文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2017年02月17日 21時12分13秒 | 日記










Pseudo Moralism, pseudo Market fundamentalism is only play into evil's hands.

2017年02月17日 16時13分52秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Regarding this cheating, we should start preparing for complaining US management of Westinghouse at the present moment.

Among the exertion of Ms. Fukuda Moe on the March issue of the monthly magazine WiLL introduced in the other day, Green Gang related companies seem to be trying to weaken the Japanese electronics industry now. There was a phrase.

Japanese prosecutors must clarify what was going on at the Westinghouse in the United States, which is completely invisible from Japan.

It also contributed to that, suffered from deflation and many citizens suffered, at a stake of the manager who seems to have raised to the 1st and 2nd millionaires in Japan at once, there is no Toshiba.

Especially, Mizuho FG's representative director Sato must make a 1 trillion yen loan decision for Toshiba with the fastest speed in Mizuho history.

Japanese and Japanese citizens cannot do something like selling Toshiba's semiconductor sector to other countries by mistake.

From Japan, Japanese citizens, Japan's judiciary, Japanese politicians, you must realize that the time is right for Japan to overcome evil.

Pseudo Moralism, pseudo Market fundamentalism is only play into evil's hands.

Immediately enter into the investigation of the American management team and correct the relationship behind.

Only then will Japan be recognized as the world leader.

There are no best players in Japan going to such places.

2017年02月17日 15時44分38秒 | 日記

It is no exaggeration to say that the television station, a subsidiary of a major Japanese newspaper company, is the only company that is making programs using talent from major entertainment production.

There are no best players in Japan going to such places.

Japanese beauty girls may go.

Third-generation employees of such television stations say Toshiba undoubtedly speak of large corporations that have represented Japan in condescending attitude is a terrible story.

On the contrary it’s a ridiculous story to say something like if Toshiba is a company that cannot be helped.

The number of Japanese citizens Toshiba is still employing is still 190,000. You can compare it with the number of people your company hires.

What you came do is to talent who cannot afford it you just paid huge money, which there is no connection to the majority of Japanese citizens.

Now let's return to the main subject.

The fact that Toshiba is a matter that the country must relieve is a case that President Trump can silently understand. It is a large company that has continued to hire 190,000 citizens.

First of all, it is necessary to investigate where the company that mediated Westinghouse to Toshiba was and where the settlement data of Westinghouse Inc. at that time was correct.

This draft continues.


2017年02月17日 15時25分05秒 | 日記














What I am disgusted about is the correspondence of the government office in China

2017年02月17日 15時13分46秒 | 日記

Recently, I was recording NHK special feature about people who suffer from China's air pollution and the actual situation of China.

As I mentioned many times that the severity of air pollution in China is not a level that humans can live.

There are more than one million petitions and protests against air pollution, it says.

What I am disgusted about is the correspondence of the government office in China.

Local officials do not keep it is not their problem.

Women's reception at the reception of the court is a surprise response for anyone in Japan.

It is no exaggeration to say that no official in Japan is responsible for any such responses.

It is not a decent Japanese who wrote it on the net just because he was defeated at a child's health center entrance lottery, such as Japan's dead.

These traditional countries, people in China and the Korean Peninsula, would be.

Women's legislators of the Democratic Progressive Party who gladly accepted this in the National Assembly and used it for taking government attacks, and the media that we happily chose to buy a buzzword for last year's prize.

You should not say to Japan. To such countries like China, you should emit such words right now.

At the same time, you should immediately go to the United Nations and file a lawsuit against to the great nation of violent human rights violation in everything.

It is no exaggeration to say that no official in Japan is responsible for any such responses

2017年02月17日 14時16分16秒 | 日記

Recently, I was recording NHK special feature about people who suffer from China's air pollution and the actual situation of China.

As I mentioned many times that the severity of air pollution in China is not a level that humans can live.

There are more than one million petitions and protests against air pollution, it says.

What I am disgusted about is the correspondence of the government office.

Local officials do not keep it is not their problem.

