文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

They are equal to the malefactors now.

2016年04月23日 20時37分15秒 | 日記

They are equal to the malefactors now.

I knew on nothing until August of two years ago though, the German reporters who belong to this foreign correspondent society, it is as in the article of Asahi Shimbun, it doesn't know whether or not it is their intention though, leaving far each other, it doesn't meet at all in the daily life, (As previously mentioned, that I never talked with the German), because it is the people, in order that the each other facing feelings and so on should own nothing, the German about half, as the result of the article which they continued to write, it says that it has anti-Japanese feeling to the we Japanese, it read an opinion poll result last year and I read in the newspaper.

To the half of the German which is easily fooled by these feeble-mindedness with these reporters, which I take a rage and contempt out is because it isn't necessary to say.

If saying about the half of this German, I have the memory of the image which makes a hit in the heart.

Anna Netrebko was main and opera singer as much as five did an open-air concert in Berlin or somewhere.

Frequently, the camera projects seats for the audience.

The atmosphere of the middle-aged couple is different from the audience in the U.S. and so on, contrived.

The gesture and the atmosphere as conscious that they were a good human being, conscious of the camera

I understand what that was clear now.

"As for the essence of their speech, it is hypocritical fundamentally and in short, they want to seem to be a conscientious human being" (Sakai Nobuhiko).

That the German reporters and the half German people who are fooled by this are such human beings, those feelings are bad, the image which doesn't calm down, it was telling.

incorrigible human beings to move compliantly to the violation of human rights state

2016年04月23日 20時03分35秒 | 日記

For all that, that David Kaye, sham (which means to say that incorrigible human beings to move compliantly to the violation of human rights state) is,

It does no refutation to being declaring the table which gave the conclusion to say that the degree of press freedom in Japan is rather below than Korea to.

Indeed, it is a despising tribe.

I may conclude that they must receive the entertainment of the money and valuables, the eating and drinking from the government in China and Korea, the CIA and so on or Asahi Shimbun and so on.

But, to what their attitude, in which the discovery of my Nobel Prize-class "Japan is, in the international community, it is the post-war 70 years (also leading to now) political prisoners", the correctness of my editorial, foreign correspondents who are in Japan have demonstrated.

If this were all, it would be well, they are, in particular, In China, even when lawyers 200

2016年04月23日 19時37分14秒 | 日記

If this were all, it would be well, they are, in particular, In China, even when lawyers 200 people were at once arrested, do not do anything,

On the aspect to say that there is not CIA or FBI which is not about, they enjoyed life in Japan which is a country with the liberty above the U.S., in other words Japan has the best freedom and the intellect in the world.

Attempt to think.

In America, even John Lennon was prosecuted to the deportation verge.

In Hong Kong, at the Chinese mainland, they start no action to brother's fitting speech suppression, too.

In addition to being the best in the liberty and the intellect in the world, Japan where the restaurant in each country which is best in the world exists, they enjoy life in Japan.

This article continues

They live the life that the favorite thing can be written, enjoying complete liberty in Japan but

2016年04月23日 19時21分33秒 | 日記

Even though, the human nature of the foreign correspondents who are in Japan or the level of the intellect, too, is too horrible.

Attempt to think.

They live the life that the favorite thing can be written, enjoying complete liberty in Japan but it is the fact of the wisdom of the many that it isn't possible to be made of Korea and China.

In China, always, next to the risk of having the experience of the arrest and the branch closure, and the deportation, it is needless to say.

In South Korea, if pointedly that tries to criticize the regime and South Korea, like the real newspaper to say that the Sankei Shimbun, like a real reporter to say that Kuroda, arrest, imprisonment, it also goes without saying that being prosecuted.

This article continues


2016年04月23日 18時11分33秒 | 日記













2016年04月23日 17時47分25秒 | 日記
















2016年04月23日 15時28分44秒 | 日記



















2016年04月23日 15時09分11秒 | 日記












小心翼々。嘘を大言するのは単に漢民族の特性みたいだ。 駐日大使、程永華もその口か。「日本は南沙諸島に口を出すな」「日本は南シナ海問題の当事者ですらない」とチャイナ・デーリー紙一面で尊大に言い放った。 



















it has pride and honor as the people robbed and it has a mind invaded

2016年04月23日 13時15分41秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

It is because to be planted in the sin view of history by the history problem, it has pride and honor as the people robbed and it has a mind invaded that it has become so.

It is a decline - the lack of the peoplehood and it is the weakening of the fundamental mental power.

The Sina people and the Korean can do this calmly because the human being who is enthusiastic about the Japan attack exists in quantities, siding with the side of the opponent in the Japanese.

There is various existence in it but it is necessary to say that Asahi Shimbun is after all in playing a most core role.

Also, among the people of the conservatives, the cause which does the speech that the Asahi and so on diminish Japan, it understands, saying being a leftist though, it isn't possible to say that it is right.

To understand because the human being in addition to the leftists such as the politician of Liberal Democratic Party, too, contains, too, as for the essence of their speech, it is hypocritical fundamentally and in short, understand, they want to seem to be a conscientious human being.

