文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Re-send!South Korea can no longer take an attitude after ex-PM Abe's strategic neglect.

2023年03月05日 10時28分18秒 | 全般

This chapter had suffered a crime of search obstruction.

The following is from a tweet by Mr. Ryusho Kadota that we just discovered.
South Korea can no longer take an attitude after ex-PM Abe's "strategic neglect.
But according to Kyodo, the Kishida administration has reiterated its apology for the past by resolving the issue of the self-proclaimed "consignees" and plans to "resolve the issue as a package," including export controls to South Korea.
I am stunned.
Many lawmakers have been wagging their tails at the Kochikai administration, which has had no pride since July 8.
Japan in terminal phase