Women's reception at the reception of the court is a surprise response for anyone in Japan.

It is no exaggeration to say that no official in Japan is responsible for any such responses.

It is not a decent Japanese who wrote it on the net just because he was defeated at a child's health center entrance lottery, such as Japan's dead.

These traditional countries, people in China and the Korean Peninsula, would be.

Women's legislators of the Democratic Progressive Party who gladly accepted this in the National Assembly and used it for taking government attacks, and the media that we happily chose to buy a buzzword for last year's prize.

You should not say to Japan. To such countries like China, you should emit such words right now.

At the same time, you should immediately go to the United Nations and file a lawsuit against to the great nation of violent human rights violation in everything.

Si les médias devenus un outil révolutionnaire de l

2017年02月17日 13時57分29秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre précédent.

* ~ * Est moi.

* Comme le dernier bon contraste du chapitre précédent, j'ai mentionné l'article de fond de l'Asahi Shimbun que j'ai souligné auparavant, à une femme qui semble être un professeur dans une université japonaise (qui est aussi vraiment scandaleux), avec un grand espace , Avec plaisir, le Asahi Shimbun qui écrivait (que la situation réelle est une démo vraiment laide), et suggère que la politique du Japon sera suggéré, est vraiment inévitablement un journal pauvre.

En même temps, parce qu'il est pseudo-moraliste et pseudo-communiste, il est piloté dans des pays comme la Chine et la Corée du Sud, pour le Japon, il montre clairement que c'est un journal très dangereux, les citoyens japonais et les gens partout dans le monde doivent connaître.

Parce que le New York Times et les journaux sud-allemands sont tout comme les journaux de l'Asahi Shimbun. *

C'est la même chose que la couverture politique du club de presse japonais, et il ne vaut pas la peine d'être lu comme une nouvelle.

L'espoir est que la campagne pour créer un «nouveau journal» en Corée commence maintenant.

Les gens qui croient en la vérité et la démocratie libérale lancent des journaux et invitent des dons à des gens d'esprit, si la plupart des médias vont être la position de renversement du régime et encourager la politique abusive.

Si les médias qui deviennent un outil révolutionnaire de l'aile gauche se normalisent, la Corée va sûrement changer.


Se i media che sono diventati uno strumento rivoluzionario

2017年02月17日 13時56分55秒 | 日記

Quanto segue è la continuazione del capitolo precedente.

* ~ * È me.

* Come l'ultimo buon contrasto del capitolo precedente, ho citato l'articolo caratteristica del Asahi Shimbun che ho sottolineato prima, per una donna che sembra essere un professore in una università giapponese (che è anche veramente scandaloso), con grande spazio , con piacere, l'Asahi Shimbun che stava scrivendo (che la vera situazione è davvero un brutto demo), e suggerisce che la politica del Giappone saranno suggerite, è veramente inevitabilmente un giornale povero.

Allo stesso tempo, perché è pseudo-moralismo e pseudo-comunismo, che è pilotato in paesi come la Cina e la Corea del Sud, per il Giappone, mostra chiaramente che si tratta di un giornale molto pericolosa, i cittadini giapponesi e persone di tutto il mondo deve conoscere.

Perché il New York Times e giornali tedeschi del sud sono proprio come i giornali dalla Asahi Shimbun. *

E 'lo stesso come la copertura politica da parte della stampa del club giapponese, e non vale la pena leggere come le notizie.

Una speranza è che la campagna per creare "nuovo giornale" in Corea sta iniziando ora.

Le persone che credono nei giornali di verità e di lancio democrazia liberale e invitano le donazioni per le persone di cuore-mente, se la maggior parte dei media stanno per essere la posizione del rovesciamento del regime e favorire la politica abusivi.

Se i media che sono diventati uno strumento rivoluzionario per la normalizzazione sinistra, la Corea è sicuro di cambiare.


Si los medios que se convirtieron en una

2017年02月17日 13時56分24秒 | 日記

Lo que sigue es la continuación del capítulo anterior.

