文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2018年09月14日 16時25分49秒 | 日記







宇佐美 典也


2018年09月14日 16時24分45秒 | 日記







宇佐美 典也


2018年09月14日 16時20分19秒 | 日記




2018年09月14日 16時12分08秒 | 日記




この意見の典型は、7日の東京新聞社説「全道停電 集中は、もろく危うい」(http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/column/editorial/CK2018090702000170.html)だ。この記事では、電力源の分散をいいつつも、原発はダメというちょっとわかりにくいロジックになっている。















2018年09月14日 16時07分13秒 | 日記




この意見の典型は、7日の東京新聞社説「全道停電 集中は、もろく危うい」(http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/column/editorial/CK2018090702000170.html)だ。この記事では、電力源の分散をいいつつも、原発はダメというちょっとわかりにくいロジックになっている。













2018年09月14日 16時05分59秒 | 日記




この意見の典型は、7日の東京新聞社説「全道停電 集中は、もろく危うい」(http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/column/editorial/CK2018090702000170.html)だ。この記事では、電力源の分散をいいつつも、原発はダメというちょっとわかりにくいロジックになっている。













2018年09月14日 16時05分25秒 | 日記




この意見の典型は、7日の東京新聞社説「全道停電 集中は、もろく危うい」(http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/column/editorial/CK2018090702000170.html)だ。この記事では、電力源の分散をいいつつも、原発はダメというちょっとわかりにくいロジックになっている。













2018年09月14日 16時04分36秒 | 日記




この意見の典型は、7日の東京新聞社説「全道停電 集中は、もろく危うい」(http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/column/editorial/CK2018090702000170.html)だ。この記事では、電力源の分散をいいつつも、原発はダメというちょっとわかりにくいロジックになっている。













2018年09月14日 16時01分33秒 | 日記




この意見の典型は、7日の東京新聞社説「全道停電 集中は、もろく危うい」(http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/column/editorial/CK2018090702000170.html)だ。この記事では、電力源の分散をいいつつも、原発はダメというちょっとわかりにくいロジックになっている。














2018年09月14日 15時58分00秒 | 日記




この意見の典型は、7日の東京新聞社説「全道停電 集中は、もろく危うい」(http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/column/editorial/CK2018090702000170.html)だ。この記事では、電力源の分散をいいつつも、原発はダメというちょっとわかりにくいロジックになっている。














2018年09月14日 15時54分39秒 | 日記




この意見の典型は、7日の東京新聞社説「全道停電 集中は、もろく危うい」(http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/article/column/editorial/CK2018090702000170.html)だ。この記事では、電力源の分散をいいつつも、原発はダメというちょっとわかりにくいロジックになっている。













It is like making an opposition paper for the 60 years security (1960), which I saw

2018年09月14日 13時14分38秒 | 日記

The following is from the first chapter of Mr. Nobuyuki Kaji's work 'The Lives of the hypocrites in the mass media'.

I am emphasizing the sentence except the headline.

‘Way to War’ - The commonplace emotional argument

In the year 2015, the opposition argument of Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi newspaper, etc., which called security bill as war bill, was madness itself.

It is like making an opposition paper for the 60 years security (1960), which I saw only with this eye a long time ago.

Therefore, elderly person has Deja vu ‘This road is a way someday’.

However, oppositionists such as Asahi Newspaper, Mainichi Newspaper, etc. singing in a completely different meaning ‘This way is someday’.

That <path> is a delusion of ‘the way to war’, and there is no substance.

So, to make the atmosphere diffuse, let the various fools say emotional <this road opposition>.

For example, writer Setouchi Jakucho.

During the sermon as monk, 'If you pass the bill, you have war this time. ...... I never have the feeling that the Japan being bad', she said. Mainichi Newspaper July 20.

Tsutsumi Mika, also a female journalist, says:

In a disparate society, there are many volunteers, even if they are not drafted.

It responds to get out of poverty because it responds, so to speak, it becomes an economic conscription system (dated July 23, the same paper).

Many of good-natured readers will be upset if this kind of emotion theory is read every day.

Of course, it is intentional editing aimed at it.

However, such emotional theory of left-handed journalism is wrong.

Because they do not know the meaning of contemporary nations and people, or their relationships at all.

For example, recently there are people who are prizing the words of constitutionalism and their words, ‘content and expressions that citizens tied up so as not to make arbitrary things to the nation (including government officials) are constitutional’ Although it is called, it is only an idea starting with the French Revolution.

