文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

leaders of the talk radio are gathered together to raise the tone that supports Trump

2018年09月30日 18時49分21秒 | 日記

Below is the ‘qualification’ talking about American politics, published in the monthly issue of WiLL in four monthly magazines that I recommend subscribing to those who want to know the truth in a person living in the 21st century, and it is from the series column of Mr. Yoichi Shimada published on the title.

Emphasis is on me.

Due to researching American politics, he is often asked ‘Is there a trump impeachment?’  The answer is 'not in the foreseeable future'.

Looking only at the report of anti-Trump mainstream media such as ‘New York Times’, ‘Washington Post’, CNN, etc. or tell them at second hand Look at only coverage of NHK, Kyodo news, etc. 'Trump is finally driven down', there are overflowing commentators on TV, but it is out of the question.

If we see European and American 'Japanese expert', they are looking at 'Asahi Shimbun' and NHK news only, and it will explain that 'Prime Minister Abe is overlooked by voters at last', we will laugh and make fun of them.

There is a way to know briefly whether a person qualified to talk about ‘now’ of American politics.

When you hear 'What do you think about Rush Limbaugh'? If you get an answer such as 'Who?' Or 'I have heard of his name, but I do not know him well', you can respect it as an imposter.

Limbaugh (born 1951) has a strong influence on ‘grass-roots conservation’ for many years and is a legendary talk radio who speaks for that intention.

In the late 1980s, AM Radio was thought to be a fading media even in America.

It was conservative talk radio that revived it.

With the deregulation of the Reagan administration, programs that strike the enemy from certain political standpoints will be allowed, and Limbaugh of bullet talk full of black humor breaks. The idea of deregulation was that fairness and balance need only be taken throughout the radio world and individual programs can be free.

The left-wing media often quotes Limbaugh as a representative controversy.

In other words, being unaware of Limbaugh is synonymous with not knowing any American left and right topics.

If you exclusively discuss American diplomacy and economy, you do not need to know Limbaugh.

However, as soon as there is a Trump impeachment, that is, a political fight within the United States, especially if you are to discuss the political fight where the trend of grass - roots conservation is the key, it is in trouble without knowing Limbaugh.

Programs of the three most popular hosts of talk radio, Limbaugh, Sean Haniti (born in 1961), Mark Levin (born 1957), are all broadcast on a 3 hour frame every day from Monday to Friday.

Once in Japan it was difficult to listen, but now if you download the podcast of the program to the smartphone, the audio file is sent every day. Listen when you like.

Because commercials are cut, it is more efficient than listening live.

I listen to Levin most recently.

He is an expert on the Constitution and has work experience in the Justice Department of the Reagan era.

It is also the appeal of this program that John Bolton presidential security adviser frequently guest appearances (the superbly busy Bolton's time spending time itself tells the influence of the talk radio).

Levin and Haniti also have programs with a high viewer rating on conservative FOX TVs competing for CNN and the cable news competition.

Limbaugh podcasts specialized for radio are charged, but transcripts can be read for free.

I am reading about the character version recently because of time.

Let me give an example that it is difficult to see conservative real intention unless it is a talk radio.

Senior John McCain, Republican senior, died recently and the voice of memorial overflowed the party.

He was a person who was not afraid of rebellion, deserving a synonym for ‘lone wolf’ (maverick). The problem is the direction of rebellion.

Regarding the use of military force, McCain was almost always aggressive.

He was also ridiculed as warmonger.

Meanwhile, domestic affairs often crawl to the liberal faction, cold remarks remarked to President Trump in Russian gates.

Therefore, the mainstream media competed and asked McCain for comment.

To that extent, the reputation on talk radio has been particularly bad in recent years.

Levin summarized that ‘McCain was a fine soldier but was a useless (lousy) senator.’

Let's return to the question at the beginning.

Why is it possible to say that there is not Trump impeachment?

The leaders of the talk radio are gathered together to raise the tone that supports Trump.

In impeachment there is two thirds or more in favor in the Senate.

There is no impeachment unless grass-roots conservation strikes the avalanche and abandons Trump.


