文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

If it isn't possible to write the truth, it is good to rather discontinue, too.

2016年04月01日 22時53分38秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The text emphasis except the title is me.

The newspaper which cannot write the truth is discontinuance.

There is Kim Wan-seop in one who understood the consideration which seems to be Japanese to keep the dignity of the other ethnic groups at the field in the minimum, dispatching a wagon.

It is written, having praise to his "the explanation to the pro-Japanese group".

As for Ikuhiko Hata, the number of the comfort women clarifies that the half was Japanese at 20,000.

The Korean kidnaping which the Asahi poured into, pairing with Yoshida Seiji, too, was denied by the question Korean.

The US military is doing also interviews of the question comfort women, in the record of in Burma front that Korean management who exploit prostitutes were expelled and, one day every week to rest and venereal disease inspection had been obliged, there is also a record of Korean prostitutes that have been sold in the debt of the parent has returned home to pay off the debt.

Asahi Shimbun took up a comfort woman problem in the new on paper about which it pronounced that it stopped a lie since April 1st.

The contents are uncommon and there is not a lie but don't hear why he told a lie while interviewing Mike Honda rarely and there is not even pointing-out of the negligence of his data.

It is unsatisfactory that will not be the envoy of the child, too.

It got a glimpse of the confusion not to know what it may write with not writing a lie.

If it isn't possible to write the truth, it is good to rather discontinue, too.

(May number, 2007)

In Japan which surrendered unconditionally behaved itself more cruelly.

2016年04月01日 22時51分17秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The Mongol who made inroads into the Europe in the 13th century left a mestizo in Iran and Russia.

When the blood of the Mongolia type comes out, the child is rejected from the society by the born child.

It explains that it is the effort which re- establishes the pureness of the blood but a subtle sound is left when the Japanese of Mongoloid type hear.

It worked in 400 rapes in the United Kingdom when the American, too, was the same as Russian and entered the war on the Second World War.

In the European front, it is recording 14,000 rapes.

In Japan which surrendered unconditionally behaved itself more cruelly.

The U.S. soldier breaks in the house, it rapes a wife and a daughter, it killed if resisting.

In the record of the procurement agency, the person who exceeds 2,600 was killed during the occupation period.

It is that all over the world did but there is an exception.

Only Japan didn't do plunder and a rape in the martial law from the old days of Sino-Japanese war.

The Russo-Japanese War, too, the Chinese front after that, the Pacific War was so.

However, forcing a young soldier into the endurance in the field about living or dying loses commanding oppositely.

The red-light district which is in the town goes to the field.

There is scene that the harlot patrols town to town with the wagon in "the East at Eden" which drew an American pioneer.

It is the same as that.

This article continues.

However, there is need before that the Asahi must remove the dirt of the history

2016年04月01日 22時48分05秒 | 日記

The following chapter is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

However, I was surprised.

The article which was more naturally written because it is me who am visited like every day, making Kyoto the garden of the home.

The army in Japan is the army of the people who have the tradition of the samurai.

Therefore, it esteemed a rule above all and it esteemed honor. The implication (The military comfort woman problem and so on are complete fabrication).

Of being managing a law office by herself in the U.S. to the English translation of this article, surely the excelent woman lawyer tweeted, saying "like!".

It is because it was the paper which is proving the right of that article by 100 %, too.

The text emphasis except the title is me.

The harlot comes with the wagon.

However, there is need before that the Asahi must remove the dirt of the history which the Asahi have made liar scholars tamper severely.

If doing so, you know that it is "it is the war to conquer the opponent" thing and that it is "the conquest is the looting to take the belongings of opponent with".

This article continues

When it can be scolded by Prime Minister Abe that it is false, the Asahi comes, saying

2016年04月01日 22時46分20秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

However, this editorial has the fault which it isn't possible to cover completely even if it does the lie which was done on such a current.
The Asahi wrote "the Japanese military made a woman a sexual slave, kidnaping her from the Korea" first.
When it can be scolded by Prime Minister Abe that it is false, the Asahi comes, saying "it is prevaricating that the supplier did".
It is replacement, Asahi is to apologize first that you have insulted the Japanese by writing a lie would be logic.

It should argue about "the comfort woman in the field" on it.

This article continues.

