文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Legally speaking, these thugs should be punished by heavy sentence, for treason against

2016年04月21日 22時16分39秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

Again, it wants to dwarf Japan, it thinks that it doesn't want to make Japan exist as the big country as the actual state, it is unrolling the exercise which reduces the value in Japan in the international community, it doesn't look forward to the theory even about being as intention of Korea, China.

Japan and the Japanese people, because this childish, the most vicious, oppressed Japan, crazy about to be disparaging, and the lowest of thugs, must win at the end of the battle.

Legally speaking, these thugs should be punished by heavy sentence, for treason against the state, they are existence to throw them into prison, you must be aware of.

In them, so far, the damage to have continued to give the national wealth is 1,400 trillion yen in amount.

Because it is the fact which it isn't necessary to say that the fabrication article that they hurt the trust of the deceased and our Japan people in now and in Japan in it and disgrace is countless, too.

This article continues.

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Asahi, to mobilize sympathizers who came to building in the world, began to start

2016年04月21日 21時44分48秒 | 日記

From concerns about China, hedge funds of Western from the year of the beginning of the year is, most certainly, is an easy market to earn huge amounts of money, in the Tokyo Stock Exchange, to the strong yen by exchange futures, then furiously managed a short sale in the Nikkei average futures, it earned a huge amount of money.

As a result, recently, as outgoing, all over the world of the market, of all things, TSE, equivalent to question the Chinese market, about 30% of, the violent fall, was hit.

Fell to the level of when the Prime Minister Abe began abenomics, was led by Asahi, or ever seen it, or, was established as abenomics was flake off.

Now, it is before the House of Councilor’s election.

Asahi, to mobilize sympathizers who came to building in the world, began to start the Abe administration attack.

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Until two years ago in August, it is the total time of the post-war 70 years.

2016年04月21日 21時28分02秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.

For the tenant securing of two buildings of super high-rise Nakanoshima festival Tower which is the building business where their own company risked fortune of a company, about the North yard sale business of the former Japan National Railways which was the business of the pivot of the Osaka reconstruction to confusion, finally, the second phase of furnishing, had decided to gibberish.

In that it is the actual state of Asahi Shimbun, Japan and the Japanese people must fight against them knowing to be deeply impressed.

Asahi Shimbun, until I appear to do this, (especially in Western society), it made it fancy to be the best newspaper which represents Japan all over the world. Until two years ago in August, it is the total time of the post-war 70 years.

It will not be necessary to say that the connections of the reporter and the scholars whom they can set up around the Europe and America and so on rise up to the unusual number.

I praised a Newsweek magazine Japanese edition many times, but recently a little so far, and the Japanese reporter here is different and publishes an article like semi- Asahi Shimbun. Now, recently, I was scanning but the special story of this week's issue was horrible. Of all things, it began to say that Japan is good in deflation.

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as it discredits the honor of Japan and the Japanese people, and so on, they don't mind.

2016年04月21日 21時03分13秒 | 日記

"The news station" of TV-Asahi was proving that the actual state of Asahi Shimbun was a quisling and that it was a traitor clear last night.

The friend let me know a short while ago, but Asahi Shimbun published one the same as the table which "the news station" was televising last night and by the title "The liberty of the report" recession, the concerns from the foreign countries in Japan, too, (the one, Asahi Shimbun, doesn't notice even that it exposes that it is shameless in this way and being its childish newspaper which is therefore wicked to all the world), by the example, the Asahi published the article that stirs up trouble in order to discredit and bring disgrace for Japan for solving it in the international community.

This time, for the defeat of the Abe administration, any and all, it is needless to say that one of the last futile struggle.

The character that the wirepuller of this matter is possible at themselves, (Year before last, since August, completely, they don't notice even that it seems to be transparent of the Japanese people), no more, unscrupulous, as a naked king, of their own, left-wing ideology, with the Communist Party specific self-righteous, to realize the childish and wicked thought, in the international community, as it discredits the honor of Japan and the Japanese people, and so on, they don't mind.

This article continues

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2016年04月21日 19時51分57秒 | 日記














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2016年04月21日 19時48分43秒 | 日記























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2016年04月21日 15時05分39秒 | 日記























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En outre, cependant, tous les lecteurs doivent connaître le droit de mon article, aussi.

2016年04月21日 11時17分24秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est une continuation du chapitre précédent.
En outre, cependant, tous les lecteurs doivent connaître le droit de mon article, aussi.
En d'autres termes, la communauté internationale, 70 ans après la guerre, il est venu aux "prisonniers politiques" au Japon, est la justesse de mon éditorial.
Maintenant, tout en étant, ils ont continué à faire payer une grande partie de l'argent qui est nécessaire pour maintenir l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour le Japon.
La Corée, la Chine ou l'Organisation des Nations Unies continuent de faire une telle chose indicible alors que seulement l'argent qu'ils ont continué à gouge du Japon.
Les soi-disant groupe de citoyens et de la Fédération japonaise des associations du barreau, puis, Asahi Shimbun, qui ne sont pas exagérées même si elle dit que ces meneurs, la gravité de l'incitation à cela, le ressortissant japonais ont maintenant une rage, il est nécessaire de connaître.

