文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

a friend who is also a stunning reading who has recommended me to read the following chapters

2016年04月27日 23時04分09秒 | 日記

As a genuine journalist of Masayuki Takayama, the splendor of the editorial was based only on the fact, everyone should admire.

At the same time, my editorial, my insight is that quite right, entirely, with the facts, with the numerical value of as fact, he has been admirably demonstrated.

As for my continuing to criticize severely about the severity of the recognition to Japan and the Japanese of New York Times, the reader is as it knows.

Today, a friend who is also a stunning reading who has recommended me to read the following chapters.

I who finished reading murmured.

Be New York Times, you should be ashamed of yourself.

It is the shocking fact not to inform of forever to the Japanese people who are subscribing to Asahi Shimbun and so on.

The people all over the world, too, should know how much New York Times is the lowest for the first time.

This article continues


2016年04月27日 22時40分56秒 | 日記














he was surprised because the wife of the house woke up, he fled stabbed her neck.

2016年04月27日 21時09分28秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

When Takiya intruded into the home for stealing, he was surprised because the wife of the house woke up, he fled stabbed her neck.

This time, after he was released from prison, he was caught by shoplifting.

The very person is saying, it is the same as Yukio Mishima, like a man, it chose the way to disclose a case, than returned to the prison without being confessional.

The police confirmed Takiya who is a real criminal, from his deposition and verification.

Nasu rejoiced. It is possible to dispel a false charge barely. The same year, it required review at once.

However, the situation stops there, it is 3 years full, Sendai High Court continues to make no progress, the conclusion which Yamada Mizuo judge gave, it was rejecting petition for retrial surely.

Holy shit. Nasu cursed the absurd. He doesn't give up, 2 years later 1976, once again, when presenting petition for retrial, this time, it was obediently accepted. He got innocence.

As for this strange spread, there is a law book, saying "because it became easy for the gate of the review to be opened in the judgement of Supreme Court of the Shiratori case" in the previous year.

It is a out-and-out lie.

The same year, the Furuhata Tanemoto died.

If the Yamada judge admitted the first review, the man who got Cultural Medal, making the authority of the University of Tokyo was made to stand at the bar and was denounced, saying doing halfway appraisal and the producing of it to the false charge.

The Supreme Court, the prosecutors or the University of Tokyo didn't want to admit it.

Review was accepted because he died is right.

Since then, it was done by the condemned criminal by Furuhata appraisal, including the Saitagawa case,

Yaguchi Yoshishige, the false charge of three condemned criminals was dispelled one after another.

Mizuo Yamada gave priority to the authority of the University of Tokyo from the false accusation of citizen anonymous, bending the law, he worked a fraud.

This article continues.


2016年04月27日 20時32分19秒 | 日記

















judge admitted the demand which the activists took out of the operation for prohibition at the

2016年04月27日 16時57分54秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

In the 100 murderers suit which Asanami Kazuo of the Mainichi Newspapers fabricated and hurt the honor of two soldiers of the former Japanese army, Doi Akio of the Tokyo District Court judge, he made the Mainichi Newspapers and Katsuichi Honda of the Asahi Newspapers innocent.

Doi didn't have a particle of the courage which admits Japanese innocence, defying a view of history after the war which became rampant.

I wonder he read his promotion, because he had a promising life, once you have pandering to the public with the favorableness.

The other day, Otsu District Court's Yamamoto Yoshihiko judge admitted the demand which the activist took out of the operation for prohibition at the Takahama nuclear power plant.

Yamamoto rendered the decision to make it stop the nuclear reactor of the running period from there is anxiety by examining the safety of the nuclear power plant by himself.

Is something in the back of the judicial astonishing arrogation?

The 61 year-old judge says that he becomes a lawyer, retiring soon.

Does this decision become a gift to a client?

It is not in the judiciary in the ethics or the independence from the old days.


2016年04月27日 16時18分55秒 | 日記






























This time, after he was released from prison, he was caught by shoplifting.

2016年04月27日 16時03分28秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

When Takiya intruded into the home for stealing, he was surprised because the wife of the house woke up, sticking her neck, and he run away.

This time, after he was released from prison, he was caught by shoplifting.

