文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The Koreans are aware of the lie, but they are happy to build comfort women

2024年10月03日 11時49分36秒 | 全般
The following is from Takayama Masayuki's serialized column at the end of today's issue of Weekly Shincho.
This article is a testament to Takayama Masayuki's unparalleled role as a journalist in the post-war era, a figure of singular importance.
This paper also proves he deserves the Nobel Prize in Literature or Peace.
It is a must-read for the Japanese and a global audience, as it addresses issues that resonate worldwide.

According to an article in the monthly magazine Themis, which was released on October 1st, the publication of the weekly Shincho is also being threatened due to the current economic downturn in the publishing industry.
What's more, the daughter of the fifth president has joined the company and is wielding power.
This daughter graduated from Keio University and joined TBS, a left-leaning company.
She hates the strongly conservative "weekly Shincho."
We may no longer be able to read Masayuki Takayama's serialized column.

The Corruption of the Newspaper Association
The word "sly" refers to a girl with a strong personality who emphasizes her cuteness but is not just a flirt.
However, the word was originally used to mean "a sneaky person who acts cool and cunningly and deceives people." 
The Asahi Shimbun newspaper is a good example.
People think that newspapers write the truth.
The Asahi Shimbun takes advantage of this by writing lies and then taking pleasure in deceiving people.
The same thing happened with the "North Korea is a paradise on earth" reports that began in the 1960s.
For the next 30 years, Asahi continued to write about "a paradise overflowing with the smiles and vitality of its people," even though they "hadn't even done any reporting" (Hiroshi Iwadare).
Sayuri Yoshinaga also sang of the joy of returning to the north in the film "A Town with a Cupola."
So, 90,000 Koreans, who were so suspicious, happily returned to hell.
A defector who survived the escape filed a lawsuit.
I thought the defendants would be Asahi and Sayuri, but it was North Korea.
Asahi reported it in a small way while suppressing laughter. 
The US fabricated the Nanking Massacre to cover up the brutality of the atomic bombings.
They said that the Japanese deserved to be punished because they were even more brutal.
When it looked like the fabrication was going to be exposed, Asahi reported that the Miyakonojo Regiment had committed the massacre.
The lie was soon exposed, but the small correction article restored the impression of the brutal Japanese. 
They also wrote that "the Japanese army used poison gas in Central China."
When the Sankei Shimbun ridiculed this lie in its paper, Asahi Shimbu's director in charge, Satake Akiyoshi, came to the Sankei and shouted, saying, "I'll crush Sankei."
The Asahi Shimbun was reputed to be written by communists and sold by the Japanese mafia.
I didn't even know that the Japanese mafia wrote it.
Asahi next hit the lie about the forced recruitment of comfort women by Seiji Yoshida.
The Koreans are aware of the lie, but they are happy to build comfort women statues all over the world and humiliate the Japanese.
Asahi stopped the comfort women lie after 30 years, taking the 2012 party leader debate opportunity. 
At the debate, Hoshi Hiroshi of Asahi asked Abe what he would do about the issue of comfort women, which has stained Japan.
Still, Abe replied, "That was Mr. Hoshi. Your Asahi is the one that spread the lies of Yoshida Seiji," and pointed out the viciousness of Asahi in return.
In a public forum, the prime minister of a country pointed out that Asahi was a fake.
Asahi could not make any excuses and had to offer up the head of its president. 
The number of copies sold has fallen to less than half, and the average salary has been cut by 4 million yen.
The hatred for Abe has reached a boiling point.
However, even if they try to destroy Abe with fabricated articles as they have done in the past, the public will no longer forgive them.
At this point, even if it means borrowing someone else's material, the chief editor, Yoshibumi Wakamiya, swore to himself that he would "destroy Abe."
In fact, the Asahi has been borrowing material as much as fabricating articles.
And they don't feel any shame about it. 
The scandal involving Norisada Mamoru of the Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office was taken from "Rumor Truth."
The mahjong gambling of the same prosecutor, Kurokawa, was taken straight from "Shukan Bunshun."
In this way, Asahi succeeded in publishing "Abe's Funeral," but the salary was not returned. 
Shortly after Mr. Abe's state funeral, the Shimbun Akahata newspaper broke the scoop that the Abe Faction and others were suspected of unreported political funding.
Hiroshi Kamiwaki, a professor at Kobe Gakuin University, spent three months investigating this allegation and filed a complaint with the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office.
As usual, the Asahi borrowed this well-known story. 
On December 1st last year, it reported that "the Abe Faction did not declare more than 100 million yen" and that "the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office's Special Investigation Unit is considering taking legal action."
However, it did not mention that the source of the information was the "Akahata" newspaper, as it had done with Norisada.
Even minor crimes become major ones when the Special Investigation Unit gets involved.
As a result, both the Abe Faction and the Kouchikai were dissolved, and the LDP disintegrated in mid-air.
A new president emerges beyond the pale of decency, but let's leave that aside.
Asahi applied to the Japan Newspaper Publishers and Editors Association for this article, which was a total lie, saying that it was a scoop that "questioned the darkness of politics through comprehensive coverage."
It won the Newspaper Association Award this year.
The president of the Newspaper Association is always the president of Asahi.
So, anything is possible.
How cunning!

2024/10/1 in Umeda


