文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

「My Japanese ancient history」Written by Masaaki Ueda 2013/2/17,The Nikkei reading column

2013年02月20日 20時40分13秒 | 日記
To do the becoming in the text of the black is Akutagawa.

My Japanese ancient history (Below above) 
Written by Masaaki Ueda 2013/2/17,The Nikkei reading column

The pace of “the ancient learning “for half a century

As for the this manual, Ueda who played an active part by the line as the researcher of the Japanese ancient history for many years is the one to have written history from " the dawn on the archipelago " to the formation of the nation under Ritsuryo legal code by the accumulation but a pace as the student of history of the Ueda very person is repeated there.

Therefore, it is possible to read as the history of “the ancient learning” in about half a century after World War II, too.

It may call historical science, archaeology, a folklore, the result of the various learning such as the literature, the way of having the point of view and trying to see ancient times in Japan with “the ancient learning ".

After the war, it was caught to clarify ancient times.

Ueda moved forward the way in the core and got a lot of excellent results.

For example this The Ueda ancient history by the idea as " the ancient learning " is the point of view of the folklore It places " a belief " in the original society and it catches as the person to deify a champion.

The specialized area of the critic was classical literature but we learned plainly from Ueda's book, too, from the school days.

Moreover, then, it thought of thinking of the literature while the one with various fields as if to do cultural anthropology learned like course about critic himself, the archaeology and the folklore.

There were times when the way of speaking, “the ancient learning ", lives.

In to read this manual, Ueda's history of research, and then the history of research after the war, its own pace and so on were thought of and were filled with deep emotion.

Above all, too, thought of the poorness of the learning in now to this abundance.

It doesn't know a natural science but of the field of which research however, at present, the subdivided situation continues probably.

The area of the history, the new learning got to increase extensively in the crossing the border of the area of the learning formerly.

However, if attempting to notice, it clarifies some part only and the knowledge became light.

Social science however, cultural science however, roughly, it is passing away at the human being and in the one which asks the whole society.

If saying, the knowledge resembles in the consumed one, became only and seems to have made an interest in the whole fade away if anything.

There were many ones which can read a general media, too, in the one which the scholar until nearly 1980’s writes.

There was one which resorts if there is an interest in the human being, the society, the culture and so on beyond the specialty.

This manual is the book to make think of whether or not the learning is how one for us once more.

The critic Musashi University professor Furuhashi Nobutaka

(Shinchosha 1500 yen, 1400 yen below)

▼ Ueda Masaaki Born in 27
The scholar of history.

This translation is Akutagawa.

「メラニー・クライン」 ジュリア・クリステヴァ著。2013/2/17、日経新聞・読書欄から。

2013年02月20日 18時32分40秒 | 日記













法政大学教授鈴木 晶


Melanie Klein Written by Julia Kristeva from The Nikkei2013/2/17,the reading column.

2013年02月20日 18時17分50秒 | 日記
"Melanie Klein" Written by Julia Kristeva

from The Nikkei2013/2/17,the reading column.

The critic is Hosei University professor Suzuki Akira

( Translation, in addition to Matuna Shouichi,作品社,2800 yen )

The previous debuting of the impact was already done in the nearness with half a century in the world of thought in Paris as the supernova which was equipped with the intellect and the beauties which Kristeva who comes from Bulgaria sees rarely.

The critic doesn't even now forget the thing in visiting Japan that the lecture of (1981) was difficult actually.

This manual is volume 2 of three pieces of all “the genius of the woman “(1999-2002).

It is Hannah Arendt and a Colette that it is treating at the other two.

Melanie Klein is flagrant in the psychoanalysis history as the initiator of the child analysis and also the founder of the object relationship school, but the general celebrity isn't high and as for the full-scale critical biography which it is possible to read in Japanese, this manual is the first time.

Most widely known Klein's theory will be “a good breast, a bad breast ".

