文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The most admirable person is who invented the URL and provided it for free.

2024年07月24日 23時42分26秒 | 全般

The previous chapter has demonstrated that the Internet is half good and half wrong.

So, there is no need to fete Google as the best company in the world just because it graduated from Stanford.

The most admirable person is who invented the URL and provided it for free.

The rest of the world is like the typical evil spirits of the mountains and rivers in the darkness, a world where unbelievable rogues roam about and a world of mixed rocks and stones that you would not want to be a part of if you had lived a good life.

I am resolute in my belief that, since the era of Kukai-dono, knowledge has been unevenly distributed.
A staggering 95% of people are unaware of what they should know, while another 95% are burdened with knowledge they don't need.
Only a fortunate 5% possess the right knowledge.

There must be many people, primarily online, who spend most of their day playing games and doing other things on the Internet and have yet to read any accurate articles or books they need to read.


2022/7/25 in Kyoto


