5月にドイツのハンブルクで開催されるハンブルク日本映画祭での上映が決定した山森 洋さんが監督主演をされている映画『約束』、縁あって英語翻訳字幕作成をさせてもらうことになりました。
This is the Official Trailer of the film titled "Promise in the Palm" which was directed by Hiroshi Yamamori.
This movie is scheduled to appear in Japan Film Fest Hamburg in May.
I am fortunate enough to be asked to write English subtitles for the film.
Please enjoy Promise in the Palm. (Official Trailer)
This is the Official Trailer of the film titled "Promise in the Palm" which was directed by Hiroshi Yamamori.
This movie is scheduled to appear in Japan Film Fest Hamburg in May.
I am fortunate enough to be asked to write English subtitles for the film.
Please enjoy Promise in the Palm. (Official Trailer)