We are singing
It depends on places
We are in
いるところに行けば、チュン聴ける。と、学んだ日。建物に連なっているのは、全員が一つのグループ員なんでしょうか? こんな感じにたくさん見るのは久しぶりで、ウレチュンでした。
最初にスズメたちに気付いたのはこちらのコーン周り。アリンコでも食ってたんでしょうか? あっと気付いてアイホン向けるとホボ同時くらいにスズメたちにも気付かれてあっチュン間に飛び立ってしまいました。相変わらずのチュン飛び(?)、天晴れでした。
When I go there where sparrows are, I can hear their songs and tweet. I learnt this natural rule(?) on that day. There were many sparrows in the line at the edge of the building. I guess that they were in one group. I haven't seen such many sparrows at a time, I was happy with that.
At the beginning, I found some sparrows around the pylon, I was wondering if they were eating ants something. It happened the same time, I photographed them and they flew off. They are really good at running away!
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
We are singing
It depends on places
We are in
いるところに行けば、チュン聴ける。と、学んだ日。建物に連なっているのは、全員が一つのグループ員なんでしょうか? こんな感じにたくさん見るのは久しぶりで、ウレチュンでした。
最初にスズメたちに気付いたのはこちらのコーン周り。アリンコでも食ってたんでしょうか? あっと気付いてアイホン向けるとホボ同時くらいにスズメたちにも気付かれてあっチュン間に飛び立ってしまいました。相変わらずのチュン飛び(?)、天晴れでした。
When I go there where sparrows are, I can hear their songs and tweet. I learnt this natural rule(?) on that day. There were many sparrows in the line at the edge of the building. I guess that they were in one group. I haven't seen such many sparrows at a time, I was happy with that.
At the beginning, I found some sparrows around the pylon, I was wondering if they were eating ants something. It happened the same time, I photographed them and they flew off. They are really good at running away!
*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.