オサンポ take a walk - スーパーマリオ super mario bros.

2015年02月18日 | 日記

Mario is standing
In the cold wind
At the flowerpot

植木鉢の中でマリオ。よく見る植木をデコする長い串の付いていて、土に挿して飾って楽しむクマちゃん、とかの仲間では無さそう。道の落としモノを拾って置いたのかしら? という風情。マリオは何をしているところなんすかね。「行くぞ~」的な?
I found that Mario in the flowerpot. We could see some small decorations in flowerpots which have long sticks at the bottom of them then we can stick into the soil. I don't think that Mario is not like them. Someone would have picked up it then put on it. Anyway, what is Mario doing? He might say, "Let's go"(?).
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オサンポ take a walk - ぶた③ pig no.3

2015年02月17日 | 日記

The pig No.3
The school children
Might take care of the flowerbed

小学校や中学校の周りを歩いていると、時々そこの学校のコドモたちが、周辺の植木を手入れしたり、植木鉢を置いたりしているんだろーなーという気配を目にすることがありますね。写真の「ぶた③」もそーでしょうか? この街路樹の植え込みに、「名前と番号」を振って管理しているのか…、この植え込みを管理しているのが「ぶた③」班、ですよ、と言うことなのか…。小さな謎に考えを巡らしながらオサンポするのは楽しいですね。
When we walk around primary schools and junior schools, we would sometime find flowerpots or flowerbeds on footpaths, and plants seem, they might have been took care by some school children. In the picture, you can find 「ぶた③」, ぶた(buta) is big. I guess, the children named and gave the number this flowerbed, or, the team has a name of PIG 3, they take care of this flowerbed. I'm really enjoying during walking, thinking about the mystery.
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オサンポ take a walk - ミニ葉牡丹 little leaf button

2015年02月16日 | 日記

That little leaf button
Is flowering in February
It makes the land colourful

"大地"ってチト大袈裟っすけどね。今の時期、パンジー、ミニ白ギク(不知名前ッス) と並んでアチコチで見掛けますね。花のよーで花でなく、でも何とも言えない可愛いらしさ(まるいから?)、ありますね。写真で見ると三つのミニ葉牡丹の上の方にピコっと出ている三つのムラサキの、葉?は何でしょう? オマケ? 別の種類のミニ葉牡丹? 何でしょーか?
I call it "the land", it would be exaggerated. Nowadays, we can see many pansies, little ( spray ) ( white ) chrysanthemums and little leaf buttons ( also leaf buttons ). It's not flower but looks like flower, it's rounded, lovely. In the picture, you can find three violet leaves over three little leaf buttons. What are they? Are they belong to the three?? Or the other kind of ones??
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オサンポ take a walk - 梅 Japanese plum

2015年02月15日 | 日記

Even it's so freezing
It has red flowers
They've got sunshine

寒いぞ~ 風強いぞ~。今日はオカンと落語デー。チケット当たって行って来まスた。オチナイと落語じゃない? そんでモッテご近所に今風カフェをいっぺんに二件もド発見。ビックシ!の日デございました。
It's so freezing and a strong wind today. I went to see Rakugo with my mum, as we've got the tickets.
I was keen to have a nice cafe near my house, I found two ! today. Hooray!

If you have no idea with Rakugo, you could visit at http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rakugo
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - cat food

2015年02月14日 | 日記

I have nothing about stories
For my blog
So that write cat food

ウチにいる二匹の猫のウチ、玉吉君はニャンでも食べるのですが、元気君は偏食家。あれヤダこれヤダと、ニンゲンを立派に使いこなしています。見習わなければ。日本で生まれ育っているハズなのに、サカナ系よりチキン系がお好み。ニャンで? チキン系はあまり売ってニャイんだぞ~。探すのが大変ニャんだぞ~。でも飢えさせるワケにはいかニャイので、今日も寒風の中に身を晒す。ああ、そー言うお猫様にワタシもニャりたい。
We have two cats, Tamakichi eats anything but Genki wouldn't eat anything, he choses what he eats. He is good at using us. He was glowing up in Japan, but he likes chicken. In Japan, we don't have variety chicken taste of cat food, each companies has a few products. Fish tastes are many. It's not easy to buy "chicken tastes", but we have to feed him. I have to go out to buy them even it's so freezing outside... I wish I were him.
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オサンポ take a walk - 小鳥 tomtits

2015年02月13日 | 日記

The tree in winter
Many birds gathered
But then flied

When I was walking on the footpath, I noticed some little birds were singing over my head. I looked around, then I found many birds were on the tree on the small hill. ( it might have been sparrow ) Oh, when I would have took a photo, many of them flied. Wow. I was quite far from the tree. They were so quickness. They must be, otherwise they would be easy to be eaten. I've learn about that today.
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オサンポ take a walk - 「しだれ桜」weeping cherry

2015年02月12日 | 日記

The weeping cherry must wait
For spring
I try to understand her feeling

I think that as for cherry blossom, it is just "spring" of season. As for human beings, we have lots of meanings of "spring" not only just one of seasons. There is a saying, if winter comes, can spring be far behind? I say to myself everyday, go for it, go for it, go for it... have to keep on going until spring comes.
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オサンポ take a walk - 横断旗 traversing flag

2015年02月11日 | 日記

It wouldn't go straight
It happens

時々通っている道なのに、そこに何があるか気付いていないことも多い…と言うことを実感した「空あり」ですが、この「横断旗」もそうかも知れません。「へぇ?」と思ってそしてよーく周りを見回すと、道の対角線上に「横断旗」と「横断旗入」が (写真だと向かって左側の中程の辺りに黄色くポチッとあるのがそーです。小さ過ぎて見えないかも知れませんが…) あるのに気付きました。「おお?」そうです。道の反対側に渡るだけではだめで、渡って渡って行かないとイケナイんです。人生もそうかも知れません。一回渡るダケじゃ行き着けないところへは、「渡って渡って」行くんじゃ…。そう思うことにシヨウ。
I walk on this road but I haven't noticed where something was... This time is also. One day, I found the traversing flags in the box at the road. I looked around there, I also found the other box over the road diagonally. Oh. I thought we use those flags just cross the road, it's not. Cross and cross. I think that our lives are also, we can't go straight to a target even if we would like to do so. Cross then cross. We would need to do it sometimes ... or always. But anyway, if we finally reached somewhere, it would not be bad.
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日乗 diary - 桜 Japanese cherry

2015年02月10日 | 日記

The Japanese cherry
Has got the morning sun
Is standing alone

It's cold today, too! I have to go to work anyway. When I nearly get depressed, I always look at natures. They live naturally...well, yes, they do but I mean, you know, how much difficult we live "naturally". I always try to do that, even it's not easy. But never give up. I try to find their "moments", to learn their natural.
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美術館 museum - 黒田記念館 KURODA Memorial Hall

2015年02月09日 | 日記

The entrance fee is free
So that I went there


I've read this museum at Ueno in Tokyo is free in the newspaper. I visited at it by chance, when I went to Tokyo. The building is small, the paintings are also not many. There is the special room which just is opened for limited time offer. There are the video library, the souvenir shop, and the cafe is next to the building. The building is old, nice designed, and the paintings produced good atmosphere. It's free. I thought that there is rich.
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