For some reason, I can't help but remember January 17, 1995, which was probably the day I left the biggest regret of my life. This has influenced my work and that of GRA.
『 静かな夜明け / Silent Dawn 』
1月17日、夜明け前、何故か目が覚めてしまい、うつろに時を過ごして、時計を見れば 5時45分。あの日と同じ様に、30年経っても、記憶は消し切れていません。
On January 17th, before dawn, I woke up for some reason, and I looked at the clock and saw that it was 5:45. Just like that day, even after 30 years, the memory has not been erased.
Not knowing what had happened that day, I waited patiently for the dawn, scraping through piles of fallen furniture and books, stepping outside and looking around. What I remember is that there was no sign of people or birds, let alone human voices, and even one ant was quietly hiding.
In the meantime, I was preparing to go to work at my place of work in Umeda, Osaka. I went from my home in Kobe, which was completely destroyed, to check the damage situation at my place of work, to check the status of the warehouse where the products were stored, and to be ready to respond to orders from customers. Naturally, I knew that it would be difficult to use public transportation, so I decided to go there using a motorcycle and yellow broth that I had finished for competition at the time.
『 後悔の光景 / The Spectacle of Regret 』
途中、崩壊した高架道路から転落したトラックの荷台から、搭載していた果物を盗んでいる 50歳ぐらいの女性を間近で見ましたが、注意すらできませんでした。そして、それ以上に悔いが残っているのは、数多くの民家が建ち並んでいた地域の路地を走っている時の事でした。夜明けから数えて僅か 2人目の男性が、一階が崩れ落ちた 民家の 2階の屋根に立ち、大きな声で叫んでいる光景を観たのです。通り過ぎてから考えてみれば、きっと、1階に取り残された人を救助する為に、2階の屋根瓦を壊して、救助ルートを作っている最中だったのに違いありません。でも、その時の僕は、ただ、出勤する事しか頭になかったのです。
Normally, I continued to drive alone on the road where many cars were running. The road was blocked by fallen houses in many places, and there were large steps at the joints, but I took advantage of the mobility unique to motorcycles to ride over the block wall that had fallen on the road and just kept running to my place of work.
On the way, I saw a woman of about 50 years old stealing the fruit she was carrying from the bed of a truck that had fallen from a collapsed overpass, but I couldn't even pay attention. And what I regret even more than that was when I was running through the alleys in the area where many private houses were lined up. Only a second man counted from dawn saw a man standing on the roof of the second floor of a private house whose first floor had collapsed, shouting loudly. If you think about it after passing by, you must have been in the process of destroying the roof tiles on the second floor and creating a rescue route in order to rescue the people who were stranded on the first floor. But at that time, all I could think about was going to work.
『 言い訳 / Excuses 』
毎日の食糧を手に入れるためだとか、1995年からの開催を予定していた、全国各地を転戦して年間ポイントを競うシリーズ戦・『ジムカーナ グランプリ』を始めとするイベントを開催するには、全壊した神戸では出来ないという「言い訳」もありましたが、どちらにしても、大きな後悔が残り続けている事に違いはありません。
The more I remember it, the more I regret it. For several months after that day, I rode my motorcycle to work every day, and although I had easy access to a lot of food and water, I don't think I did anything to help my neighbors and those who were struggling with their daily lives.
If necessary, I could have used the mobility of my motorcycle to rush to people seeking help, and I could have taken time off from my place of work, where there was no damage, to help people who could not wait for the government's support activities that had been delayed, but I rode my motorcycle to work full-time every day.
There were "excuses" that it would not be possible to hold events such as the "Gymkhana Grand Prix," a series of races that were scheduled to be held in 1995 and that were scheduled to be held in 1995, but either way, there is no doubt that there is still a great deal of regret.
『 あの日があったからこそ / Because of THat Day 』
If I were to encounter the same disaster now, I would definitely not act in the same way as I did that day. Even if a disaster does not occur, we will never overlook people in similar circumstances in the same scene. There is no doubt that it is because of such regrets that I am where I am today. From now on, as long as this body moves, I will continue to live every day, facing people head-on.
NPO法人 GRA代表 小林 裕之
NPO GRA Representative Hiroyuki Kobayashi
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