The baby can recognize first, a mother only as the breast (the mamma).

Moreover, the mamma when it is possible to reel milk and the mamma when not coming to an end are fancied to be a singleton by it.

After understanding that the mamma is the part of the mother, too, it thinks that the good mother and the bad mother exist independently.

Various psychic-conflicts are unrolled by the time it is unified.

Freud makes “Oedipus’s triangle” which consists of parent child the core of the theory and there, the urge of the father killing becomes a key.

Klein paid attention to the mother-child relationship before the father appears and established independent theory and roughly corrected the psychoanalysis which was a phallocentricity.

It is that the author is not a biographer and that the characteristic of this manual is the same psychoanalyst.

Kristeva was watched almost as the semiotics person, but after that, it became a psychoanalyst and wrote “the power of the fear” (1980) under Klein's influence.

The mother was an object before not becoming an object yet thoroughly and developed the mother rejection theory to be hated from the child as the rebarbative one (abject).

Saying the mother killing is as important as the patricide

Kristeva concludes that the psychoanalysis approached completion at the same time more by Klein's mother-child relationship theory while criticizing severely when Klein's theory isn't consistent.

It is not the book which is easy to read but Klein is " a mother " for Kristeva and it is because statement itself concerning the mother-child relationship becomes one piece of mother-child relationship that she charms a reading person strongly.

▼ The author is born in 41.
The psychoanalyst who paid attention to the mother-child relationship

translated by Akutagawa

Please, click and buy the following photograph.

Please, cheer anonymous Akutagawa.

150 Pictures of Kyoto

by Akutagawa kenji


2013年02月20日 17時26分54秒 | 日記






















150 Pictures of Kyoto

by Akutagawa kenji

consideration as the system…

2013年02月20日 17時10分27秒 | 日記
When that the youngster didn't read a newspaper was out of question, Akutagawa wrote.

Because especially, the reading column on Sunday is in the eminent intellectual level of the world

Akutagawa was requested to appear on the report program to organize newly 25 years before by the director in Tokyo Broadcasting System which visited Oosaka.

It was appearing request to the program which begins in being new the morning of Sunday.

He said a reason for trying to persuade, crossing to 2 days as follows about him in me.
It met a work handle, various business owners but it has never met a considering person.

It found that it was doing the work which you are very busy with sufficiently.

Appear and reel because it is permitted to be the form which brings the president's office of you a camera.

Fairly, a heart was changed but I cut off.

It was to be from two reasons.

As for one, I in those days felt the danger which loses consideration as the system because it was the world of the moment accomplishment with the television of... of thinking that the consideration was not the systematical and momentary one.

To say that another appears on television and that it becomes a celebrity gets to lose liberty, the solitary in the crowd.

It was unpleasant.

It refused in the two reasons but not to be a celebrity now in the situation which extracted a book in this way is actually big every day which actually feels when negative.

Now let's return to the main subject

The reading column of the newspaper in Japan on Sunday thinks that the eminent thing in the world will show as much as possible now in the world about me.

This morning, introducing “the black tea spy " was today last year.

I want to introduce the critique to have thought that was very good from inside on Sunday of the other day in the next chapter.

It thinks that it is the best way of knowing Japan and Japanese in now most by the person all over the world, too.

Japan when 1397, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu rear the Golden Pavilion and Japan before it, and then Japan, all of them in now are reflected by Akutagawa to the following photograph collection.

It is saying that the acquaintance who published this book intends to have made the book which sells for 100 years.

As me, the person all over the world wanted to see at a breath as 100 yen but it made it thought as from the next time the problem.

Please, click and buy the following photograph.

Please, cheer anonymous Akutagawa.

