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2024年12月12日 | 国際・政治






 イランの最高指導者ハメネイ氏は、シリアの出来事は、アメリカ合州国とイスラエル政権が首謀したとして、下記のように述べてたことを「国営イラン通信( Islamic Republic News Agency)」が伝えています。



国営イラン通信( Islamic Republic News Agency











彼は続けて、アメリカは、この地域に足場を築くことができず、レジスタンス戦線によって、この地域から追放されるだろうと述べた。水曜日、様々な階層の何千人もの人々を前にして、アヤトラ・ハ ハメネイは、「この結論について疑いの余地を残さない兆候がある」と付け加えた。・・・”(機械翻訳)

Supreme Leader: What happened in Syria was result of joint US-Israeli plot - IRNA English

Supreme Leader: What happened in Syria was result of joint US-Israeli plot

Tehran, IRNA - Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has said that the events unfolding in Syria had been masterminded by the United States and the Israeli regime.

Speaking to thousands of people from various walks of life on Wednesday, Ayatollah Khamenei stated, “There should be no doubt that what happened in Syria was the result of a joint American-Zionist plot.”

The Supreme Leader underlined that while a neighboring country played a visible role in the developments, the primary conspirators and strategists are based in the US and Israel.

Yes, a neighboring state of Syria clearly played a role in this matter and continues to do so — everyone can see that,” he said. “But the main conspirator, the main planner, and the command center lie in America and the Zionist regime.”

Ayatollah Khamenei added, “We have indications that leave no room for doubt about this conclusion.”

He also reassured the audience of the future of the Resistance Front, saying, “By God’s grace, the scope of the Resistance will encompass the entire region more than ever.”

This is what the Resistance Front is,” he asserted, adding, “The more pressure you apply, the stronger it becomes; the more crimes you commit, the more motivated it becomes; the more you fight them, the more expanded it becomes.”

Ayatollah Khamenei dismissed as “ignorant” those analysts who argue that the Islamic Republic of Iran will become weaker as a result of the recent developments.

I tell you that By God’s grace, Iran is strong and powerful and will become more powerful,” he added.

The Supreme Leader further expressed optimism about Syria’s future, stating, “By God’s grace, the occupied territories in Syria will be liberated by the brave Syrian youth. Do not doubt that this will happen. The US will also be expelled from the region by the Resistance Front.”

He highlighted the differing objectives of those involved in the Syrian conflict, noting, “Some seek territorial occupation in northern or southern Syria, while the US aims to secure its foothold in the region. These are their goals, but time will prove that God willing, none of these objectives will be achieved.”

The US, he went on to say, will not be able to establish a foothold in the region and will be expelled from the region by the Resistance Front. ・・・”

 それを裏づけるような情報を、CNNが伝えています。Israel strikes Syria 480 times and seizes territory as Netanyahu pledges to change face of the Middle East | CNN










The collapse of the Assad regime has prompted a punishing military response from Israel, which has launched airstrikes at military targets across Syria and deployed ground troops both into and beyond a demilitarized buffer zone for the first time in 50 years.


The Israeli military on Tuesday said it had carried out about 480 strikes across the country over the past two days, hitting most of Syria’s strategic weapon stockpiles, while Defense Minister Israel Katz said the Israeli navy had destroyed the Syrian fleet overnight, hailing the operation as “a great success.”


Just a day earlier, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had hailed the collapse of Bashar al-Assad’s regime as “a new and dramatic chapter.”


The collapse of the Syrian regime is a direct result of the severe blows with which we have struck Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran,” he said during a rare press conference Monday. “The axis has not yet disappeared but as I promised – we are changing the face of the Middle East.”


Israeli officials have reveled in the downfall of Assad, a staunch ally of Iran who allowed his country to be used as a resupply route for Hezbollah in Lebanon. But they also fear what could come from radical Islamists governing Syria, which borders Israel in the occupied Golan Heights.


Foreign Minister Gideon Sa’ar told journalists on Monday that Israel was bombing Syrian military facilities housing chemical weapons stocks and long-range missiles to prevent them from falling “into the hands of extremists.”


With regard to what will be in the future, I’m not a prophet,” he said. “It is important right now to take all necessary steps in the context of the security of Israel.”






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