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看板デザイン案のお知らせ / Report on the Sign Design proposal

2024-09-04 21:29:11 | GRA活動の案内

引っ越してから 13ヶ月、構想 約10ヶ月、中断期間を挟んで、ようやく 看板のデザイン案が固まりました。既に、看板用の架台は完成していて、オレンジ色の 看板用の板も完成していますので、後は 出力して貼り付けるだけです。( 大きさは 横 690 × 縦 590 ㎜ )

After 13 months since we moved, about 10 months of planning, and a break, we have finally solidified the design proposal for the sign. The stand for the sign is already complete, and the orange sign board is also complete, so all that's left is to print it out and stick it on. (Size: 690mm wide x 590mm long)  


Once it's complete, it will help users of the "Bring-in Repair" project at Yokai Garage to avoid getting lost, and if a Street View photographer from GuruGuru takes a picture of it, it might even have a promotional effect. We're looking forward to it.


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