When it can be scolded by Prime Minister Abe that it is false, the Asahi comes, saying

2016年04月01日 22時45分19秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

However, this editorial has the fault which it isn't possible to cover completely even if it does the lie which was done on such a current.
The Asahi wrote "the Japanese military made a woman a sexual slave, kidnaping her from the Korea" first.
When it can be scolded by Prime Minister Abe that it is false, the Asahi comes, saying "it is prevaricating that the supplier did".
It is replacement, Asahi is to apologize first that you have insulted the Japanese by writing a lie would be logic.

It should argue about "the comfort woman in the field" on it.

This article continues.

Taking part in the big chorus of the Japan criticism such as the newspaper article

2016年04月01日 22時42分01秒 | 日記

The following is a sequel from "thrilling 35 Chapter to wake up of the eyes of the Japanese" of Takayama Masayuki who is the one and only journalist in the world after the war.

Only as for the fact that it is in 2007 that he was writing the strikingly articles, that he is the one and only genuine journalist in the world is obvious.

At the same time, he is telling the true appearance of the journalist to the world.

All human beings who are calling oneself a journalist all over the world must read all his books immediately.

Because, that that you call oneself a journalist isn't absolutely made if not reading all his books is because it is clear now.

Statement emphasized other than masthead is me.

“Military comfort woman problem”

Asahi Shimbun washes false news in this way.

Taking part in the big chorus of the Japan criticism such as the newspaper article at NY Times and in China.

"Appearance quality" of person of Japanese descent Mike Honda

U.S. Representative Mike Honda suggested being "the Japanese military massacred 200,000 women, being Korea and so on, and taking them from home and making them a military comfort woman".

The Korean who is malevolent to Japan fabricated the material of the Japan criticism which he arranged.

He has the criminal record and at the time of the State of California congress, it proposes a Japan criticism resolution in the word the same as Jiang Zemin's claim, saying "there was Nanjing Massacre" and it forms it.

He isn't verifying about the basis of those claims.

John F. Kennedy is an Irish ancestry American.

It was shamed with the white nigger and in the American society of the Protestant mainstream, by Catholic of the minority, a presidential election, too, was troubled in it.

This article continues.

though the U.S. helped to Germany, Italy, reviving, it didn't want for Japan to revive

2016年04月01日 22時39分22秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The text emphasis except the index is me.

"If it did not if there is Japan" the significance of the speech

Mahathir says.

"After the war, though the U.S. helped to Germany, Italy, reviving, it didn't want for Japan to revive."

It is so-called Marshal Plan.

Germany invaded a foreign country and committed a serious crime, Jews ethnic cleansing, too, but the U.S. did free revival help actively.

However, all help of Japan is paid.

Have let it renounce military power by changing the Constitution, too, its own way and moreover it sent a domestic factory to the Korea, China by dismantling it under the direction of Edwin Pauley and it made it lower the industrial level of Japan.

It gave a converse completely with the revival plan to Germany and Italy.

"The invasion state" to the refuge, the country which had a strong impact upon Third World, Japan, it is possible to assume the intention can be made not to resurge and to be able to make it disappear.

It is because Kim Il-sung started the Korean War when Pauley tried to do second industry dismantlement, coming that it didn't lead surely to destroy Japan.

For Japan, it was luckiness.

The indicating by this Mahathir is the stave of the speech in the East Asia economy forum in Hong Kong in October, 1992.

It is known as so-called "If it did not if there is Japan" speech.

He among these, "There will not have been a one to make a model in East Asia (it includes China), If it did not If there is Japan. The Asian cannot confront Europe and America, the advanced industry is impossible, it will have believed. The west side worries, Newly Industrializing Economies (NIES), too, will not been born. Japan proved that it is possible to conduct excellently in the various countries in such East Asia. The west side will not been born even about Newly Industrializing Economies (NIES) to worry about. Japan proved that it is possible to conduct excellently in the various countries in such East Asia." so, he told the raison d'etre of Japan.

This article continues


2016年04月01日 20時03分36秒 | 日記


































2016年04月01日 19時46分57秒 | 日記




















The newspaper which cannot write the truth is discontinuance.

2016年04月01日 17時16分54秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The text emphasis except the title is me.

The newspaper which cannot write the truth is discontinuance.

There is Kim Wan-seop in one who understood the consideration which seems to be Japanese to keep the dignity of the other ethnic groups at the field in the minimum, dispatching a wagon.

It is written, having praise to his "the explanation to the pro-Japanese group".

As for Ikuhiko Hata, the number of the comfort women clarifies that the half was Japanese at 20,000.

