文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The #LGBT Understanding Promotion Act is a completely pointless and dangerous bill.

2023年04月27日 08時56分16秒 | 全般

Kohyu Nishimura
The #LGBT Understanding Promotion Act is a completely pointless and dangerous bill.
It especially violates women's human rights and gender identity also endangers women's lives.
Japan has historically been a more naturally accepting culture of LGBT people, and discrimination in the West is 10 laps behind.
In this program, I talk with Daigo Matsuura, a former member of the Diet and a gay man, and Miki Okae, a transsexual woman.

Quoted tweet
The #LGBT Understanding Promotion Act will be discussed in earnest this Friday, but US Ambassador to Japan Emmanuelle told me "Decide on the LGBT law by G7!" so PM Kishida is positive and no longer in a mood to oppose it ‼️😱
We, including children, will be forced to understand our sexuality as lesbian, gay, or bi ⁉️😭


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