オサンポ take a walk - 「冬の花火」the fireworks in winter

2015年02月08日 | 日記

Those pine trees look
like kind of fireworks
In winter evening

この松の木の枝々を、冬の夕暮れを背景にして見ると線香花火に似ているなぁ、とふと思いました。題して「冬の花火」、ってそのまんまじゃん、と、あれでも何かどこかで聞いたことあるよーな…、小説のタイトルとか? って思ってネットで検索してみると、何と太宰治の戯曲作品にこのタイトルが。へぇ。読んだことないです。いつどこで聞いてたのかしらん。
I thought the title for the photo was "The fireworks in winter". It just was, oh, I thought I could have known this title for something a novel, I checked it on the website, I find out the tile for one of Osamu Dazai’s works. Oh, I haven't read it, when and how I knew it...
( Osamu Dazai is one of novelists in Japan. If you are interested in, you could visit at http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osamu_Dazai )
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オサンポ take a walk - 「空」あり there is the sky

2015年02月07日 | 日記

There has been the sky
Did you know
Or you didn't know

I walk on this road sometimes so that I must have seen this signboard. The signboard had two meanings, there are car in spaces and there is the sky. This time, it means for "car", but today, I understood it for "sky". I don't know why... I was like being s poet.
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ホンヨミ Book-loving 「田舎教師」a teacher in the countryside

2015年02月06日 | 日記

Katai Tayama
He lived in Meiji period
Wrote the book

だいぶ前に一度読んで(読んでるハズ!) 、捨てる前にもう一度読もうと読み始めると、「こんな話だったっけ」と細かいエピソードは覚えておらず。最初少し物語の世界に馴染むのに時間がかかりましたが、読み進めていくうちに自然描写が何とも豊かなことに気付くと、登場人物たちのことも頭に入ってくるようになりました。しかし主人公の林清三君が物語の最後どうなるか、チッとも覚えてなくってその事実の方に衝撃を受ける始末。コレ、普通ですかね?
I reread the book of a teacher in the countryside. ( wrote by Katai Tayama, if you are interested in, you could visit at http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katai_Tayama) I read it at least once, but I don't remember any details. In the beginning, it was a bit difficult to get into the story, but when I found that the author was good at describing the details of natures, I got into it. I completely forgot the ending of story, the mail character, Seizo Hayashi, who is going to be, I was shocked. Is it common??
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ホンヨミ Book-loving 「犬たちの明治維新」about the dogs in Japan in the past

2015年02月05日 | 日記

When I read the book
I cried a little
About the dogs

明治前明治後で犬たちの扱いが大きく変わったそうです。現代とは異なる感覚で持って接していたんですなぁ。生活様式や社会の構造が全然違うので、そういうところからも感覚が違ってくるんでしょーか。江戸時代ピープルが今の「お犬様」の様子をご覧になったらどう思うんでしょう? ぜひ訊いてみたいっす。
Our society had big changed before Edo period and after Meiji period around 120 years ago. About how to treat dogs, had also changed. Our society of system and lifestyle were different from the present time, so that it must have been also different. Nowadays, Japanese people, we treat dogs like our children as members of our family. I would like to ask the people of Edo period, what do they think about that?
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日乗 diary - 八重洲ブックセンター 二宮金次郎 Kinjiro Ninomiya at Yaesu Book Centre

2015年02月04日 | 日記
新築 なっても

Yaesu Book Centre
Has a new building
There is still Kinjiro Ninomiya

チョット前に東京駅に行った時に、八重洲ブックセンターが新しいビルになっててビツクリしました。見上げるとガラス窓が多く使われていて現代風。しかし足元を見つめると出入り口側に「二宮金次郎」さんが。(ネットでチョット調べたら、1枚¥100の金箔を貼れるとか何とか) (由来をお知りになりたい方はご自分で) 「器が新しくなっても、根っこの部分は忘れない」とか? って像の前を通り過ぎる時はそんな風に考えたりしたんですが、会長が建てたモノだから粗末にデキンみたいなトコもあるのかしら~とか、後から考えました。
When I went to around Tokyo station, I was surprised Yaesu Book Centre had a new building. It had many glass windows, modern designed. When I looked at the entrance, there was the statue of Kinjiro Ninomiya ( if you are interested in, you could visit at http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninomiya_Sontoku ). I checked about him a little bit on some websites. The boss of company set him there. Before I knew it, I thought that even the building became new, we never forgot our original policy, something like that. But it wouldn't be... (?).
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日乗 diary - 側溝 side ditch

2015年02月03日 | 日記

The water come out
Over the hole of side ditch
There are also falling leaves

いや~しかし、昨日の夜人生の中で一番の、あり得ない腹痛を経験しました。波状腹痛って言うんすか、痛いマックスに行っては沈静化するという…。トイレに二回行き、最後は夕飯ホボホボ嘔吐で、それで何とか痛みが少し余韻を残しながら去って行き…その過程で眠気が勝って寝てしまう…でした。朝起きたらあのあり得ない痛みはどこへやら? 復活出来て良かったですが、夢でない証拠は洗面台にチョビこびり付いてた嘔吐物。いやはや、こんなことってあるんすね。食当たり? いや~ビックリひっくりです(まだ驚き動揺の余韻が…)。
I thought it was interesting that side ditch. It had falling leaves on around the holes. I know, the water just came out of the holes with them, and left them. It was in order in the line, it made me funny a bit. Don't you think so?
By the way, I got terrible pain on my stomach last night. It was the first time I had such a extreme painful case. The pain was wavelike, got into max then calmed down. It did again many times. I went to the bathroom twice. During that time, I prayed Gods. Any Gods. Please help me. In Japan, we have many kind of Gods. Finally, I felt sick, I vomited nearly all of my dinner. But after that, I felt better then getting to fall in a sleep with some pain but it's going out. When I woke up this morning, I was OK. What happened to me last night? What was it? I disagreed with some foods?? I felt strange. But it was truly happened. I found something a little on the wash-basin that it came out of my stomach... Oh my God. Anyway, it should be OK, because I'm OK ( seem ... ) now. Then I'm going to work now.
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日乗 diary - 寒~い cold

2015年02月02日 | 日記
皆 同じよ

Monday morning
If it is cold, it is hard
We are the same

When I work from Monday to Friday, Saturday and Sunday are off. During the two days, I nearly forget I have to work again from Monday. I'm not sure if I could do. Anyway... The photo above is taken last Friday in Tokyo, it's snowing a little only early morning. We are going to have snow in the middle of this week, the broadcast said. I hope it will not snow in early morning because the trains would have some problems with snowing.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 公園猫 a cat in the park

2015年02月01日 | 日記

The cat is meowing
I'm walking around with the cat
In the park

I don't take the photo today, the other day. I believe that the cat would be also fine today. As for me, human beings, it's a bit difficult to get out of house when there is a strong wind outside.

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