The state is not a religion (e.g. Catholic in the case of Western Europe) or a royal aristocracy, but the state which has view, the state is national one is a near-modern state, each constituting a constitution suitable for his country Based on that, they are doing national management for each.

Of course, the citizens themselves should comply with their own constitution.

Then, since the state belongs to the citizens, the state is to be operated and protected by the people themselves.

In other words, since it is a national state, the draft system as a defense of your country is the principle.

In the pre-modern royal aristocracy, it was a recruitment as a tax, or a volunteer for life.

Even if it is called ‘conscription’, it is decisively different from that of the royal aristocracy and the nation state.

Do not know about it (or hide it), Setouchi a certain and Tsutsumi a certain boasts emotional theory.

Speaking of emotion theory, Hama Noriko of Doshisha University graduate school professor is also so.

Just denying the passage of the House of Representatives of the security related bill by using five sheets of four hundred words of manuscript paper, there is no argument (as of July 18).

For example, ‘The ruling party members who capped their mouths stand up with a complimentary expression with a stinky gaze.’

But on a narrow television screen, and in that short scene, do you know the details of everyone's mouth and eyes so much?

Great delusion.

Suddenly, there is a photo of Hama a certain face with the same draft.

What a mouth turned down at the corners. excellent, it is a good example.

It is common for third-rate researchers to advertise that they do not touch the fundamental important things (no, do not know), and that they have investigated just a little.

For example, Kazu Nagai (Kyoto University Professor, currently Professor, Kyoto Tachibana University, Major is History Studies <Japan Modern History>).

It makes a noise that he discovered the document that the former Japanese army was involved in establishing and managing comfort stations (Asahi Shimbun July 2).

However, the greatest problem of the so-called comfort women problem is the presence or absence of compulsory entrainment.

It is a top scholar only when proof that the military dared to forcibly bring comfort women in the days when the prostitution system existed.

It has not been done.

People who do not understand the core of the problem and just reading or playing words do not realize that they have lost something important during that time.

which called security bill as war bill, was madness itself.

2018年09月14日 13時14分11秒 | 日記

The following is from the first chapter of Mr. Nobuyuki Kaji's work 'The Lives of the hypocrites in the mass media'.

I am emphasizing the sentence except the headline.

‘Way to War’ - The commonplace emotional argument

In the year 2015, the opposition argument of Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi newspaper, etc., which called security bill as war bill, was madness itself.

It is like making an opposition paper for the 60 years security (1960), which I saw only with this eye a long time ago.

Therefore, elderly person has Deja vu ‘This road is a way someday’.

However, oppositionists such as Asahi Newspaper, Mainichi Newspaper, etc. singing in a completely different meaning ‘This way is someday’.

That <path> is a delusion of ‘the way to war’, and there is no substance.

So, to make the atmosphere diffuse, let the various fools say emotional <this road opposition>.

For example, writer Setouchi Jakucho.

During the sermon as monk, 'If you pass the bill, you have war this time. ...... I never have the feeling that the Japan being bad', she said. Mainichi Newspaper July 20.

Tsutsumi Mika, also a female journalist, says:

In a disparate society, there are many volunteers, even if they are not drafted.

It responds to get out of poverty because it responds, so to speak, it becomes an economic conscription system (dated July 23, the same paper).

Many of good-natured readers will be upset if this kind of emotion theory is read every day.

Of course, it is intentional editing aimed at it.

However, such emotional theory of left-handed journalism is wrong.

Because they do not know the meaning of contemporary nations and people, or their relationships at all.

For example, recently there are people who are prizing the words of constitutionalism and their words, ‘content and expressions that citizens tied up so as not to make arbitrary things to the nation (including government officials) are constitutional’ Although it is called, it is only an idea starting with the French Revolution.

The state is not a religion (e.g. Catholic in the case of Western Europe) or a royal aristocracy, but the state which has view, the state is national one is a near-modern state, each constituting a constitution suitable for his country Based on that, they are doing national management for each.

Of course, the citizens themselves should comply with their own constitution.

Then, since the state belongs to the citizens, the state is to be operated and protected by the people themselves.

In other words, since it is a national state, the draft system as a defense of your country is the principle.

In the pre-modern royal aristocracy, it was a recruitment as a tax, or a volunteer for life.

Even if it is called ‘conscription’, it is decisively different from that of the royal aristocracy and the nation state.

