


2013-06-23 00:39:02 | 企業一般


 米国では会社法や商法は各州別ですね。大きな会社の場合、運営が柔軟なDelaware州法人にしている例が多くありますが、事業の拠点は別の州になっています。例えば会社はNew York州に拠点を持っており、登記上はDelaware州に置いたりします。このNew Yorkの会社は、Delaware州の州内会社(domestic corporation)であり、New York州から見れば州外会社(foreign corporation)ですね。ではこの会社が、New Yorkでの事業活動や不動産取得をするにはどのようにすればいいのでしょうか。<o:p></o:p>



 まず、考えられるのは会社設立の際には、資本金等を基準とした登録手数料がNew York州には入って来ませんね。即ち、New York州に会社があるのにDelaware州に税金(州税)を支払いDelaware州の会社法に従い経営します。各州(New York州)にとっては、州外会社が州内会社(New York州会社法の会社)より有利な条件でその州内で営業活動を行い収益を得るのは不公正で、州の収益(税金収入)という視点からも見過ごすことが出来ません。また各州にとって州外会社と取引する州内会社を保護する(債権者保護等)必要があります。従い、各州は、州外会社に対する法的規制を行っています。<o:p></o:p>

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 逆のケース、即ち例えばNew York州の州内会社がDelaware州で営業登録するに際して、Delaware州のGENERAL CORPORATION LAWの関連規定を見て見ましょう。

§ 371. Definition; qualification to do business in State; procedure.

(a)  As used in this chapter, the words "foreign corporation" mean a corporation organized under the laws of any jurisdiction other than this State.

(b)  No foreign corporation shall do any business in this State, through or by branch offices, agents or representatives located in this State, until it shall have paid to the Secretary of State of this State for the use of this State, $80, and shall have filed in the office of the Secretary of State: (以下省略)



 まず州際取引(interstate commerce)ですね。即ち、営業許可を得ており、本店を置いている州のA社は、別の州(A社はその州で営業登録をしていない)のB社と取引する場合、A社とB社との契約は、1)A社の本店が承諾したときに成立するとする。2)契約商品の発送は本店からするという条件になります。これは厳密な場合で、単なる倉庫をB社と同じ州に持っていたり、B社を訪問して取付作業を行ったりしたときとかはどうなるのか、こういった場合にも営業登録が必要なのか?となります。この辺はどうも基準が曖昧で確立していない用ですね。<o:p></o:p>


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(a) No foreign corporation shall be required to comply with §§ 371 and 372 of this title, under any of the following conditions:<o:p></o:p>


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(1) If it is in the mail order or a similar business, merely receiving orders by mail or otherwise in pursuance of letters, circulars, catalogs or other forms of advertising, or solicitation, accepting the orders outside this State, and filling them with goods shipped into this State; <o:p></o:p>


(2) If it employs salespersons, either resident or traveling, to solicit orders in this State, either by display of samples or otherwise (whether or not maintaining sales offices in this State), all orders being subject to approval at the offices of the corporation without this State, and all goods applicable to the orders being shipped in pursuance thereof from without this State to the vendee or to the seller or such seller's agent for delivery to the vendee, and if any samples kept within this State are for display or advertising purposes only, and no sales, repairs or replacements are made from stock on hand in this State; <o:p></o:p>


(3) If it sells, by contract consummated outside this State, and agrees, by the contract, to deliver into this State, machinery, plants or equipment, the construction, erection or installation of which within this State requires the supervision of technical engineers or skilled employees performing services not generally available, and as a part of the contract of sale agrees to furnish such services, and such services only, to the vendee at the time of construction, erection or installation; <o:p></o:p>


(4) If its business operations within this State, although not falling within the terms of paragraphs (a)(1), (2) and (3) of this section or any of them, are nevertheless wholly interstate in character; <o:p></o:p>


(5) If it is an insurance company doing business in this State;<o:p></o:p>


(6) If it creates, as borrower or lender, or acquires, evidences of debt, mortgages or liens on real or personal property;<o:p></o:p>


(7) If it secures or collects debts or enforces any rights in property securing the same.<o:p></o:p>



