
It's a convenient store
Seven eleven
Even a crow comes from the sky
何してるん? って、なんかを物色してるんですよね? コンビニ弁当の食べ残しか食べこぼしか…。まそれならいいか(?)。その代わり近くのスズメたちは食わんように。ね。
What are you doing? It might be searching something, such as table scraps or the leftovers from the shop. It shouldn't be bad(?). Instead of that, not to eat sparrows around there.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.

It's a convenient store
Seven eleven
Even a crow comes from the sky
何してるん? って、なんかを物色してるんですよね? コンビニ弁当の食べ残しか食べこぼしか…。まそれならいいか(?)。その代わり近くのスズメたちは食わんように。ね。
What are you doing? It might be searching something, such as table scraps or the leftovers from the shop. It shouldn't be bad(?). Instead of that, not to eat sparrows around there.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.