150 Pictures of Kyoto

by Akutagawa kenji


2013年02月20日 09時57分22秒 | 日記
19世紀の技術移転プロジェクト  評、作家 佐藤亜紀












芥川の写真集が、You've Got A Friend 、貴方の助けになることを願っています。

150 Pictures of Kyoto

by Akutagawa kenji

" Black tea spy " written by Sarah Rose, from The Nikkei 2012/2/19, the reading column

2013年02月20日 09時36分16秒 | 日記
" Black tea spy " written by Sarah Rose, from The Nikkei 2012/2/19, the reading column

The technology transfer project in the 19th century
The comment, artist Aki Satou

It is black tea, a favorite food with silly.

The middle lamella in the 19th century which is colonialism times, the tea which is made in China had following importance.

It exports cotton cloth in the United Kingdom to India, and it buys opium in India at the sales and it sells it to China.

It was the openly and squarely 1 big trade item which accounts for one of so-called " trianglar trades " which imports tea in China into the United Kingdom at the sales and the import duty and the sales tax accounted for 10 percent actually in the fiscal resource of the British Government.

Therefore, as for that anyone thinks, if China begins the production of the opium, being independent, this trade system is about how it becomes.

It came in the reclame amount, British English East India Company learned a sense of crisis and tried to begin the production of the tea in India but the tree of the tea which grows naturally on the Himalaya foot of a mountain where eyes are made appropriate as the production center didn't always have the quality which agrees with the needs in the British own country.

Therefore, it brings away various plants already from the Chinese exploration, it brings away a young plant to Robert Fortune who was raising a name by the exploration record the plant hunter raising, from the production center of the tea in China and it requests it to do a processed tea workman in the head hunt.

Especially, it is the exploration line which takes part of the technology transfer project of the black tea to India.

The road hurt which disguises himself as the Chinese with the guide of the Chinese of Fortune results in Fujian-province which is the production center of the Chinese tea, the Takeshi barbarian rock tea which is still more famous today.

At the time, it hangs from 1848 to 49 and it is a thing in the disquieting situation in the previous night of the revolt in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

The habitude and the culture in the spot which is similar to facing by the office worker and the corporation in Japan which put a head start to the 1980s, the China advance approximately boil this travel in the more disquieting one and do it.

Moreover, this is competitor analyst act fully illegal especially.

The first dial black tea in the Darjeeling tea district includes the one which is in the retail price in Japan by equal to or more than 7000yen par100 gram, too.

It knew that the origin of the tree of the tea was not India, that it was China and that it was the product of being innovative by the imperialism gorgeousness and the English to make and for an ambition in the times to be overflowed at them for the first time with the this manual.

Readily, it is difficult green tea but after reading this book, including the unreasonableness of the colonialism which is in the rear, will to accept to draw out the virtue of the price respondence not be felt to the remarkably complicated interest?

( Tsukiji Seiko translation, Hara Shobo、2400 yen )

This was translated by Akutagawa.

The one to have seemed to have become purpose of above-mentioned introduction of Akutagawa *of* click the following photograph and cheer Akutagawa.

Japan in 1397, Japan before it and then Japan in now are reflected by this photograph collection.

Please, click and buy the following photograph.

We ask that the photograph collection of Akutagawa becomes You've Got A Friend, your help.

150 Pictures of Kyoto

by Akutagawa kenji

Robert Fortune leaves a word in book “the Bakumatsu Japan inquiry record - Edo and Beijing ".

2013年02月20日 08時47分52秒 | 日記
About Japan

Citizen however, the remarkable characteristic of the national character of the Japanese is the natural and floral thing to like.

If making the national character to love a flower to prove the height of the cultured level of the human being, the citizen in Japan seems to win for a long time compared with the citizen in our country.

It leaves a word in book “the Bakumatsu Japan inquiry record - Edo and Beijing ".

Besides, too, the ones such as the cactus and the aloe which aren't known in China are in Japan already.

This is the expression of the character of the Japanese.

The strawberry of the English product was sold and it astonished.

from Wikipedia.

Please, click and buy the following photograph.

We ask that the photograph collection of Akutagawa becomes You've Got A Friend, your help.

