The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.
When Takiya intruded into the home for stealing, he was surprised because the wife of the house woke up, sticking her neck, and he run away.
This time, after he was released from prison, he was caught by shoplifting.
The very person is saying, it is the same as Yukio Mishima, like a man, it chose the way to disclose a case, than returned to the prison without being confessional.
The police confirmed Takiya who is a real criminal, from his deposition and verification.
Nasu rejoiced. It is possible to dispel a false charge barely. The same year, it required review at once.
However, the situation stops there, it is 3 years full, Sendai High Court continues to make no progress, the conclusion which Yamada Mizuo judge gave, it was rejecting petition for retrial surely.
Holy shit. Nasu cursed the absurd. He doesn't give up, 2 years later 1976, once again, when presenting petition for retrial, this time, it was obediently accepted. He got innocence.
As for this strange spread, there is a law book, saying "because it became easy for the gate of the review to be opened in the judgement of Supreme Court of the Shiratori case" in the previous year.
It is a out-and-out lie.
The same year, the Furuhata Tanemoto died.
If the Yamada judge admitted the first review, the man who got Cultural Medal, making the authority of the University of Tokyo was made to stand at the bar and was denounced, saying doing halfway appraisal and the producing of it to the false charge.
The Supreme Court, the prosecutors or the University of Tokyo didn't want to admit it.
Review was accepted because he died is right.
Since then, it was done by the condemned criminal by Furuhata appraisal, including the Saitagawa case,
Yaguchi Yoshishige, the false charge of three condemned criminals was dispelled one after another.
Mizuo Yamada gave priority to the authority of the University of Tokyo from the false accusation of citizen anonymous, bending the law, he worked a fraud.
This article continues.