Soy yo

* Como el último buen contraste del capítulo anterior, mencioné el artículo destacado del Asahi Shimbun que ya señalé antes, a una mujer que parece ser un profesor de una universidad japonesa (que también es realmente escandalosa), con un gran espacio , Con gusto, el Asahi Shimbun que estaba escribiendo (que la situación real es una demostración realmente fea), y sugiere que la política de Japón se sugiere, es realmente inevitablemente un periódico pobre.

Al mismo tiempo, porque es pseudo-moralismo y pseudo-comunismo, es pilotado en países como China y Corea del Sur, para Japón, muestra claramente que es un periódico muy peligroso, los ciudadanos japoneses y la gente en todo el mundo deben saber.

Porque el New York Times y los periódicos del sur de Alemania son como los periódicos de Asahi Shimbun. *

Es lo mismo que la cobertura política del club de prensa japonés, y no vale la pena leerla como noticia.

Una esperanza es que la campaña para crear "nuevo periódico" en Corea está comenzando ahora.

Las personas que creen en la verdad y en la democracia liberal lanzan periódicos e invitan a las donaciones a las personas de corazón, si la mayoría de los medios van a ser la posición de derrocamiento del régimen y fomentar la política abusiva.

Si los medios que se convirtieron en una herramienta revolucionaria por la izquierda se normalizan, Corea seguramente cambiará.


Wenn sich die Medien, die ein revolutionäres

2017年02月17日 13時55分50秒 | 日記

Das Folgende ist die Fortsetzung des vorigen Kapitels.

* ~ * Ist mir.

Als letzter guter Kontrast des vorigen Kapitels erwähnte ich den vorhin erwähnten Merkmalsartikel der Asahi Shimbun an eine Frau, die an einer japanischen Universität (die auch wirklich unverschämt ist) mit großem Raum zu sein scheint , Mit Freude, die Asahi Shimbun, die schrieb (die wirkliche Situation ist eine wirklich hässliche Demo), und schlägt vor, dass Japans Politik vorgeschlagen wird, ist wirklich unweigerlich eine schlechte Zeitung.

Zur gleichen Zeit, weil es Pseudomoralismus und Pseudokommunismus ist, wird es in Ländern wie China und Südkorea, für Japan, es zeigt deutlich gezeigt, dass es eine sehr gefährliche Zeitung, japanische Bürger und Menschen auf der ganzen Welt muss pilotiert werden kennt.

Denn die New York Times und die süddeutschen Zeitungen sind genau wie die Zeitungen der Asahi Shimbun. Aufrechtzuerhalten.

Es ist das gleiche wie die politische Berichterstattung aus dem japanischen Presseclub, und es lohnt sich nicht, Nachrichten zu lesen.

Eine Hoffnung ist, dass die Kampagne, um "neue Zeitung" in Korea zu schaffen, jetzt beginnt.

Menschen, die an die Wahrheit und die liberale Demokratie glauben, bringen Zeitungen ins Leben und laden die herzlichen Menschen mit Spenden ein, wenn die meisten Medien die Position des Sturzes des Regimes sind und eine missbräuchliche Politik fördern.

Wenn sich die Medien, die ein revolutionäres Werkzeug des linken Flügels wurden, normalisieren, wird sich Korea sicherlich ändern.


Se a mídia que se tornou uma ferramenta revolucionária pela

2017年02月17日 13時54分59秒 | 日記

A seguir está a continuação do capítulo anterior.

* * * Sou eu.

* Como o último bom contraste do capítulo anterior, eu mencionei o artigo de destaque do Asahi Shimbun que eu apontei antes, a uma mulher que parece ser professora de uma universidade japonesa (que também é realmente ultrajante), com grande espaço , Com prazer, o Asahi Shimbun que estava escrevendo (que a situação real é uma demo muito feio), e sugere que a política do Japão será sugerido, é realmente inevitavelmente um jornal pobre.

Ao mesmo tempo, porque é pseudo-moralismo e pseudo-comunismo, é pilotado em países como China e Coreia do Sul, para o Japão, mostra claramente que é um jornal muito perigoso, os cidadãos japoneses e as pessoas em todo o mundo devem conhecer.

