For some time past, news programs of TV, lawyers filed in various parts of Japan, have reported that the disparity trial of one vote.
However, actually, such a thing is nothing of problem at all for Japan and for the world.
When we are working thoroughly day and night for the person, for the country and for the world, in the strange story which one housewife of Kyushu began, the organization to say that the relation is deep about with North Korea in Korea leaped.
They are making the people as sold to the bawdy house by the parents being a military comfort woman and they are bringing out.
It made being the suitable material which satisfies the masochism thought which wants to be able to look down upon Japan and the thought of false moralism, it leaped at this and it defended above people, it started a lawsuit to Japan and it is their lawyers that brought the disgrace of Japan.
Alternatively, bother by visiting many times to the United Nations, it is not the comfort women, it's a sex slave, is their lawyers ever was such a repetition that, like to the United Nations to perform equal activities was forced to admit, that in the end, is their lawyers also were allowed to spread as if it were a fact this word sex slave to the world.
As with almost all of the Japanese people, I did not know at all the above-mentioned facts in tens of years.
Because I was subscribing to Asahi Shimbun, it was even more.
Last year, the word which I who knew this fact want to make them know about disparity problem of one vote that they go like an established custom is hereinafter.