The Korean kidnaping which the Asahi poured into, pairing with Yoshida Seiji, too, was denied by the question Korean.

The US military is doing also interviews of the question comfort women, in the record of in Burma front that Korean management who exploit prostitutes were expelled and, one day every week to rest and venereal disease inspection had been obliged, there is also a record of Korean prostitutes that have been sold in the debt of the parent has returned home to pay off the debt.

Asahi Shimbun took up a comfort woman problem in the new on paper about which it pronounced that it stopped a lie since April 1st.

The contents are uncommon and there is not a lie but don't hear why he told a lie while interviewing Mike Honda rarely and there is not even pointing-out of the negligence of his data.

It is unsatisfactory that will not be the envoy of the child, too.

It got a glimpse of the confusion not to know what it may write with not writing a lie.

If it isn't possible to write the truth, it is good to rather discontinue, too.

(May number, 2007)

It is written, having praise to his "the explanation to the pro-Japanese group"

2016年04月01日 16時19分19秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The text emphasis except the title is me.

The newspaper which cannot write the truth is discontinuance.

There is Kim Wan-seop in one who understood the consideration which seems to be Japanese to keep the dignity of the other ethnic groups at the field in the minimum, dispatching a wagon.

It is written, having praise to his "the explanation to the pro-Japanese group".

As for Ikuhiko Hata, the number of the comfort women clarifies that the half was Japanese at 20,000.

The Korean kidnaping which the Asahi poured into, pairing with Yoshida Seiji, too, was denied by the question Korean.

The US military is doing also interviews of the question comfort women, in the record of in Burma front that Korean management who exploit prostitutes were expelled and, one day every week to rest and venereal disease inspection had been obliged, there is also a record of Korean prostitutes that have been sold in the debt of the parent has returned home to pay off the debt.

Asahi Shimbun took up a comfort woman problem in the new on paper about which it pronounced that it stopped a lie since April 1st.

The contents are uncommon and there is not a lie but don't hear why he told a lie while interviewing Mike Honda rarely and there is not even pointing-out of the negligence of his data.

It is unsatisfactory that will not be the envoy of the child, too.

It got a glimpse of the confusion not to know what it may write with not writing a lie.

If it isn't possible to write the truth, it is good to rather discontinue, too.

(May number, 2007)

It is that all over the world did but there is an exception.

2016年04月01日 15時55分54秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

The Mongol who made inroads into the Europe in the 13th century left a mestizo in Iran and Russia.

When the blood of the Mongolia type comes out, the child is rejected from the society by the born child.

It explains that it is the effort which re- establishes the pureness of the blood but a subtle sound is left when the Japanese of Mongoloid type hear.

It worked in 400 rapes in the United Kingdom when the American, too, was the same as Russian and entered the war on the Second World War.

In the European front, it is recording 14,000 rapes.

In Japan which surrendered unconditionally behaved itself more cruelly.

The U.S. soldier breaks in the house, it rapes a wife and a daughter, it killed if resisting.

In the record of the procurement agency, the person who exceeds 2,600 was killed during the occupation period.

It is that all over the world did but there is an exception.

Only Japan didn't do plunder and a rape in the martial law from the old days of Sino-Japanese war.

The Russo-Japanese War, too, the Chinese front after that, the Pacific War was so.

However, forcing a young soldier into the endurance in the field about living or dying loses commanding oppositely.

The red-light district which is in the town goes to the field.

There is scene that the harlot patrols town to town with the wagon in "the East at Eden" which drew an American pioneer.

It is the same as that.

This article continues.

Japon, qui a continué à payer la plus grande

2016年04月01日 15時46分44秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.
L'abréviation préambule
Il est comme la Corée du Nord a été décrit, mais si l'arpentage d'un quartier au Japon, la menace en Chine est jour même par jour.
Autour de Senkaku large, l'invasion de l'eau territoriale a continué presque tous les jours encore et à la fin, il est devenu au moment où l'armée navire est apparu sur la zone de la circonférence de la mer.
La Chine est "la fortification d'armement" dans les îles récupéré la mer de Chine du Sud, mais le Vietnam et les Philippines de ce ne pas l'intention d'être une guerre.
Il est la préparation de couper la voie de la mer au Japon et à dessécher.
Le Japon, qui ne dispose pas de ressources est connu pour avoir été contreventés par l'embargo avant la guerre, aussi, par la Chine et sait se sont rués dans la guerre.
Quand un relations Japon-Chine a été aggravée par le problème de la nationalisation Senkaku dans les temps de l'administration du Parti démocrate à la preuve, la Chine a fait une terre rare embargo des mesures immédiatement.
Il était ce présomptueux qui est "Le Japon va venir dans ce".
Il dit qu'il est "La Chine sort au Japon pour resserrer" quand les choses se gâtent.
* Suite à introduire dans le chapitre suivant, tous les Japonais d'avoir un cerveau décent, il devrait être consterné.
Japon, qui a continué à payer la plus grande contribution qu'il est possible américain, seulement, de se tenir à côté de l'Organisation des Nations Unies et a continué à maintenir l'Organisation des Nations Unies.
Parce qu'il a souscrit à Asahi Shimbun et ainsi de suite, il a continué à laisser une telle chose stupide dans 70 après la guerre.
Je n'ai pas quelque chose à dire qui est enfantin et est insensé plus.

