文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

A mode that uses scholars on kept by the Asahi with one page on plutonium is malignant.

2017年02月18日 14時08分50秒 | 日記

North Korea is a nuclear weapon state as it is seen, the state of Korea is the form of the Nazist state, China controlled by the one party dictators of the Communist Party repeats provocative action against Japan on the Senkaku Islands at the moment when Japan showed a small gap,

When China is seeing the ulterior motive invading the Senkaku Islands.

For that purpose China is constantly pursuing the separation of Japan and the US. As the best stage for that, they chose Okinawa, and in Okinawa, anti-base battle = anti-American struggle is directed behind the scenes.

As already mentioned, the Onaga faction has become to get Okinawa under China's thumb.

When Japan is in such a situation, if their rampageous behavior has reached a level that infringes the security of Japan and the Japanese citizen, Japan will be able to arm at any time it is vital for you to understand at the level of kindergarten children in strategy.

It's childishness of the Asahi Shimbun, it seems to be childish rather than it is not exaggeration to say traitor, it is undeniable to write

It is not an exaggeration to say that this newspaper publisher is selling Japan to China and South Korea in particular.

A mode that uses scholars on kept by the Asahi with one page on plutonium is malignant.


2017年02月18日 13時33分57秒 | 日記








As a matter of fact, the truth of things is in a small article on the newspaper side.

2017年02月18日 11時53分37秒 | 日記

As a matter of fact, the truth of things is in a small article on the newspaper side.

All discerning mans should agree with my opinion.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the articles of the headlines of the Asahi Shimbun, whose owner of truly terrible, distorted ideas is an editorial board, are only there is no truth but also their propaganda.

Mr. Hiroshi Hasegawa who was Asahi Shimbun's few real reporters in the book he published, he declares that the Asahi Newspaper is an agitation leaflet.

The following is from a really small article on 11 pages of today's Nikkei newspaper.

Most of the subscribers would not have noticed.

Domestic nuclear power project "playing a role"

Chairman of the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan, to Toshiba

Katsuno Satoru, Chairman of the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan (President of Chubu Electric Power Company) said at a news conference on Tuesday 17th that "Toshiba of the management crisis", "Resumption and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants in Japan, Social Responsibility of Decommissioning Reactor I want to have a solid role to play. "

Although Toshiba pointed out the possibility of excessive debt due to the cost increase in the US nuclear power plant business, he said, "I would like you to maintain a structure that allows for good quality construction."

Since the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, it is pointed out that construction of nuclear power plants and power generation costs are high, mainly in the United States and Europe.

Katsuno said, "We estimate that the generation cost is not inferior to other power sources even including the backend, and if we strictly control the cost of the project, we will not be able to do so in Japan." It was.


2017年02月18日 11時27分07秒 | 日記














2017年02月18日 11時00分54秒 | 日記




2017年02月18日 10時50分26秒 | 日記


Anyway it is not an exaggeration to say that there is no dubious newspaper company as the

2017年02月18日 10時43分14秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

The problem of the South China Sea, similarly, as soon as it was revealed that oil resources were reserved in the ocean floor by UN surveys, the Senkaku Islands were said to be the area of China.

In recent years, violating the Senkaku Islands airspace and territorial waters, declaring that Japan is a country with Article 9 of the Constitution, that it is a country without nuclear weapons.

Not only that but it also said that Okinawa is China's territory.

As already mentioned, China has continued to do a work to make Okinawa a relentless anti base fight = anti-American struggle.

Japan and Japanese citizens should have discarded the Asahi Shimbun in August three years ago.

I am convinced that one of the extremely effective big ones of the Communist Party dictatorial state and the Nazism state propaganda work is a honey trap.

Anyway it is not an exaggeration to say that there is no dubious newspaper company as the Asahi Shimbun.

This draft continues.

To be blind to their own shortcomings that they own nuclear weapons are threatening the peace of the

2017年02月18日 10時36分55秒 | 日記

Last year, a representative from China in the United Nations, as part of the anti-Japanese propaganda, made a further unscrupulous Japanese criticism speech.