Porque os jornais do New York Times e do sul da Alemanha são apenas como jornais do Asahi Shimbun. *

É o mesmo que a cobertura política do clube de imprensa japonês, e não vale a pena ler como notícia.

Uma esperança é que a campanha para criar "novo jornal" na Coréia esteja começando agora.

As pessoas que acreditam na verdade e na democracia liberal lançam jornais e convidam doações para pessoas de coração, se a maioria dos meios de comunicação vai ser a posição de derrubar o regime e encorajar políticas abusivas.

Se a mídia que se tornou uma ferramenta revolucionária pela esquerda se normalizar, a Coréia certamente mudará.



2017年02月17日 13時54分17秒 | 日記





因為“紐約時報”和南德報紙就像是朝日新聞報紙。 *:







2017年02月17日 13時53分47秒 | 日記





因为“纽约时报”和南德报纸就像是朝日新闻报纸。 *:






혁명적 인 도구가 된

2017年02月17日 13時53分11秒 | 日記

다음은 이전 장의 계속입니다.

* ~ *는 나입니다.

* 이전 장의 마지막 좋은 대조로서 내가 전에 지적한 아사히 신문의 특집 기사, 일본 대학의 교수 인 것처럼 보이는 여성에게도 큰 공간이 있음을 언급했다. 기쁜 마음으로 아사히 신문은 (진짜 상황은 정말 못생긴 데모입니다) 일본의 정치가 제안 될 것이라고 제안하는 것은 필연적으로 가난한 신문입니다.

동시에 의사 도덕주의와 유사 공산주의이기 때문에 중국과 한국과 같은 나라에서 조종사가되어 일본 에선 매우 위험한 신문임을 분명히 보여주고있다. 일본 시민과 전세계 사람들은 알고있다.

뉴욕 타임즈와 남부 독일 신문은 아사히 신문의 신문과 같기 때문에 *

그것은 일본 언론 클럽의 정치적 보도 범위와 동일하며 뉴스로서 읽을만한 가치가 없습니다.

한 가지 희망은 한국에서 "새로운 신문"을 창안하는 캠페인이 시작되고 있다는 것입니다.

진실과 자유 민주주의를 믿는 사람들은 대부분의 미디어가 체제 전복의 위치가되고 학대적인 정치를 장려한다면 신문을 시작하고 마음이 맞는 사람들에게 기부금을 기부합니다.

좌파가 혁명적 인 도구가 된 미디어가 정상화된다면 한국은 반드시 바뀔 것이다.


редства массовой информации,

2017年02月17日 13時52分41秒 | 日記

Следующее является продолжением предыдущей главе.

* ~ * Я.

* Как последний хороший контраст предыдущей главы, я упомянул особенность статью Asahi Shimbun, что я указывал ранее, к женщине, которая, кажется, профессор японского университета (который также является очень возмутительно), с большим пространством , с удовольствием, Асахи симбун, который писал (что реальная ситуация действительно некрасиво демо), и говорит о том, что политика Японии будет предложено, действительно неизбежно плохой газета.

В то же время, потому что это псевдо-морализаторство и псевдо-коммунизм, он апробирован в таких странах, как Китай и Южная Корея, Японии, то она ясно показывает, что это очень опасно газета, японские граждане и люди во всем мире должны знать.

Так как Нью-Йорк Таймс и южные немецкие газеты так же, как газеты от Asahi Shimbun. *

Это то же самое, как политического освещения от японской пресс-клуба, и это не стоит читать как новости.

Одна надежда на то, что кампания, чтобы создать "новую газету" в Корее начинается сейчас.

Люди, которые верят в правду и запуска либеральной демократии газет и поощрять пожертвования для сердца мыслящих людей, если большинство СМИ будет положение свержения режима и поощрять оскорбительных политику.

Если средства массовой информации, которые стали революционным инструментом левым нормализуют крыла, Корея наверняка изменится.
