This is a quiz about the “Load” that determines the amount of “Grip Force”. Please let us know your answers.
【 クイズ / Quiz 】
When riding on a level road at a constant speed, as shown in the figure below, the combined weight of the motorcycle and rider is divided and applied as a "load" to the front and rear tire contact surfaces.
So, as long as the combined weight of the motorcycle and rider does not change, is the total "load" applied to the front and rear tires always constant?
〇 回答は、【 回答フォーム 】を使って教えてください
〇 記名やメールアドレス等の記入は一切必要ありません
〇 回答期限は 9月14日までで、一人一回限りですが、送信後の修正は可能です
〇 集計結果は、後日、改めて発表します
【 回答フォーム / Answer Form 】 ・・ https://forms.gle/JgshuuBpxh84HCbG8
■ Please tell us your answer using the [ Answer Form ].
■ No name or e-mail address is required.
■ Responses are due by September 14, and only one response per person will be accepted.
■ The results of the survey will be announced at a later date.
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