Do not know about it (or hide it), Setouchi a certain and Tsutsumi a certain boasts emotional theory.

Speaking of emotion theory, Hama Noriko of Doshisha University graduate school professor is also so.

Just denying the passage of the House of Representatives of the security related bill by using five sheets of four hundred words of manuscript paper, there is no argument (as of July 18).

For example, ‘The ruling party members who capped their mouths stand up with a complimentary expression with a stinky gaze.’

But on a narrow television screen, and in that short scene, do you know the details of everyone's mouth and eyes so much?

Great delusion.

Suddenly, there is a photo of Hama a certain face with the same draft.

What a mouth turned down at the corners. excellent, it is a good example.

It is common for third-rate researchers to advertise that they do not touch the fundamental important things (no, do not know), and that they have investigated just a little.

For example, Kazu Nagai (Kyoto University Professor, currently Professor, Kyoto Tachibana University, Major is History Studies <Japan Modern History>).

It makes a noise that he discovered the document that the former Japanese army was involved in establishing and managing comfort stations (Asahi Shimbun July 2).

However, the greatest problem of the so-called comfort women problem is the presence or absence of compulsory entrainment.

It is a top scholar only when proof that the military dared to forcibly bring comfort women in the days when the prostitution system existed.

It has not been done.

People who do not understand the core of the problem and just reading or playing words do not realize that they have lost something important during that time.

In the year 2015, the opposition argument of Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi newspaper

2018年09月14日 13時13分46秒 | 日記

The following is from the first chapter of Mr. Nobuyuki Kaji's work 'The Lives of the hypocrites in the mass media'.

I am emphasizing the sentence except the headline.

‘Way to War’ - The commonplace emotional argument

In the year 2015, the opposition argument of Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi newspaper, etc., which called security bill as war bill, was madness itself.

It is like making an opposition paper for the 60 years security (1960), which I saw only with this eye a long time ago.

Therefore, elderly person has Deja vu ‘This road is a way someday’.

However, oppositionists such as Asahi Newspaper, Mainichi Newspaper, etc. singing in a completely different meaning ‘This way is someday’.

That <path> is a delusion of ‘the way to war’, and there is no substance.

So, to make the atmosphere diffuse, let the various fools say emotional <this road opposition>.

For example, writer Setouchi Jakucho.

During the sermon as monk, 'If you pass the bill, you have war this time. ...... I never have the feeling that the Japan being bad', she said. Mainichi Newspaper July 20.

Tsutsumi Mika, also a female journalist, says:

In a disparate society, there are many volunteers, even if they are not drafted.

It responds to get out of poverty because it responds, so to speak, it becomes an economic conscription system (dated July 23, the same paper).

Many of good-natured readers will be upset if this kind of emotion theory is read every day.

Of course, it is intentional editing aimed at it.

However, such emotional theory of left-handed journalism is wrong.

Because they do not know the meaning of contemporary nations and people, or their relationships at all.

For example, recently there are people who are prizing the words of constitutionalism and their words, ‘content and expressions that citizens tied up so as not to make arbitrary things to the nation (including government officials) are constitutional’ Although it is called, it is only an idea starting with the French Revolution.

The state is not a religion (e.g. Catholic in the case of Western Europe) or a royal aristocracy, but the state which has view, the state is national one is a near-modern state, each constituting a constitution suitable for his country Based on that, they are doing national management for each.

Of course, the citizens themselves should comply with their own constitution.

Then, since the state belongs to the citizens, the state is to be operated and protected by the people themselves.

In other words, since it is a national state, the draft system as a defense of your country is the principle.

In the pre-modern royal aristocracy, it was a recruitment as a tax, or a volunteer for life.

Even if it is called ‘conscription’, it is decisively different from that of the royal aristocracy and the nation state.

Do not know about it (or hide it), Setouchi a certain and Tsutsumi a certain boasts emotional theory.

Speaking of emotion theory, Hama Noriko of Doshisha University graduate school professor is also so.

Just denying the passage of the House of Representatives of the security related bill by using five sheets of four hundred words of manuscript paper, there is no argument (as of July 18).

For example, ‘The ruling party members who capped their mouths stand up with a complimentary expression with a stinky gaze.’

But on a narrow television screen, and in that short scene, do you know the details of everyone's mouth and eyes so much?

Great delusion.

Suddenly, there is a photo of Hama a certain face with the same draft.

What a mouth turned down at the corners. excellent, it is a good example.