To be blind to their own shortcomings that they own nuclear weapons are threatening the peace of the neighboring countries and the world, China suddenly began speech that Japan has a large amount of plutonium.

In Japan, Naoto Kan, Masayoshi Son, and Mizuho Fukushima made foolish decisions, such as immediate suspension of all nuclear power plants, for the purpose of achieving government longevity, privatization and distorted thought.

Despite this being a historical fact that this thing has forced Toshiba, a large company that Japan boasts of the world boast now, into a hardship, in the media about Toshiba the media that the Asahi Shimbun, Do not report.

It is natural that the Asahi Shimbun Company cannot report it.

Toshiba which is a genuine big company currently employing 190,000 people, including several related companies, has hired millions of Japanese citizens, even now it is a real large company that the best talent of Japan has joined, it is tasting the current predicament, the Asahi Shimbun company, in fact the second-class Japanese players in Japan, additionally media that seems to be enrolled in a large number of similar moralists and similar communists, even Koreans in Japan, it is an undeniable fact that there is a big cause also in anti-nuclear coverage which keeps putting a big campaign.

Before the decision that they gave huge damage exceeding 10 trillion yen in just a few years to Japan, despite the fact that plutonium comes out because it was one of the world's biggest nuclear power plants, China made a speech that Japan is trying to nuclear weapons.

China is armed with nuclear weapons.

It was also a speech informing us of how bad the Communist Party dictators are evil in the whole country.

Asahi Shimbun today published an article according to this China about whether or not it thought that that warmness was cooled, using page 1.

This draft continues


2017年02月18日 09時58分52秒 | 日記













Lorsque le Premier ministre Abe se dirige vers une réunion avec le président Trump,

2017年02月18日 09時47分19秒 | 日記

Tout l'homme exigeant qui a lu l'effort de Fukada Moe "Renhō, qui êtes-vous?" Dans le numéro de mars de la revue mensuelle WiLL (il est plein de lire les journaux pleins 800 yens) étaient tous horribles.

Lorsque le Premier ministre Abe essaie de confirmer les progrès des relations entre le Japon et les États - Unis, le Traité de sécurité entre les États - Unis et le Japon est à 100% et que c'est un traité de sécurité japonais ... la naissance du président Trump est elle - La guerre Beaucoup de critiques disent que ...

Comme l'a signalé le journal Sankei en première page, alors que la Corée mène sans relâche une propagande antijaponaise,

Lorsque la Chine est sur le point de violer les eaux territoriales des îles Senkaku, l'espace aérien sur toute la journée,

Lorsque le Premier ministre Abe se dirige vers une réunion avec le président Trump,

Soudain, le Parti démocrate dit des choses comme la recherche de la culpabilité du ministre, que les médias tels que l'Asahi Shimbun était une routine pour remuer le PDL en changeant le PLD, il a commencé au Parlement.

Ce contenu montre également que les œuvres de propagande anti-japonaise de la Chine et de la Corée du Sud pénètrent dans toutes sortes d'organisations au Japon.

C'est un tel contenu que confiant les agents eux-mêmes et leurs espions entrent dans l'organisation principale du Japon.

Dans ce cas, il ne sera rien d'autre que l'activité du pouvoir qui dérange l'esprit du Premier ministre Shinzo et veut empêcher le renforcement des relations américano-japonaises.

Il va sans dire que c'est la «station de nouvelles» de TV Asahi et les «Nouvelles 23» du SCT qui en font état avec enthousiasme. Surtout l'enthousiasme du SCT est anormal. Ce que cela signifie, c'est que le service de presse du TBS est la preuve que la Chine et la Corée du travail de propagande anti-japonais est presque complètement réussie organisation.

Ce projet se poursuit.

Quando il primo ministro Abe si sta dirigendo verso un incontro con il presidente Trump,

2017年02月18日 09時46分49秒 | 日記

Tutto l'uomo intelligente che ha letto lo sforzo di Fukada Moe "Renho, chi sei?" nel numero di marzo della rivista mensile (E 'pieno di carte lettura obbligata pieni 800 yen) erano tutti terribili.

