文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Please prosecute her and make her pay for her crime.

2025年01月11日 18時03分08秒 | 全般
Quoting from an article in Jiji Press: "According to several students, the suspect had been causing trouble by suddenly hitting students and verbally abusing them several months ago."
No wonder the other students avoided her.

Hitting someone on the back of the head with a hammer is not an assault charge but an attempted murder charge.

This incident is a pattern of a dangerous woman who repeatedly attacked people around her in a way that made no sense being avoided by those around her, and then lashing out at those around her in a situation wherein the offender is angry at the victim.

Just because she is a foreigner, it doesn't mean she can't be prosecuted!

Please prosecute her and make her pay for her crime.
Then, please deport her and make sure she never sets foot on Japanese soil again.

It's an attempted murder charge.

At the very least, it's only fair to "keep your distance from her" at this point.

Even if there's no external injury, there will be after-effects.
Don't leave someone like this out in the open.

No matter what, don't drop the charges against her.

It's not right to be hitting people with a hammer or smiling while you're under arrest...

I can understand why she's being ignored.

It's attempted murder.

The other students kept their distance from her because she was dangerous.

I'm scared of the way she's smiling.

Even before the other students ignored her, I don't think anyone would want to get close to someone that dangerous.

No wonder she was ignored.
No one wants to get involved with a crazy person who is always upset and brandishing weapons.

My girlfriend, who goes to Hosei University, said that she was avoided (and avoided) because she was a person who would randomly lash out with abusive language and have mysterious fits and lash out.

The Japanese media should be reporting this correctly.
They shouldn't be reporting it vaguely.
I feel horror at how the media is not correctly reporting the background of the incident.

*It is clear that this incident occurred as a result of the fact that both the international community (the United Nations) and Japan have continued to ignore the anti-Japanese education in the name of Nazism that has been going on since the time of President Lee Seung-man, that is, since the end of the war.
This article was sent out to prove that the truth is not to be found in the existing media but in the world of the Internet.