It is common for third-rate researchers to advertise that they do not touch the fundamental important things (no, do not know), and that they have investigated just a little.

For example, Kazu Nagai (Kyoto University Professor, currently Professor, Kyoto Tachibana University, Major is History Studies <Japan Modern History>).

It makes a noise that he discovered the document that the former Japanese army was involved in establishing and managing comfort stations (Asahi Shimbun July 2).

However, the greatest problem of the so-called comfort women problem is the presence or absence of compulsory entrainment.

It is a top scholar only when proof that the military dared to forcibly bring comfort women in the days when the prostitution system existed.

It has not been done.

People who do not understand the core of the problem and just reading or playing words do not realize that they have lost something important during that time.

‘Way to War’ - The commonplace emotional argument

2018年09月14日 13時13分21秒 | 日記

The following is from the first chapter of Mr. Nobuyuki Kaji's work 'The Lives of the hypocrites in the mass media'.

I am emphasizing the sentence except the headline.

‘Way to War’ - The commonplace emotional argument

In the year 2015, the opposition argument of Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi newspaper, etc., which called security bill as war bill, was madness itself.

It is like making an opposition paper for the 60 years security (1960), which I saw only with this eye a long time ago.

Therefore, elderly person has Deja vu ‘This road is a way someday’.

However, oppositionists such as Asahi Newspaper, Mainichi Newspaper, etc. singing in a completely different meaning ‘This way is someday’.

That <path> is a delusion of ‘the way to war’, and there is no substance.

So, to make the atmosphere diffuse, let the various fools say emotional <this road opposition>.

For example, writer Setouchi Jakucho.

During the sermon as monk, 'If you pass the bill, you have war this time. ...... I never have the feeling that the Japan being bad', she said. Mainichi Newspaper July 20.

Tsutsumi Mika, also a female journalist, says:

In a disparate society, there are many volunteers, even if they are not drafted.

It responds to get out of poverty because it responds, so to speak, it becomes an economic conscription system (dated July 23, the same paper).

Many of good-natured readers will be upset if this kind of emotion theory is read every day.

Of course, it is intentional editing aimed at it.

However, such emotional theory of left-handed journalism is wrong.

Because they do not know the meaning of contemporary nations and people, or their relationships at all.

For example, recently there are people who are prizing the words of constitutionalism and their words, ‘content and expressions that citizens tied up so as not to make arbitrary things to the nation (including government officials) are constitutional’ Although it is called, it is only an idea starting with the French Revolution.

The state is not a religion (e.g. Catholic in the case of Western Europe) or a royal aristocracy, but the state which has view, the state is national one is a near-modern state, each constituting a constitution suitable for his country Based on that, they are doing national management for each.

Of course, the citizens themselves should comply with their own constitution.

Then, since the state belongs to the citizens, the state is to be operated and protected by the people themselves.

In other words, since it is a national state, the draft system as a defense of your country is the principle.

In the pre-modern royal aristocracy, it was a recruitment as a tax, or a volunteer for life.

Even if it is called ‘conscription’, it is decisively different from that of the royal aristocracy and the nation state.

Do not know about it (or hide it), Setouchi a certain and Tsutsumi a certain boasts emotional theory.

Speaking of emotion theory, Hama Noriko of Doshisha University graduate school professor is also so.

Just denying the passage of the House of Representatives of the security related bill by using five sheets of four hundred words of manuscript paper, there is no argument (as of July 18).

For example, ‘The ruling party members who capped their mouths stand up with a complimentary expression with a stinky gaze.’

But on a narrow television screen, and in that short scene, do you know the details of everyone's mouth and eyes so much?

Great delusion.

Suddenly, there is a photo of Hama a certain face with the same draft.

What a mouth turned down at the corners. excellent, it is a good example.

It is common for third-rate researchers to advertise that they do not touch the fundamental important things (no, do not know), and that they have investigated just a little.

For example, Kazu Nagai (Kyoto University Professor, currently Professor, Kyoto Tachibana University, Major is History Studies <Japan Modern History>).

It makes a noise that he discovered the document that the former Japanese army was involved in establishing and managing comfort stations (Asahi Shimbun July 2).

However, the greatest problem of the so-called comfort women problem is the presence or absence of compulsory entrainment.

It is a top scholar only when proof that the military dared to forcibly bring comfort women in the days when the prostitution system existed.

It has not been done.

People who do not understand the core of the problem and just reading or playing words do not realize that they have lost something important during that time.