Quando il primo ministro Abe sta cercando di confermare l'ulteriore progresso del Giappone - relazioni degli Stati Uniti, gli Stati Uniti - Trattato di Sicurezza Giappone è al 100%, e che si tratta di un trattato di sicurezza giapponese ... la nascita del Presidente Trump è di per sé il più grande punto di svolta dopo le guerra Molti critici dicono che ...

Come il quotidiano Sankei ha riportato in prima pagina, quando la Corea conduce inesorabilmente propaganda anti-giapponese,

Quando la Cina si appresta a violare le acque territoriali delle isole Senkaku, lo spazio aereo sopra l'intera giornata,

Quando il primo ministro Abe si sta dirigendo verso un incontro con il presidente Trump,

Improvvisamente, il Pd dice cose come la ricerca di guasti del ministro, che i mezzi di comunicazione, come l'Asahi Shimbun era un mezzo di routine per mescolare il LDP cambiando il LDP, ha cominciato in Parlamento.

Questo contenuto mostra anche che l'anti-giapponese di propaganda opere di Cina e Corea del Sud stanno penetrando in tutti i tipi di organizzazioni in Giappone.

Si tratta di un contenuto di sicuro gli agenti stessi e le loro spie stanno entrando la principale organizzazione del Giappone.

In questo caso, non sarà altro che l'attività del potere che disturba la mente del primo ministro Shinzo e vuole inibire il rafforzamento delle relazioni USA-Giappone.

Va da sé che è la "stazione di notizie" di TV Asahi e il "News 23" di TBS che segnalando questo entusiasmo. Soprattutto l'entusiasmo di TBS è anormale. Ciò significa che il servizio stampa della TBS è la prova che la Cina e la Corea anti - lavoro di propaganda giapponese è quasi completamente organizzazione di successo.

Questo progetto continua.

Cuando el primer ministro Abe se dirige a una reunión con el presidente Trump,

2017年02月18日 09時46分17秒 | 日記

Todo el hombre exigente que leía el esfuerzo de Fukada Moe "Renhō, ¿quién eres tú?" En la edición de marzo de la revista mensual WiLL (está lleno de deber leer documentos llenos 800 yen) fueron todos terribles.

Cuando el primer ministro Abe intenta confirmar el avance de las relaciones Japón - Estados Unidos, el Tratado de Seguridad entre Estados Unidos y Japón es 100%, y que es un tratado de seguridad japonés ... el nacimiento del Presidente Trump es en sí mismo el mayor punto de inflexión después de La guerra Muchos críticos están diciendo que ...

Como informó el periódico Sankei en la primera página, cuando Corea implacablemente realiza propaganda antijaponesa,

Cuando China está a punto de violar las aguas territoriales de las Islas Senkaku, el espacio aéreo durante todo el día,

Cuando el primer ministro Abe se dirige a una reunión con el presidente Trump,

De repente, el Partido Demócrata dice cosas como la búsqueda de culpabilidad del ministro, que los medios de comunicación como el Asahi Shimbun era una rutina para agitar el PDL cambiando el PDL, comenzó en el Parlamento.

Este contenido también muestra que las obras de propaganda antijaponesas de China y Corea del Sur están penetrando en todo tipo de organizaciones en Japón.

Es tal el contenido como confiar en los agentes mismos y sus espías están incorporando la organización principal de Japón.

En este caso, no será otra cosa que la actividad del poder que perturba la mente del primer ministro Shinzo y quiere inhibir el fortalecimiento de las relaciones entre Estados Unidos y Japón.

No hace falta decir que es la "estación de noticias" de TV Asahi y la "Noticia 23" de TBS la que está reportando esto con entusiasmo. Especialmente el entusiasmo de TBS es anormal. Lo que esto significa es que el departamento de prensa de TBS es una prueba de que la propaganda antijaponesa de China y Corea es una organización casi completamente exitosa.

Este proyecto continúa.

Als Ministerpräsident Abe zu einem Treffen mit Präsident Trump führt,

2017年02月18日 09時45分46秒 | 日記

Alle anspruchsvollen Menschen, die Fukada Moes Anstrengung "Renhō, wer bist du?" In der März-Ausgabe des monatlichen Magazins WiLL (es ist voll von Must-lesen Papiere voll 800 Yen) waren alle schrecklich.