2018年09月30日 18時16分16秒 | 日記























湾岸にある火力発電に供給を依存している首都圏を大地震が襲った時、仮に原発が動いていなかったら電力不足が生じ、大パニックが起こると思います。今年はもの凄く暑かったですよね。幸い停電は起きなかったですが、実は工場など大口のお客様の電気を何日か切ったことがあります。これは “デマンドレスポンス”という特別の契約に基づくものですが、大停電を防ぐためにこれを発動して、切らせてもらったんです。一般メディアが報道していないのであまり知られていませんが、実は今年の冬にも電気が足りなくなって、これを発動させてもらいました。今夏、病院で熱中症で亡くなった患者のことがニュースになりましたが、他人事ではないのです。首都圏を大地震が襲った場合、柏崎刈羽原発が動いていなかったら、電力の供給の面で本当に危ないと思いますよ。今回のブラックアウトがなぜ起きたのか、忘れてはならないと思います




2018年09月30日 18時11分54秒 | 日記























湾岸にある火力発電に供給を依存している首都圏を大地震が襲った時、仮に原発が動いていなかったら電力不足が生じ、大パニックが起こると思います。今年はもの凄く暑かったですよね。幸い停電は起きなかったですが、実は工場など大口のお客様の電気を何日か切ったことがあります。これは “デマンドレスポンス”という特別の契約に基づくものですが、大停電を防ぐためにこれを発動して、切らせてもらったんです。一般メディアが報道していないのであまり知られていませんが、実は今年の冬にも電気が足りなくなって、これを発動させてもらいました。今夏、病院で熱中症で亡くなった患者のことがニュースになりましたが、他人事ではないのです。首都圏を大地震が襲った場合、柏崎刈羽原発が動いていなかったら、電力の供給の面で本当に危ないと思いますよ。今回のブラックアウトがなぜ起きたのか、忘れてはならないと思います




2018年09月30日 18時09分54秒 | 日記
























湾岸にある火力発電に供給を依存している首都圏を大地震が襲った時、仮に原発が動いていなかったら電力不足が生じ、大パニックが起こると思います。今年はもの凄く暑かったですよね。幸い停電は起きなかったですが、実は工場など大口のお客様の電気を何日か切ったことがあります。これは “デマンドレスポンス”という特別の契約に基づくものですが、大停電を防ぐためにこれを発動して、切らせてもらったんです。一般メディアが報道していないのであまり知られていませんが、実は今年の冬にも電気が足りなくなって、これを発動させてもらいました。今夏、病院で熱中症で亡くなった患者のことがニュースになりましたが、他人事ではないのです。首都圏を大地震が襲った場合、柏崎刈羽原発が動いていなかったら、電力の供給の面で本当に危ないと思いますよ。今回のブラックアウトがなぜ起きたのか、忘れてはならないと思います



Levin summarized that ‘McCain was a fine soldier but was a useless (lousy) senator

2018年09月30日 17時57分06秒 | 日記

Below is the ‘qualification’ talking about American politics, published in the monthly issue of WiLL in four monthly magazines that I recommend subscribing to those who want to know the truth in a person living in the 21st century, and it is from the series column of Mr. Yoichi Shimada published on the title.

Emphasis is on me.

Due to researching American politics, he is often asked ‘Is there a trump impeachment?’  The answer is 'not in the foreseeable future'.

Trump is finally driven down

Looking only at the report of anti-Trump mainstream media such as ‘New York Times’, ‘Washington Post’, CNN, etc. or tell them at second hand Look at only coverage of NHK, Kyodo news, etc. 'Trump is finally driven down', there are overflowing commentators on TV, but it is out of the question.

If we see European and American 'Japanese expert', they are looking at 'Asahi Shimbun' and NHK news only, and it will explain that 'Prime Minister Abe is overlooked by voters at last', we will laugh and make fun of them.

There is a way to know briefly whether a person qualified to talk about ‘now’ of American politics.

When you hear 'What do you think about Rush Limbaugh'? If you get an answer such as 'Who?' Or 'I have heard of his name, but I do not know him well', you can respect it as an imposter.

Limbaugh (born 1951) has a strong influence on ‘grass-roots conservation’ for many years and is a legendary talk radio who speaks for that intention.

In the late 1980s, AM Radio was thought to be a fading media even in America.

It was conservative talk radio that revived it.