150 Pictures of Kyoto

by Akutagawa kenji


2013年02月20日 08時43分44秒 | 日記









芥川の写真集が、You've Got A Friend 、貴方の助けになることを願っています。

150 Pictures of Kyoto

by Akutagawa kenji

Robert Fortuneについて。

2013年02月20日 08時40分10秒 | 日記
Robert Fortune、1812/9/16 - 1880/4/13、はスコットランド出身の植物学者、プラントハンター、商人。













芥川の写真集が、You've Got A Friend 、貴方の助けになることを願っています。

150 Pictures of Kyoto

by Akutagawa kenji

about Robert Fortune.

2013年02月20日 08時36分10秒 | 日記
It is Robert Fortune, the botanist, the plant hunter, the merchant that 1812/9/16 - 1880/4/13 、 come from Scotland.

It is flagrant in taking out a tea tree from China to India.

The brief summary of career

The Kelloe hometown of the bar Wick shah (present Scottish Borders)

It masters horticulture at Edinburgh Royal Botanic Gardens, it takes charge of the hothouse in the London horticulture society and it has an interest in the plant in northeastern Asia.

It sneaked in the outback to have been sent to gather a plant in China after 1842, Treaty of Nanking later, and to have disguised oneself as the Chinese and for the entering of the foreigner to have been prohibited then and it brought a lot of beautiful flowers which are made in China to Europe.

It traveled from 1848 for 3 years to India as the representative in British English East India Company, it succeeded in the introduction of the tea tree young plant of 20,000 stocks to the Darjeeling tea district and it got important excellent results.

The effort by him grew the tea industry of India and Ceylon and it ended the monopoly of the Chinese tea in the tea market in Europe.

Also, it became the first European who discovers that the black tea and green tea are born from the tea tree with the same kind.

It investigated, it collected and it introduced a lot of trees and flowers to visit Taiwan and Japan (1860) in after traveling by and by them the growing of sericulture and rice is described and for them to contain a cumquat into Europe.

He was died in London.

by Wikipadia.

Please, click and buy the following photograph.

We ask that the photograph collection of Akutagawa becomes You've Got A Friend, your help.

150 Pictures of Kyoto

by Akutagawa kenji


2013年02月20日 08時08分32秒 | 日記













芥川の写真集が、You've Got A Friend 、貴方の助けになることを願っています。

150 Pictures of Kyoto

by Akutagawa kenji

The apology.

2013年02月20日 07時53分18秒 | 日記
The apology

The photograph collection of Akutagawa could be published on Amazon by the divine protection of the describing acquaintance, but Nov. however, as for the date of the photograph collection, it noticed to have become Dec. and it replaced it.

We apologize for hanging 24 hour inconvenience immediately on the one which thought of the purchase.

Also, in the price, therefore, it thought that it let's publish at 100 yen to be previously mentioned, but even if it suppressed to the minimum number which the acquaintance chose and edited, there was a rule on Amazon by the number of the megas and 250 yen were a publication possible bottom price.

The acquaintance was to do the thing being to make an effort eagerly about the 100 yen publishing.

By the way

It excerpts and we introduce because there was an article about Akutagawa's photograph in the article in “today last year " which reached from goo yesterday.

At the same time, there was an article that Akutagawa is proving referring “the world is eminent about the reading column of the newspaper in Japan ", too.

I introduce this next chapter since then.

When Hokusai and Youji Yamada entered Akutagawa's photograph, it was as it was in the other day book but that Cezanne entered this morning, too, had a feeling.

Together the complete viewpoint with the viewpoint which Cezanne arrived at when taking Ryoan-ji that is one of the gardens which Akutagawa loves.

The omit the last part

Please, click and buy the following photograph.

We ask that the photograph collection of Akutagawa becomes You've Got A Friend, your help.

150 Pictures of Kyoto

by Akutagawa kenji