美術館 art museum - 2「ボストン美術館の至宝展」Great Collectors: Masterpieces from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

2017年08月20日 | 日記
ルーラン夫人 顔が黄色い

Mrs. Luran
Your face is so yellow
Oh, Gogh

色々見て「ゴッホ」コーナーに至ったとき、意外なことに思ったより人だかりがなかったので良かった(ラッキー!)と思いました。そしていよいよ初めてのゴッホ…ゴッホだ…ゴッホ……の絵とご対面! ワクワクドキドキ見始めて…から、徐々にこみあげてくる感動! …というよりは、「え? マジ?」みたいな、何て言ったらいいんでしょう…「え何これツッコミたい」のような、色々と細かく「ゴッホの絵」を見ていくうちに「え何これなんでやん?」とツッコミたいっ感覚に変わっていくのでした。(つづく)


It was the first time to see Gogh's paintings since I was born. I didn't think so, but it was. It was like ... I was really shocked by Gogh.
( "Great Collectors: Masterpieces from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston" has two of Gogh's paintings, "Portrait of the Postman Joseph Roulin" and "His wife". )
Well, I was also excited with Iccho Hanabusa, his work, Nehan-zu(a image of recumbent Buhdda), but honestly Gogh's.
when I arrived at the place where I could see Gogh's, there was no many people. I thought it was lucky enough, I could see his paintings as much as l liked. Let's go, it's the first time for me to see Gogh's......Gogh's......Gogh's...... I was off course excited with them, I thought that I would have been impressed very much by them......but. How can I explain about my feelings for his paintings... Honestly, I don't think he was good at painting the same as Monet. I found many (funny) things that I'd like to tell you. (To be continued)

I borrowed two photos from Museum of Fine Arts Boston.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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