文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Marcuse would have liked to see the scene where the British flag was thrown away.

2023年06月27日 08時39分32秒 | 全般

Kohyu Nishimura
What is Biden doing in the White House?
What is the true identity of the Cultural Revolution that divides the United States and Britain?
Disgrace and shame replace the word 'pride'.

Marcuse would have liked to see the scene where the British flag was thrown away.
British critic Douglas Murray says lifestyle compulsion outrages silent public

Exposing the radical pride agendaRainbow flags and Pride parades have taken over cities for the past month. In this episode of Sky News All Stars, Rita Panahi, Paul Murray and Piers Morgan t...youtu.be
youtube.com Exposing the radical pride agenda Rainbow flags and Pride parades have taken over cities for the past month. In this episode of Sky News All Stars, Rita Panahi, Paul Murray and


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