線図 diagram と機構 mechanism
The Oxford Paperback Dictionary(Hawkins, Joyce M. compiled 1979. )によれば、diagramとは、「a drawing that shows the parts of something or how it works」(p.170)とある。「何かの部分、または何かが働く仕方を示す線絵画」である。drawingは狭義の、つまりdrawingとは区別される絵画 pictureに、たとえば線を重ねれば絵画になねのだろうか?。
同じ辞書によれば、drawingは「a picture etc drawn but not coloured」(p.189)とある。そして、drawの9番目の意味は「to produce a picture or diagram by making marks on a surface」(p.189)とある。で、markは「1. something that visibly breaks the uniformity of a surface, especially one that spoils its appearance. 〔略〕5. a written or printed symbol」(p.389)とある。
paintとは、「n. colouring-matter for applying in liquid form to a surface. v. 1. to coat or decorate with paint. 2. to make a picture or portray by using paint(s). 」(p.455)とある。paintingは、「a painted picture」(p.455)である。
symbolとは、「1. a thing regarded as suggesting something or embodying certain characteristics, _the cross is the symbol of christianity; the lion is the symbol of courage. 2. mark or sign with a special meaning, such as mathematical signs (e.g. + and − for addition and subtraction), puntuation marks, written or printed forms of notes in music.」(p.666)である。
「technique n. the method of doing or performing something (especially in an art or science9, skill in this.」(p.675)。
「technology n. 1. the scientific study of mechanical arts and applied sciences (e.g. engineering). 2. these subjects, their practical application in industry etc.」(p.675)。
William Bechtel (2006) "Discovering Cell Mechanisms" のIndex によると、
diagrams of mechanisms 34-38, 40, 62
なお、Bechtel(2006: vii)の目次では第2章は次の通り。
2. Explaning Cellular Phenomena through Mecganisms p.19
2.1. Histroical Conceptions of Mechanism p.20
2.2. Twentieth-Century Conceptions of Mechanism p.24
2.3. Current Conceptions of Mechanism p.26
Mechanisms Explain Phenomena p.27
Component Parts and Component Operations p.30
Organization and Orchestration p.32
2.4. Representing and Reasoning about Mechanisms p.33
2.5. Levels of Organization and Reduction p.40
2.6. Organization: From Cartesian to Biological Mechanisms p.44
2.7. Discovering and Testing Models of Mechanisms p.54
Identifying Working Parts p.55
Identifying Component Operations p.57
Localizing Operations in Parts p.60
Testing Models of Mechanisms p.61
2.8. Conclusion p.62
□ 文献 □
Bechtel, W. 2006. Discovering Cell Mechanisms: the Creation of Modern Cell Biology. xii+323pp. Cambridge University Press. [B20081105]
Hawkins, Joyce M. compiled 1979. The Oxford Paperback Dictionary. viii+770pp. Oxford University Press. [B19790817]
線図 diagram と機構 mechanism
The Oxford Paperback Dictionary(Hawkins, Joyce M. compiled 1979. )によれば、diagramとは、「a drawing that shows the parts of something or how it works」(p.170)とある。「何かの部分、または何かが働く仕方を示す線絵画」である。drawingは狭義の、つまりdrawingとは区別される絵画 pictureに、たとえば線を重ねれば絵画になねのだろうか?。
同じ辞書によれば、drawingは「a picture etc drawn but not coloured」(p.189)とある。そして、drawの9番目の意味は「to produce a picture or diagram by making marks on a surface」(p.189)とある。で、markは「1. something that visibly breaks the uniformity of a surface, especially one that spoils its appearance. 〔略〕5. a written or printed symbol」(p.389)とある。
paintとは、「n. colouring-matter for applying in liquid form to a surface. v. 1. to coat or decorate with paint. 2. to make a picture or portray by using paint(s). 」(p.455)とある。paintingは、「a painted picture」(p.455)である。
symbolとは、「1. a thing regarded as suggesting something or embodying certain characteristics, _the cross is the symbol of christianity; the lion is the symbol of courage. 2. mark or sign with a special meaning, such as mathematical signs (e.g. + and − for addition and subtraction), puntuation marks, written or printed forms of notes in music.」(p.666)である。
「technique n. the method of doing or performing something (especially in an art or science9, skill in this.」(p.675)。
「technology n. 1. the scientific study of mechanical arts and applied sciences (e.g. engineering). 2. these subjects, their practical application in industry etc.」(p.675)。
William Bechtel (2006) "Discovering Cell Mechanisms" のIndex によると、
diagrams of mechanisms 34-38, 40, 62
なお、Bechtel(2006: vii)の目次では第2章は次の通り。
2. Explaning Cellular Phenomena through Mecganisms p.19
2.1. Histroical Conceptions of Mechanism p.20
2.2. Twentieth-Century Conceptions of Mechanism p.24
2.3. Current Conceptions of Mechanism p.26
Mechanisms Explain Phenomena p.27
Component Parts and Component Operations p.30
Organization and Orchestration p.32
2.4. Representing and Reasoning about Mechanisms p.33
2.5. Levels of Organization and Reduction p.40
2.6. Organization: From Cartesian to Biological Mechanisms p.44
2.7. Discovering and Testing Models of Mechanisms p.54
Identifying Working Parts p.55
Identifying Component Operations p.57
Localizing Operations in Parts p.60
Testing Models of Mechanisms p.61
2.8. Conclusion p.62
□ 文献 □
Bechtel, W. 2006. Discovering Cell Mechanisms: the Creation of Modern Cell Biology. xii+323pp. Cambridge University Press. [B20081105]
Hawkins, Joyce M. compiled 1979. The Oxford Paperback Dictionary. viii+770pp. Oxford University Press. [B19790817]