先日、発表した “クイズ” に寄せられた回答の集計結果をお知らせします。
オートバイの前後タイヤに掛かっている「荷重の合計は一定か?」という “クイズ” でしたが、出題方法が良くなかったのか、寄せられた回答は 3件に留まりました。しかし、それぞれに興味深い回答でしたので、ぜひ、ご覧ください。
We are pleased to announce the results of the responses to the "quiz" we published the other day. The "quiz" was about the "load" on the front and rear tires of a motorcycle, and the responses were all very interesting, so please take a look.
GRA's proposed approach to "load" will be explained in a Q&A article titled "About Load Transfer" soon, so please look forward to that as well. We will continue to provide quizzes and surveys, so we look forward to your participation.
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