As for the reader, like knowing, I am subscribing to the Asahi and Nikkei still.
Nikkei is subscribing in the implication to say to be financial paper but the political tone of this newspaper will have followed the Asahi almost.
I am convinced that Nikkei had better stop a political claim.
In the part, it makes economy in Japan stronger, i.e. "the Turntable of Civilization", however, Japan being the country to be turning around as the providence of the God to be deeply impressed.
Then, in the Tokyo Stock Exchange, become the advance guard to complete in the biggest market in the world which stands in line in NYSE.
There is not your existence value except it. It had better stop announcing that it is an economic newspaper if following and not being. It had better express being an economic roundsman newspaper.
Japan in actually even now 2nd of the world which is a economic superpower very much. Therefore, for example, in the contribution to the United Nations, the world is the biggest for a long time, if the U.S. takes warning by often stopping payment in their own convenience, pay many contributions very much overwhelmingly, Japan maintained an organization, the United Nations.
As well as the U.S., as the economic newspaper in the country which must head another 170 years, the world, be being disqualified completely.
Saying that it isn't possible to announce that it is Nihon Keizai Shimbun and so on, there must be be deeply impressed.
The lacking of the recognition of yours, the stupid feeble-mindedness if saying severely, the responsibility of making the world in very unstable now, rather knowing, feeling, it is sought, being pressing now with you.
What it should do is only the work to make the Tokyo Stock Exchange the biggest market in the world right now, that.
Then, it is necessary to notice that only the thing finds out the world right and that it rescues it right now.
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