文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

They were hand in hand, smiling like the sun. They looked like two little girls.

2023年04月21日 12時42分22秒 | 全般

The following is a rough draft.
Something needs to be written as a turntable of civilization, but I'll get to that later.
"Two Girls" came to mind when I was thinking about this.
I searched Goo and Ameba.
I was really disgusted to find that both of them had suffered from the crime of search obstruction.

I say this without hesitation, but I was also disgusted to find that the stupid and low-life people in the LDP, for example, are responding to the machinations of the forces behind the LGBT bill (the anti-Japanese state and its agents, the Japanese with Anti-Japanese Ideology).
It is a common phenomenon in a world dominated by pseudo-moralism.
China, the worst dictatorship in history, continues to use and manipulate these people, knowing they are always putting up the most childish and low-skilled rhetoric possible.
The same is true of the Korean peninsula, as I have mentioned many times.

However, neighboring countries knew that China was a "black-hearted" nation.
The West had no way of knowing until I appeared on the scene as the "turntable of civilization."
Some time long ago, I was a frequent visitor to the Expo Park.
One day, the National Museum of Ethnology, founded by the late Tadao Umesao, was holding a major retrospective of his work.
Until then, I was as unaware as I had ever been of the true identity of China.
The world, especially the West, had no idea of China's true identity until I appeared on the scene.
The disgust at the beginning of this article is brought about by "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies."
It is the same as the progress of the "turntable of civilization" that has been turning in Japan has been brought to a grinding halt by the relentless attacks from the  "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies" countries.
It is the same situation as the progress of the turntable of civilization has been stalled by the ongoing manipulations of China and the Korean Peninsula on the international stage and by the Japanese with Anti-Japanese Ideology and Westerners with Anti-Japanese Ideas who are sympathetic to these manipulations. 
The result is an unstable and dangerous situation.
As I have mentioned, the result is an unstable and highly unsafe world today.

Google may have been unaware of what was going on, but the fact that it has allowed this rogue crime to continue unchecked from June 2011 until today is a significant factor in the state of the world today.
As a result,
So, we continue to be played by China in the most childish manner possible.
*Climate change = emissions trading, decarbonization, SDGs, EV cars, solar panels, wind power.

It is the work of those who have graduated from the University of Tokyo with honors in entrance examinations.
In a world of 8 billion people, I am the only one who can write a flash of brilliance against this phenomenon and point out their stupidity.

In May 2011, I was diagnosed with a "25% chance of living" and was hospitalized in an emergency room...I spent eight months in the hospital until I was completely healed.
I was the only one who could tell the world.
I realized it right away in the hospital room.

The offender mentioned above even used my first pen name on Twitter.
I changed it to my current name, Haruo Nara, out of desperation.
Immediately, this criminal started using the name Haruo Nara on Facebook.
Neither Twitter nor Facebook took any action against me.
That's probably true.
It is no exaggeration to say that these two companies have been the most significant contributors to the ongoing manipulations in the international community by the nations of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies."
So, I removed my original pen name, Kenji Akutagawa, from Goo as much as possible.
It was an even bigger hassle to do it on Ameba, so I left Ameba as it was.
So, the "Two Girls" on Ameba is copywritten with my original pen name at the end.

Two Girls.
August 19, 2010

This morning, I rode a cab down the same street as usual.

Only recently did I learn that there was a so-called "public housing complex" in this location near a prestigious area in Osaka.

Since I have been involved in the real estate business, I was surprised that I had never heard of it until now.

The monument to Japan's miraculously rapid postwar recovery is a low-rise, reinforced concrete house in a prime location.

Between them, a petite old lady and her equally old daughter.

They were walking toward a car waiting for them on the road, specializing in elderly care.

They were hand in hand, smiling like the sun.

They looked like two little girls.

Famous or unknown, it doesn't matter.

Real happiness, real happiness that you can't find in Tokyo.

This morning, these two girls taught me.


2023/4/17, in Byōdō-in