With the deregulation of the Reagan administration, programs that strike the enemy from certain political standpoints will be allowed, and Limbaugh of bullet talk full of black humor breaks. The idea of deregulation was that fairness and balance need only be taken throughout the radio world and individual programs can be free.

The left-wing media often quotes Limbaugh as a representative controversy.

In other words, being unaware of Limbaugh is synonymous with not knowing any American left and right topics.

If you exclusively discuss American diplomacy and economy, you do not need to know Limbaugh.

However, as soon as there is a Trump impeachment, that is, a political fight within the United States, especially if you are to discuss the political fight where the trend of grass - roots conservation is the key, it is in trouble without knowing Limbaugh.

Programs of the three most popular hosts of talk radio, Limbaugh, Sean Haniti (born in 1961), Mark Levin (born 1957), are all broadcast on a 3 hour frame every day from Monday to Friday.

Once in Japan it was difficult to listen, but now if you download the podcast of the program to the smartphone, the audio file is sent every day. Listen when you like.

Because commercials are cut, it is more efficient than listening live.

I listen to Levin most recently.

He is an expert on the Constitution and has work experience in the Justice Department of the Reagan era.

It is also the appeal of this program that John Bolton presidential security adviser frequently guest appearances (the superbly busy Bolton's time spending time itself tells the influence of the talk radio).

Levin and Haniti also have programs with a high viewer rating on conservative FOX TVs competing for CNN and the cable news competition.

Limbaugh podcasts specialized for radio are charged, but transcripts can be read for free.

I am reading about the character version recently because of time.

Let me give an example that it is difficult to see conservative real intention unless it is a talk radio.

Senior John McCain, Republican senior, died recently and the voice of memorial overflowed the party.

He was a person who was not afraid of rebellion, deserving a synonym for ‘lone wolf’ (maverick). The problem is the direction of rebellion.

Regarding the use of military force, McCain was almost always aggressive.

He was also ridiculed as warmonger.

Meanwhile, domestic affairs often crawl to the liberal faction, cold remarks remarked to President Trump in Russian gates.

Therefore, the mainstream media competed and asked McCain for comment.

To that extent, the reputation on talk radio has been particularly bad in recent years.

Levin summarized that ‘McCain was a fine soldier but was a useless (lousy) senator.’

Let's return to the question at the beginning.

Why is it possible to say that there is not Trump impeachment?

The leaders of the talk radio are gathered together to raise the tone that supports Trump.

In impeachment there is two thirds or more in favor in the Senate.

There is no impeachment unless grass-roots conservation strikes the avalanche and abandons Trump.

The left-wing media often quotes Limbaugh as a representative controversy.

2018年09月30日 17時55分19秒 | 日記

Below is the ‘qualification’ talking about American politics, published in the monthly issue of WiLL in four monthly magazines that I recommend subscribing to those who want to know the truth in a person living in the 21st century, and it is from the series column of Mr. Yoichi Shimada published on the title.

Emphasis is on me.

Due to researching American politics, he is often asked ‘Is there a trump impeachment?’  The answer is 'not in the foreseeable future'.

Trump is finally driven down

Looking only at the report of anti-Trump mainstream media such as ‘New York Times’, ‘Washington Post’, CNN, etc. or tell them at second hand Look at only coverage of NHK, Kyodo news, etc. 'Trump is finally driven down', there are overflowing commentators on TV, but it is out of the question.

If we see European and American 'Japanese expert', they are looking at 'Asahi Shimbun' and NHK news only, and it will explain that 'Prime Minister Abe is overlooked by voters at last', we will laugh and make fun of them.

There is a way to know briefly whether a person qualified to talk about ‘now’ of American politics.

When you hear 'What do you think about Rush Limbaugh'? If you get an answer such as 'Who?' Or 'I have heard of his name, but I do not know him well', you can respect it as an imposter.

Limbaugh (born 1951) has a strong influence on ‘grass-roots conservation’ for many years and is a legendary talk radio who speaks for that intention.

In the late 1980s, AM Radio was thought to be a fading media even in America.

It was conservative talk radio that revived it.

With the deregulation of the Reagan administration, programs that strike the enemy from certain political standpoints will be allowed, and Limbaugh of bullet talk full of black humor breaks. The idea of deregulation was that fairness and balance need only be taken throughout the radio world and individual programs can be free.