The very person is saying, it is the same as Yukio Mishima, like a man, it chose the way to disclose a case, than returned to the prison without being confessional.

The police confirmed Takiya who is a real criminal, from his deposition and verification.

Nasu rejoiced. It is possible to dispel a false charge barely. The same year, it required review at once.

However, the situation stops there, it is 3 years full, Sendai High Court continues to make no progress, the conclusion which Yamada Mizuo judge gave, it was rejecting petition for retrial surely.

Holy shit. Nasu cursed the absurd. He doesn't give up, 2 years later 1976, once again, when presenting petition for retrial, this time, it was obediently accepted. He got innocence.

As for this strange spread, there is a law book, saying "because it became easy for the gate of the review to be opened in the judgement of Supreme Court of the Shiratori case" in the previous year.

It is a out-and-out lie.

The same year, the Furuhata Tanemoto died.

If the Yamada judge admitted the first review, the man who got Cultural Medal, making the authority of the University of Tokyo was made to stand at the bar and was denounced, saying doing halfway appraisal and the producing of it to the false charge.

The Supreme Court, the prosecutors or the University of Tokyo didn't want to admit it.

Review was accepted because he died is right.

Since then, it was done by the condemned criminal by Furuhata appraisal, including the Saitagawa case,

Yaguchi Yoshishige, the false charge of three condemned criminals was dispelled one after another.

Mizuo Yamada gave priority to the authority of the University of Tokyo from the false accusation of citizen anonymous, bending the law, he worked a fraud.

This article continues.

Does this decision become a gift to a client?

2016年04月27日 14時27分49秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

Asanami Kazuo of the Mainichi Newspapers with fabricated "100 murderers" suit, Doi Akio of the Tokyo District Court judge, he made the Mainichi Newspapers and Katsuichi Honda in the Asahi innocent.

Doi didn't have a particle of the courage which admits Japanese innocence, defying a view of history after the war which become rampant.

Did you read promotion, too, with the favorableness, once you have pandering to the public, because you have a promised life?

The other day, Otsu District Court's Yamamoto Yoshihiko judge admitted an operation demand for prohibition at the Takahama nuclear power plant which the activist took out.

Yamamoto rendered the decision to make it stop the nuclear reactor of the running period from "there is anxiety" by examining the safety of the nuclear power plant by himself.

Is something in the back of the judicial astonishing arrogation?

The 61 year-old judge says that he becomes a lawyer, retiring soon.

Does this decision become a gift to a client?

It is not in the judiciary in the ethics or the independence from the old days.

"Review was accepted because he died" is right.

2016年04月27日 13時59分33秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

With Takiya stealing in the steal, he is surprised at the woken wife, he ran away, sticking her neck.

This time too, after he was released from prison, he was caught by shoplifting.

The very person is saying "It is the same as Yukio Mishima, like a man, it chose the way to disclose a case." ", than returned to the prison.

The police confirmed Takiya is a real criminal, from his deposition and verification.

Nasu rejoiced. It is possible to dispel a false charge barely. The same year, it required review at once.

However, the situation stops there, it is 3 years full, Sendai High Court continues to make no progress, the conclusion which Yamada Mizuo judge gave, it was rejecting petition for retrial surely.

Holy shit. Nasu cursed the absurd. He doesn't give up, 2 years later 1976, once again, when presenting petition for retrial, this time, it was obediently accepted. He got innocence.

As for this strange spread, there is a law book, saying "because it became easy for the gate of the review to be opened in the judgement of Supreme Court of the Shiratori case" in the previous year.

It is a out-and-out lie.

The same year, the Furuhata Tanemoto died.

If the Yamada judge admitted the first review, the man who got Cultural Medal, making the authority of the University of Tokyo was made to stand at the bar and was denounced, saying doing halfway appraisal and the producing of it to the false charge.

The Supreme Court, the prosecutors or the University of Tokyo didn't want to admit it.

"Review was accepted because he died" is right.

Since then, it was done by the condemned criminal by Furuhata appraisal, including the Saitagawa case,

Yaguchi Yoshishige, the false charge of three condemned criminals was dispelled one after another.

Mizuo Yamada gave priority to the authority of the University of Tokyo from the false accusation of citizen anonymous, bending the law, he worked a fraud.