Also, as for the historical perspective to insist on, the Asahi and so on are said to be "the masochism view of history" but they should say " the view of history to oppress the Japan" correctly, because they don't feel what pain to themselves and especially, an object, Japan, because they oppress and crucify.

That is, it is possible to conclude that the essence of the speech in the Asahi is to oppress Japan with hypocrisy.

the essence of the speech in the Asahi is "to oppress Japan with hypocrisy".

2016年04月23日 12時20分15秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

It is because to be planted in the sin view of history by the history problem, it has pride and honor as the people robbed and it has a mind invaded that it has become so.

It is a decline - the lack of the peoplehood and it is the weakening of the fundamental mental power.

The Sina people and the Korean can do this calmly because the human being who is enthusiastic about the Japan attack exists in quantities, siding with the side of the opponent in the Japanese.

There is various existence in it but it is necessary to say that Asahi Shimbun is after all in playing a most core role.

Also, among the people of the conservatives, the cause which does the speech that the Asahi and so on diminish Japan, it understands, saying being a leftist though, it isn't possible to say that it is right.

To understand because the human being in addition to the leftists such as the politician of Liberal Democratic Party, too, contains, too, as for the essence of their speech, it is hypocritical fundamentally and in short, understand, they want to seem to be a conscientious human being.

Also, as for the historical perspective to insist on, the Asahi and so on are said to be "the masochism view of history" but they should say " the view of history to oppress the Japan" correctly, because they don't feel what pain to themselves and especially, an object, Japan, because they oppress and crucify.

That is, it is possible to conclude that the essence of the speech in the Asahi is "to oppress Japan with hypocrisy".

What appeared here in the remarkable, it ties a territory problem to the history problem forcibly

2016年04月23日 11時44分21秒 | 日記

The following is a really stunning book of Nobuhiko Sakai of former Tokyo University professor, "Asahi Shimbun is crazy for oppressing Japan and hypocrisy" <Asahi thinking and mental structure of discrimination and prejudice >>, it is a «Preface».

The black emphasis is me. Date at the time the paper was written.

Last summer, in response to that the Japanese government has declared the nationalization, in conflict with Communist China over the Senkaku Islands, which made the so-called "anti-Japanese demonstrations" has occurred.

This is a terrorist act of state power itself of Communist China did in the sockpuppet, at that time, the day of the Manchurian Incident outbreak of September 18 was taken out.

Also South Korea's former president landed on Takeshima, the new president stated, the relationship between the victim and the perpetrator that does not change even after a thousand years.

What appeared here in the remarkable, it ties a territory problem to the history problem forcibly, and train Japanese as the bad guys, it is the way to conceal its own crime by.

But the arrival of this grave and serious situation, the Japanese cannot still recognize correctly.

By the state power of the Chinese Communist Party, that burned, looted for Japanese companies, even when subjected to outright persecution-disservice, also reviled by South Korean President, that the rage doesn't well up at all in the Japanese people, it is above all evidence.

This article continues

Ils sont, il est une pompe match parce que

2016年04月23日 11時38分05秒 | 日記

L'autre jour, du Japon est un pays qui a plus élevés au monde de la liberté et de l'intelligence, ainsi que les États-Unis, qui, comme la liberté de la presse est inférieure à la Corée du Sud, vraiment créer une table de la salve de rire vraiment, à les correspondants étrangers club, a fait une conférence de presse ouvertement et carrément, l'homme nommé tels que David Kaye et les correspondants de club sont inexactes.

Pour mastermind de cela, il leur est propre, en faisant semblant de ne pas reconnaître, tout d'abord, à l'aide d'un grand cadre dans la «station de nouvelles" de TV Asahi (utilise les ondes radio publiques) ont rapporté, le lendemain de l'Asahi Shimbun édition du matin, cela aussi, de feindre l'ignorance, appuyez sur le déclin de la liberté du Japon, le souci aussi de l'étranger, l'Asahi Shimbun a écrit.

Ils sont, il est parce que la pompe match de la manière qui a été effectuée dans cette affaire.

pompe de match (de Wikipedia)

La pompe du match, est un mot étranger de fabrication japonaise signifiant méthodes et actes de sockpuppet hypocrite.

Match (jeu) l'original anglais, pompe (pompe) l'original est un Néerlandais (pompe en anglais).

"Lui-même battement provoqué un incendie dans le match, il s'effacer dans la pompe" à comparer avec tel que, pour les problèmes et les turbulences, alors que laisser délibérément créé sur son propre ou acte propre est à ses racines mais, intelligemment lutte pour feindre l'ignorance, a également cherché la louange et le profit joue sa propre force motrice derrière le rôle de la résolution et de décantation, qui est une expression utilisée pour désigner de tels actes.

Essi sono, si tratta di una pompa partita,

2016年04月23日 11時37分26秒 | 日記

L'altro giorno, del Giappone è un paese che ha il più alto del mondo di libertà e di intelligenza, insieme con gli Stati Uniti, che, come la libertà di stampa è inferiore a Corea del Sud, in realtà per creare una tabella del burst in una risata davvero, a i Foreign Correspondents 'Club, ha fatto una conferenza stampa apertamente e ad angolo retto, l'uomo chiamato come David Kaye e dei corrispondenti' Club sono imprecisi.