The left-wing media often quotes Limbaugh as a representative controversy.

In other words, being unaware of Limbaugh is synonymous with not knowing any American left and right topics.

If you exclusively discuss American diplomacy and economy, you do not need to know Limbaugh.

However, as soon as there is a Trump impeachment, that is, a political fight within the United States, especially if you are to discuss the political fight where the trend of grass - roots conservation is the key, it is in trouble without knowing Limbaugh.

Programs of the three most popular hosts of talk radio, Limbaugh, Sean Haniti (born in 1961), Mark Levin (born 1957), are all broadcast on a 3 hour frame every day from Monday to Friday.

Once in Japan it was difficult to listen, but now if you download the podcast of the program to the smartphone, the audio file is sent every day. Listen when you like.

Because commercials are cut, it is more efficient than listening live.

I listen to Levin most recently.

He is an expert on the Constitution and has work experience in the Justice Department of the Reagan era.

It is also the appeal of this program that John Bolton presidential security adviser frequently guest appearances (the superbly busy Bolton's time spending time itself tells the influence of the talk radio).

Levin and Haniti also have programs with a high viewer rating on conservative FOX TVs competing for CNN and the cable news competition.

Limbaugh podcasts specialized for radio are charged, but transcripts can be read for free.

I am reading about the character version recently because of time.

Let me give an example that it is difficult to see conservative real intention unless it is a talk radio.

Senior John McCain, Republican senior, died recently and the voice of memorial overflowed the party.

He was a person who was not afraid of rebellion, deserving a synonym for ‘lone wolf’ (maverick). The problem is the direction of rebellion.

Regarding the use of military force, McCain was almost always aggressive.

He was also ridiculed as warmonger.

Meanwhile, domestic affairs often crawl to the liberal faction, cold remarks remarked to President Trump in Russian gates.

Therefore, the mainstream media competed and asked McCain for comment.

To that extent, the reputation on talk radio has been particularly bad in recent years.

Levin summarized that ‘McCain was a fine soldier but was a useless (lousy) senator.’

Let's return to the question at the beginning.

Why is it possible to say that there is not Trump impeachment?

The leaders of the talk radio are gathered together to raise the tone that supports Trump.

In impeachment there is two thirds or more in favor in the Senate.

There is no impeachment unless grass-roots conservation strikes the avalanche and abandons Trump.

but I do not know him well', you can respect it as an imposter.

2018年09月30日 17時52分52秒 | 日記

Below is the ‘qualification’ talking about American politics, published in the monthly issue of WiLL in four monthly magazines that I recommend subscribing to those who want to know the truth in a person living in the 21st century, and it is from the series column of Mr. Yoichi Shimada published on the title.

Emphasis is on me.

Due to researching American politics, he is often asked ‘Is there a trump impeachment?’  The answer is 'not in the foreseeable future'.

Trump is finally driven down

Looking only at the report of anti-Trump mainstream media such as ‘New York Times’, ‘Washington Post’, CNN, etc. or tell them at second hand Look at only coverage of NHK, Kyodo news, etc. 'Trump is finally driven down', there are overflowing commentators on TV, but it is out of the question.

If we see European and American 'Japanese expert', they are looking at 'Asahi Shimbun' and NHK news only, and it will explain that 'Prime Minister Abe is overlooked by voters at last', we will laugh and make fun of them.

There is a way to know briefly whether a person qualified to talk about ‘now’ of American politics.

When you hear 'What do you think about Rush Limbaugh'? If you get an answer such as 'Who?' Or 'I have heard of his name, but I do not know him well', you can respect it as an imposter.

Limbaugh (born 1951) has a strong influence on ‘grass-roots conservation’ for many years and is a legendary talk radio who speaks for that intention.

In the late 1980s, AM Radio was thought to be a fading media even in America.

It was conservative talk radio that revived it.

With the deregulation of the Reagan administration, programs that strike the enemy from certain political standpoints will be allowed, and Limbaugh of bullet talk full of black humor breaks. The idea of deregulation was that fairness and balance need only be taken throughout the radio world and individual programs can be free.

The left-wing media often quotes Limbaugh as a representative controversy.

In other words, being unaware of Limbaugh is synonymous with not knowing any American left and right topics.