This article continues.

the human being who had a proper brain, anyone should know the right of my comment to him.

2016年04月27日 12時48分02秒 | 日記

Takayama Masayuki who I am convinced that is the one and only journalist in the world after the war, the following is from his column "the record in the season" in the first page to be serializing in monthly magazine "the sound argument".
If it does the human being who had a proper brain, anyone should know the right of my comment to him.

The next year which Yukio Mishima committed suicide at Ichigaya.
Takiya Fukumatsu who has left a prison just now announced that it is "the criminal of the Mrs. Hirosaki University professor killing is me".
This case occurred in 1949.
The police caught Nasu Takashi who lives near the scene.
It is the descendant of Nasuno Yoichi who shot at the target of that fan.
The basis to doubt was cooperative strangely to the police. It was only that.

It is Furuhata Tanemoto in the University of Tokyo forensic medicine classroom that made the criminal such Nasu.
He appraised the bristletail which the clothes on Nasu had to be "the blood of the victim" and it was a decisive factor and as for Nasu, it had 15 in prison pronounced.
Then, 22 years later, the real criminal went out.

This article continues


2016年04月27日 12時31分12秒 | 日記












2016年04月27日 12時28分09秒 | 日記





























Sachant que la vie ou la mort de la race humaine est pris pour

2016年04月27日 11時18分08秒 | 日記

L'état actuel en dessous du kindergartner, il est la masse du moralisme de l'mis sur mais donc, en plus de continuer à être facilement exploité par la Chine et la Corée, celle du journal que l'état réel était un Quisling, un traître , volée un article de fabrication, le temps qui est dit la vision politique de l'information de seconde main de ce journal et ainsi de suite, il est en vous.

Sachant que la vie ou la mort de la race humaine est pris pour vos deux épaules, tôt au moment, aussi, il complète la Bourse de Tokyo dans le plus grand marché dans le monde qui se trouve dans la ligne de NYSE.

Rassemblez la sagesse de tous les employés, 1.700. yens d'actifs personnels au Japon qui ne sont pas exagérées même si elle dit que le monde est le plus grand, utiliser pour le peuple japonais qui ont produit les actifs.

Cet article continue.

Sapendo che la vita o la morte del genere umano

2016年04月27日 11時17分17秒 | 日記

Lo stato attuale sotto la kindergartner, è il pezzo di moralismo della put-on, ma di conseguenza, oltre a continuare ad essere facilmente gestito da Cina e Corea, quella del giornale come lo stato attuale è stato un collaborazionista, un traditore , tiro al volo un articolo di fabbricazione, il tempo, che sta dicendo la vista politico delle informazioni di seconda mano da quel giornale e così via, non è in voi.

Sapendo che la vita o la morte del genere umano è preso per le entrambe le spalle, in anticipo, al momento, troppo, si completa la Borsa di Tokyo nel più grande mercato del mondo, che si trova in linea di NYSE.

Raccogliere la saggezza di tutti i dipendenti, 1.700. yen di beni personali in Giappone, che non è esagerato, anche se si dice che il mondo è il più grande, utilizzare per il popolo giapponese che hanno prodotto i beni.

Questo articolo continua.

Sabiendo que la vida o la muerte de la raza humana

2016年04月27日 11時16分32秒 | 日記

El estado real por debajo del jardín de niños, es el nudo del moralismo de la, un traidor poner-en, pero, por lo tanto, además de continuar para ser fácilmente operado por China y Corea, el del periódico como el estado real fue un colaboracionista , volea un artículo de fabricación, el tiempo que está diciendo la vista político de la información de segunda mano a partir de ese periódico y así sucesivamente, no es en ti.

Sabiendo que la vida o la muerte de la raza humana se da por sus dos hombros, temprano en este momento, también, de que se complete la Bolsa de Tokio en el mercado más grande del mundo que se encuentra en línea en la Bolsa de Nueva York.

Reunir la sabiduría de todos los empleados, 1.700. yenes de los activos personales en Japón que no es exagerado, incluso si dice que el mundo es la más grande, utilizar para el pueblo japonés que produjeron los activos.

Este artículo continúa.