Giappone, che ha continuato a pagare

2016年04月01日 15時45分51秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è il sequel del capitolo precedente.
L'abbreviazione preambolo
E 'quanto è stato descritto la Corea del Nord, ma se rilevamento un quartiere in Giappone, la minaccia in Cina è reale di giorno in giorno.
Intorno Senkaku largo, l'invasione acque territoriali proseguito quasi ogni giorno ancora e alla fine, è diventato per il momento l'armata nave è apparso sulla zona circonferenza del mare.
La Cina è "la fortificazione inserimento" nelle isole sul recuperato il Mar Cinese Meridionale, ma il Vietnam e le Filippine di questo non intendono essere una guerra.
È la preparazione di tagliare la linea di mare in Giappone e sarà tormentato.
Giappone, che non dispone di risorse è noto per essere stato rinforzato dall'embargo prima della guerra, anche da parte della Cina e conosce si sono precipitati in guerra.
Quando un Giappone e la Cina è stato aggravato dal problema nazionalizzazione Senkaku nei tempi di somministrazione del Partito Democratico per le prove, la Cina ha subito una terra rara azione embargo.
Era quello che presumendo che è "il Giappone entrerà in questo".
Si dice che è "la Cina esce in Giappone per stringere" quando arriva il momento critico.
* Continua a introdurre nel prossimo capitolo, tutti i giapponesi ad avere un cervello decente, dovrebbe essere inorridito.
Giappone, che ha continuato a pagare il più grande contributo che è possibile americano, solo, per stare accanto alla alle Nazioni Unite e ha continuato a mantenere le Nazioni Unite.
Perché sottoscritto Asahi Shimbun e così via, ha continuato a lasciare una cosa così sciocca nel 70 dopo la guerra.
Non ho qualcosa di cui parlare, che è infantile ed è sciocco più.

Japón, que continuó pagando la contribución más

2016年04月01日 15時45分01秒 | 日記

La siguiente es la secuela del capítulo anterior.
La abreviatura preámbulo
Es como se describió Corea del Norte, pero si la topografía un barrio en Japón, la amenaza en China es verdadero día a día.
Alrededor Senkaku perspectiva, la invasión de las aguas territoriales continuó siendo casi todos los días y al final, se convirtió en el momento del armado barco apareció en el área de la circunferencia del mar.
China es "el fortalecimiento de armado" en las islas en el Mar de China recuperada del Sur, pero Vietnam y Filipinas de este no tiene intención de ser una guerra.
Es la preparación para cortar la vía marítima en Japón y a resecar.
Japón, que no tiene los recursos es conocido por haber sido arriostrados por el embargo antes de la guerra, también, por parte de China y sabe se han apresurado en la guerra.
Cuando un relaciones entre Japón y China se agravó en el problema de la nacionalización Senkaku en los tiempos de administración del Partido Demócrata a la evidencia, China hizo una acción de embargo de tierras raras inmediatamente.
Era lo que la presunción de que es "Japón vendrá en este".
Se dice que es "China sale a Japón para endurecer" cuando el empuje viene empujar.
* Continuación de introducir en el capítulo siguiente, todos los japoneses para tener un cerebro decente, debe ser aterrado.
Japón, que continuó pagando la contribución más grande de lo que es América es posible, solamente, a pie junto a las Naciones Unidas y siguió manteniendo las Naciones Unidas.
Debido a que se adhirió a Asahi Shimbun y así sucesivamente, se continuó dejar una cosa tan tonta en el 70 después de la guerra.
No tengo algo de que hablar, que es infantil y es tonto más.