文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

it is different from historical facts and announced the resolution of sister city relations

2017年12月20日 17時18分01秒 | 日記

The following is the journalist Mr. Sumio Ymagiwa's article of serial column posted at the beginning of the monthly issue HANADA this month issue released today.

The sentence I emphasized in the sentence other than the heading and inserted in the sentence with the asterisk is mine.

How far can it be helpless in history warfare?


But what I would like to take up here is that in San Francisco, the image of comfort women has been made into the public property of the city.

It is at the end of November 2017.

The Mayor officially accepted the donation to the city of the image established by the Chinese Americans and cooperating with the Korean.

The third example as a comfort woman image set up at the public land in the United States (the fifth example including private property).

There are eight comfort women monuments.

To Japan's only ally, in a while although the facilities that decline Japan have proliferated so far, we cannot be calm.

It is a matter of course that Osaka City Mayor Hiroshi Hirofumi protested that it is different from historical facts and announced the resolution of sister city relations.

Prime Minister Abe said in the special Diet session, ‘The donation of the comfort women to San Francisco City was extremely regrettable without compatibility with our position and as a government we requested the mayor of San Francisco to exercise veto power,’ as he said, there was no flow already at that stage.

Immediately after the donation is accepted, Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga said, ‘I will make every effort not to happen again,’ it had no choice but to speak.

Unlike the Seoul statue, this woman's comfort woman, three women standing back to back join hands and ride on the pedestal, making another woman looks at it from a distance, recherché.

Three people are images of women in Korea, China and the Philippines, the inscription says ‘hundreds of thousands of women were made sex slaves by the former Japanese army’, ‘most died as if captured’, there is a codswallop written, such as.

This draft continues.
