i.e., no phone to call.
As with Apple, you can get through to them on the phone without much waiting.

Please help us.
Come to think of it, from around 2019 until today, this column has been subjected to such unforgivable crimes.
Several times, I thought about stopping, as described.
Each time, as described, Kukai's words urged me to continue.
Yet, from around 2019 to today, earlier today, the crimes started again.
Since I cannot attach the CSV to this column, I copy and post the table below.
Tuesday, June 13
272nd place
17118PV |1016UU |Out of 3162045 blogs
Monday, June 12
17576PV |854UU |Out of 3161957 blogs
June 11 (Sun)
16248PV |838UU |Out of 3161857 blogs
June 10 (Sat)
15333PV |702UUU |Out of 3161772 blogs
June 9 (Fri)
19233PV |796UUU |Out of 3161664 blogs
June 8 (Thursday)
19190PV |814UU |Out of 3161552 blogs
June 7 (Wed)
17789PV |904UU |Out of 3161452 blogs

*From 5/30 to 6/7, it is not posted, but it is almost the same as above.
When the attack was ongoing, the state of affairs suffered from messy tampering with PV counts in the 2000s or even 3000s.


2023/6/10, in Osaka


