It was in the top 50 searches for the past week of 2024/2/20. 2025年02月20日 09時01分11秒 | 全般 1トップページ2In effetti, Dentsu è colui che aiuta Asahi in questo gioco.3先日、小池百合子が官邸を訪問し、岸田首相と会談したのは、日本保守党に対する陽動作戦だった。4北海道といえばニセコ町と倶知安町。中国人が沢山来る町。そして札幌のソープは中国人観光客で一杯…梅毒急増の「なぜ」6Ripubblica! In effetti, Dentsu è colui che aiuta Asahi in questo gioco.7It is no exaggeration to say that Germany is the most hypocritical country in the world8自民党の支持率は終に16%。私が何度も言及してきた、「千載一遇のチャンスが訪れている」事を証明している事実です。9Come gli Stati Uniti hanno approvato con riluttanza la costruzione della centrale nucleare10This paper is also (for the first time in the world) the truth I will tell the world.11TBSが反日的報道をする理由を知っていますか? 元TBS社員の独り言 「うちの局がこんなになってしまった経緯をお話しましょう」12It was a popular page yesterday, 2023/2/14.13Top 10 real-time searches 2024/2/16, 17:4514The horseshit of the UN and the international community is also at an all-time high.15アメーバ=サイバーエージェント社と、マイクロソフト社への報告16Repost ! Top 10 real-time searches 2024/2/12, 13:4817Repost! It is a fabricated story to make people think that the V-22 is dangerous.18continue to maintain their respective regimes, Nazism, in the name of anti-Japanese education.19Top 10 real-time searches 2024/2/14, 16:0220It was a popular page yesterday, 2022/2/14.21The following is a report to Ameba-CyberAgent, Inc. and to Microsoft Corporation.22eine einmalige Gelegenheit, 78 Jahre Nachkriegspolitik zu verändern, bot sich gleichzeitig23It was a popular page yesterday, 2024/2/13.24It was a popular page yesterday, 2018/2/14.25As for Kishida's foolish video message, what is this all about?26Hackers set off cyber-attacks in China that steal information from Japanese government agencies.27Resend! There is another bizarre attitude that is common to all major media outlets.28日本国民全員が必視聴!!966回 看過できない岸田総理のビデオメッセージ 日本に差別?海外で暮らしてみな29It was a popular page yesterday, 2021/2/14.30再発信!多くの国民はこの法律のことを知らないだろうが、これは違憲の疑いのあるとんでもない代物だ31It was a popular page yesterday, 2019/2/14.32Top 10 real-time searches 2024/2/15, 12:2433朝日新聞の記者はあまり事実にはこだわらない。 例えば本多勝一の「中国の旅」も事実は一片もない。34Repost! China's Xi Jinping Plans to Export Corona Infections, a Terrifying Danger35un'opportunità unica nella vita di cambiare 78 anni di politica36Repost! a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change 78 years of postwar politics37初期のビートルズがドイツ遠征をしていた頃、ハンブルクは戦後の世界で最大の売春地帯だった。38It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2022/2/14.39Top 10 real-time searches 2024/2/14, 10:0040Repost! Illegal refugees are criminals who remain in the country illegally and work illegally.41For eksempel er der ikke en fnug af fakta i Honda Katsuichis "Rejser til Kina".42Aber dieser Artikel war der Artikel, der bewies, dass sie Dummköpfe waren.43It was a popular page yesterday, 2019/2/13.44For example, there is not a shred of fact in Honda Katsuichi's "Travels to China." 45Daar is byvoorbeeld nie 'n greintjie feit in Honda Katsuichi se "Reise na China" nie.46Repost!Por exemplo, não há um pingo de fato em “Viagens para a China” de Honda Katsuichi.47It was a popular page yesterday, 2021/2/18.48It was a popular page yesterday, 2018/2/13.49Top 10 real-time searches 2024/2/14, 1:0350Repost! Bogen er fuld af fakta og afklaringer om, hvorfor Korea er, som det er. « It was a popular page yeste... | トップ | It was a popular page yeste... »
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