Als Premierminister Abe versucht, den weiteren Fortschritt der japanisch-amerikanischen Beziehungen zu bestätigen, ist der US-Japaner-Sicherheitsvertrag 100%, und es ist ein japanischer Sicherheitsvertrag ... die Geburt von Präsident Trump ist selbst der größte Wendepunkt nach Der Krieg Viele Kritiker sagen, dass ...

Wie die Sankei-Zeitung auf der Titelseite berichtete, als Korea unerbittlich antijapanische Propaganda durchführte,

Wenn China im Begriff ist, die territorialen Gewässer der Senkaku-Inseln, den Luftraum über den ganzen Tag zu verletzen,

Als Ministerpräsident Abe zu einem Treffen mit Präsident Trump führt,

Plötzlich sagt die Demokratische Partei Dinge wie die Fehlerfindung des Ministers, die die Medien wie die Asahi Shimbun ein Routine-Mittel waren, um die LDP durch eine Änderung der LDP zu reizen, begann sie im Parlament.

Dieser Inhalt zeigt auch, dass antijapanische Propaganda-Werke von China und Südkorea in alle Arten von Organisationen in Japan durchdringen.

Es ist ein solcher Inhalt, der den Agenten selbst vertraut und ihre Spione in die Hauptorganisation Japans eindringen.

In diesem Fall wird es nichts anderes als die Tätigkeit der Macht sein, die den Geist des Premierministers Shinzo stört und die Verstärkung der Beziehungen zwischen den USA und Japan behindern will.

Es versteht sich von selbst, dass es die "Nachrichtenstation" von TV Asahi und die "News 23" von TBS sind, die sich begeistert melden. Besonders die Begeisterung von TBS ist abnormal. Das bedeutet, dass die Presseabteilung von TBS ein Beweis dafür ist, dass die antijapanische Propagandaschutzarbeit Chinas und Koreas beinahe vollständig erfolgreich ist.

Dieser Entwurf geht weiter.

Quando o primeiro-ministro Abe está indo para uma reunião com o presidente Trump,

2017年02月18日 09時45分12秒 | 日記

Todo o homem exigente que leu o esforço de Fukada Moe "Renhō, quem é você?" Na edição de março da revista mensal WiLL (está cheia de documentos de leitura obrigatória de 800 ienes) foram todos terríveis.

Quando o primeiro-ministro Abe está tentando confirmar o progresso das relações Japão-EUA, o Tratado de Segurança EUA-Japão é 100%, e que é um tratado de segurança japonês ... o nascimento do Presidente Trump é ele mesmo o maior ponto de viragem após A guerra Muitos críticos estão dizendo que ...

Como o jornal Sankei relatou na primeira página, quando a Coréia conduz implacavelmente a propaganda anti-japonesa,

Quando a China está prestes a violar as águas territoriais das Ilhas Senkaku, o espaço aéreo durante todo o dia,

Quando o primeiro-ministro Abe está indo para uma reunião com o presidente Trump,

De repente, o Partido Democrata diz coisas como a busca de culpa do ministro, que a mídia, como o Asahi Shimbun era uma rotina de meios para agitar o PDL, alterando o PDL, começou no Parlamento.

Este conteúdo também mostra que as obras de propaganda anti-japonesa da China e da Coréia do Sul estão penetrando em todos os tipos de organizações no Japão.

É tal conteúdo que confiante os agentes próprios e seus espiões estão entrando na organização principal do Japão.

Neste caso, não será nada além da atividade do poder que perturba a mente do primeiro-ministro Shinzo e quer inibir o fortalecimento das relações EUA-Japão.

Escusado será dizer que é a "estação de notícias" da TV Asahi e as "Notícias 23" do TBS que estão relatando isso com entusiasmo. Especialmente o entusiasmo do TBS é anormal. O que isso significa é que o departamento de imprensa da TBS é a prova de que a China e o trabalho de propaganda anti-japonesa da Coréia é uma organização quase completamente bem-sucedida.

Este projecto continua.


2017年02月18日 09時44分44秒 | 日記