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Inoltre, tuttavia, tutti i lettori avrebbero dovuto

2016年04月21日 11時16分42秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è una continuazione del capitolo precedente.
Inoltre, tuttavia, tutti i lettori avrebbero dovuto sapere il diritto del mio articolo, anche.
In altre parole, la comunità internazionale, 70 anni dopo la guerra, è venuto ai "prigionieri politici" in Giappone, è la correttezza del mio editoriale che.
Ora, pur essendo, hanno continuato a farlo pagare gran parte del denaro che è necessario mantenere Nazioni Unite per il Giappone.
Corea, la Cina e le Nazioni Unite continuano a fare una cosa così indicibile, mentre solo il denaro che hanno continuato a cavare dal Giappone.
Cosiddetto gruppo di cittadini e la Federazione Giapponese delle Associazioni, quindi, Asahi Shimbun che non è esagerato, anche se si dice quelle wirepullers, la gravità di incitare questo, la nazionale giapponese hanno ora una rabbia, è necessario conoscere.

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Por otra parte, sin embargo, todos los lectores deben haber

2016年04月21日 11時16分06秒 | 日記

La siguiente es una continuación del capítulo anterior.
Por otra parte, sin embargo, todos los lectores deben haber conocido la derecha de mi artículo, también.
En otras palabras, la comunidad internacional, 70 años después de la guerra, llegó a los "presos políticos" en Japón, es la corrección de mi editorial que.
Ahora, mientras que ser, continuaron hacer pagar gran parte del dinero que es necesario para mantener las Naciones Unidas para Japón.
Corea, China o las Naciones Unidas siguen haciendo una cosa tan indescriptible, mientras que sólo el dinero que siguieron gubia de Japón.
Llamado grupo de los ciudadanos y la Federación Japonesa de Asociaciones de Abogados, a continuación, Asahi Shimbun que no es exagerado, incluso si dice esas wirepullers, la gravedad de incitar a esto, el nacional japonés tienen ahora una rabia, es necesario conocer.

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Darüber hinaus sollten jedoch alle Leser das Recht meines Artikels gekannt haben, auch.

2016年04月21日 11時15分28秒 | 日記

Im Folgenden ist eine Fortsetzung des vorhergehenden Kapitels.
Darüber hinaus sollten jedoch alle Leser das Recht meines Artikels gekannt haben, auch.
Mit anderen Worten, die internationale Gemeinschaft, 70 Jahre nach dem Krieg, es an den "politischen Gefangenen" in Japan kam, ist die Richtigkeit meiner Redaktion dieser.
Nun, während sie weiterhin auf sie es viel von dem Geld machen zahlen, die erforderlich ist, den Vereinten Nationen für Japan zu erhalten.
Korea, China oder auch weiterhin die Vereinten Nationen eine solche unsägliche, was zu tun, während nur das Geld, das sie von Japan Beitel fortgesetzt.
So genannte Bürger-Gruppe und der Japan Federation of Associations Bar, dann Asahi Shimbun, die nicht einmal übertrieben , wenn sie diese Drahtziehern sagt, die Schwere der diese Anstiftung, die japanische nationale jetzt eine Wut haben, ist es notwendig zu wissen.

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Além disso, no entanto, todos os leitores devem

2016年04月21日 11時14分49秒 | 日記

O que se segue é uma continuação do capítulo anterior.
Além disso, no entanto, todos os leitores devem ter sabido o direito do meu artigo, também.
Em outras palavras, a comunidade internacional, 70 anos depois da guerra, ele veio para os "presos políticos" no Japão, é a justeza da minha editorial isso.
Agora, apesar de serem, eles continuaram a fazê-lo pagar grande parte do dinheiro que é necessário para manter a Organização das Nações Unidas para o Japão.
Coreia, China ou das Nações Unidas continuam a fazer uma coisa tão indescritível enquanto apenas o dinheiro que eles continuaram a arrancar do Japão.
Chamado grupo do cidadão e da Federação Japonesa de Associações de Advogados, então, Asahi Shimbun que não é exagerada, mesmo que diz que essas wirepullers, a gravidade de incitar a isso, o nacional japonês têm agora uma raiva, é necessário saber.

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2016年04月21日 11時14分13秒 | 日記


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2016年04月21日 11時13分33秒 | 日記


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또한, 그러나, 모든

2016年04月21日 11時12分55秒 | 日記

하지만 독자 모두 또는 나의 논설의 정확성도 알고 있었을 것이다.

즉, 국제 사회는 전후 70 년 일본을 '정치적 죄수」에두고 온 것이다라는 나의 논설의 정확성이다.

그러면서도 그들은 유엔을 유지하기 위해 필요한 돈을 많이 일본에 털어 내고 계속해온 것이다.

한국도 중국도 유엔도 일본에서 돈만는 せびり 취하여하면서 이런 지독한 일을 계속 실시해 온 것이다.

소위 시민 단체와 일본 변호사 연합, 그리고 그 배후라고해도 과언이 아니다 아사히 신문이이를 부추 겨 왔다고의 가혹함을 일본 국민은 이제 분노를 가지고 알아야한다 이다.

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