Per mastermind di questo è proprio, facendo finta di non riconoscere, prima di tutto, utilizzando una grande cornice nella "stazione di notizie" di TV Asahi (sta usando le onde radio pubbliche) ha riferito, il giorno successivo della Asahi Shimbun edizione del mattino, anche questo, a fingere ignoranza, premere il declino della libertà del Giappone, la preoccupazione anche dall'estero, l'Asahi Shimbun ha scritto.

Sono, è perché partita pompa il modo in cui è stata effettuata in questione.

Pompa Match (da Wikipedia)

La pompa partita, è una parola straniera giapponese-made che significa metodi e gli atti di sockpuppet ipocrita.

Match (match) l'originale inglese, pompa (pompa) l'originale è un olandese (pompa in inglese).

"Stesso sbattimento ha causato un incendio nella partita, lui stesso cancellare nella pompa" da confrontare con, come, per i problemi e le turbolenze, mentre lasciare appositamente creato da solo, o proprio atto è alla radice però, abilmente lotta per fingere ignoranza, anche cercato la lode e profitto gioca la sua forza trainante dietro il ruolo del solving e di assestamento, che è un'espressione usata per riferirsi a tali atti.

Son, es una bomba de fósforo Debido

2016年04月23日 11時36分49秒 | 日記

El otro día, de Japón es un país que tiene más alta del mundo de la libertad y la inteligencia, junto con Estados Unidos, que, como la libertad de prensa es inferior a Corea del Sur, en realidad para crear una tabla de la ráfaga en risa de verdad, por lo corresponsales extranjeros club, hizo una rueda de prensa abierta y en ángulo recto, el hombre llamado como David Kaye y los corresponsales 'club son inexactos.

, Para organizar a esto, es su propia, pretendiendo no reconocer, en primer lugar, mediante el uso de un marco grande en el "canal de noticias" de TV Asahi (está usando las ondas de radio públicas) informó, al día siguiente de la Asahi Shimbun edición de la mañana, esto también, a fingir ignorancia, pulse declive libertad de Japón, la preocupación también del extranjero, Asahi Shimbun escribió.

Ellos son, es porque la bomba partido de la manera en que se llevó a cabo en esta materia.

la bomba del partido (de Wikipedia)

La bomba partido, es una palabra extranjera de fabricación japonesa que significa métodos y actos de sockpuppet hipócrita.

Partido (partido) del Inglés original, la bomba (pompa) el original es un holandés (bomba en Inglés).

"El mismo aleteo provocó un incendio en el partido, él mismo borrar en la bomba" para ser comparado con por ejemplo, por los problemas y agitación, mientras que dejar deliberadamente creado por su propia cuenta, o propio acto es en sus raíces, sin embargo, hábilmente luchar para fingir ignorancia, también buscaron la gloria y el beneficio juega su propia fuerza motriz detrás del papel de la solución y la sedimentación, que es una expresión utilizada para referirse a este tipo de actos.

Sie sind, es ist ein Spiel Pumpe Da die Art und

2016年04月23日 11時36分07秒 | 日記

Der andere Tag, von Japan ist ein Land, das weltweit höchste Freiheit und Intelligenz hat, zusammen mit den Vereinigten Staaten, dass, wie die Pressefreiheit in Südkorea, wirklich schlechter ist eine Tabelle des Bursts in Lachen wirklich zu schaffen, bei der Foreign Correspondents 'Club, eine Pressekonferenz offen und direkt tat, der Mann wie David Kaye und die Korrespondenten namens' Club sind ungenau.

Um Drahtzieher dieser es ihre eigene ist, nicht so zu tun zu erkennen, vor allem durch einen großen Rahmen in der "Nachrichtensender" von TV Asahi mit (wird die öffentlichen Radiowellen) berichtet, am nächsten Tag von der Asahi Shimbun Morgenausgabe, dieses, auch auch Unwissenheit, die Pressefreiheit Rückgang von Japan, Sorge zu heucheln aus dem Ausland, schrieb die Asahi Shimbun.

Sie sind, ist es, weil die Art und Weise übereinstimmen pumpen, in dem in dieser Angelegenheit durchgeführt.

Spiel Pumpe (aus Wikipedia)

Das Spiel Pumpe, ist ein japanischer gemachte Fremdwort Methoden und Handlungen der heuchlerischen SockPuppet bedeutet.

Spiel (Match) die ursprüngliche englische, Pumpe (Pomp) das Original ist eine niederländische (Pumpe in englischer Sprache).

"Selbst Flattern verursacht ein Feuer im Spiel, es sich in der Pumpe zu löschen" verglichen werden mit, wie für die Probleme und Turbulenzen, während absichtlich auf eigene erstellt verlassen, oder eigene Tat ist aber an seinen Wurzeln, geschickt kämpfen heucheln Unwissenheit, suchte auch das Lob und Gewinn spielt seine eigene treibende Kraft hinter der Rolle der Lösung und Absetzen, die ein Ausdruck, um sich auf solche Handlungen verwendet wird.