If you exclusively discuss American diplomacy and economy, you do not need to know Limbaugh.

However, as soon as there is a Trump impeachment, that is, a political fight within the United States, especially if you are to discuss the political fight where the trend of grass - roots conservation is the key, it is in trouble without knowing Limbaugh.

Programs of the three most popular hosts of talk radio, Limbaugh, Sean Haniti (born in 1961), Mark Levin (born 1957), are all broadcast on a 3 hour frame every day from Monday to Friday.

Once in Japan it was difficult to listen, but now if you download the podcast of the program to the smartphone, the audio file is sent every day. Listen when you like.

Because commercials are cut, it is more efficient than listening live.

I listen to Levin most recently.

He is an expert on the Constitution and has work experience in the Justice Department of the Reagan era.

It is also the appeal of this program that John Bolton presidential security adviser frequently guest appearances (the superbly busy Bolton's time spending time itself tells the influence of the talk radio).

Levin and Haniti also have programs with a high viewer rating on conservative FOX TVs competing for CNN and the cable news competition.

Limbaugh podcasts specialized for radio are charged, but transcripts can be read for free.

I am reading about the character version recently because of time.

Let me give an example that it is difficult to see conservative real intention unless it is a talk radio.

Senior John McCain, Republican senior, died recently and the voice of memorial overflowed the party.

He was a person who was not afraid of rebellion, deserving a synonym for ‘lone wolf’ (maverick). The problem is the direction of rebellion.

Regarding the use of military force, McCain was almost always aggressive.

He was also ridiculed as warmonger.

Meanwhile, domestic affairs often crawl to the liberal faction, cold remarks remarked to President Trump in Russian gates.

Therefore, the mainstream media competed and asked McCain for comment.

To that extent, the reputation on talk radio has been particularly bad in recent years.

Levin summarized that ‘McCain was a fine soldier but was a useless (lousy) senator.’

Let's return to the question at the beginning.

Why is it possible to say that there is not Trump impeachment?

The leaders of the talk radio are gathered together to raise the tone that supports Trump.

In impeachment there is two thirds or more in favor in the Senate.

There is no impeachment unless grass-roots conservation strikes the avalanche and abandons Trump.

a way to know briefly whether a person qualified to talk about ‘now’ of American politics

2018年09月30日 17時50分42秒 | 日記

Below is the ‘qualification’ talking about American politics, published in the monthly issue of WiLL in four monthly magazines that I recommend subscribing to those who want to know the truth in a person living in the 21st century, and it is from the series column of Mr. Yoichi Shimada published on the title.

Emphasis is on me.

Due to researching American politics, he is often asked ‘Is there a trump impeachment?’  The answer is 'not in the foreseeable future'.

Trump is finally driven down

Looking only at the report of anti-Trump mainstream media such as ‘New York Times’, ‘Washington Post’, CNN, etc. or tell them at second hand Look at only coverage of NHK, Kyodo news, etc. 'Trump is finally driven down', there are overflowing commentators on TV, but it is out of the question.

If we see European and American 'Japanese expert', they are looking at 'Asahi Shimbun' and NHK news only, and it will explain that 'Prime Minister Abe is overlooked by voters at last', we will laugh and make fun of them.

There is a way to know briefly whether a person qualified to talk about ‘now’ of American politics.

When you hear 'What do you think about Rush Limbaugh'? If you get an answer such as 'Who?' Or 'I have heard of his name, but I do not know him well', you can respect it as an imposter.

Limbaugh (born 1951) has a strong influence on ‘grass-roots conservation’ for many years and is a legendary talk radio who speaks for that intention.

In the late 1980s, AM Radio was thought to be a fading media even in America.

It was conservative talk radio that revived it.

With the deregulation of the Reagan administration, programs that strike the enemy from certain political standpoints will be allowed, and Limbaugh of bullet talk full of black humor breaks. The idea of deregulation was that fairness and balance need only be taken throughout the radio world and individual programs can be free.

The left-wing media often quotes Limbaugh as a representative controversy.

In other words, being unaware of Limbaugh is synonymous with not knowing any American left and right topics.

If you exclusively discuss American diplomacy and economy, you do not need to know Limbaugh.

However, as soon as there is a Trump impeachment, that is, a political fight within the United States, especially if you are to discuss the political fight where the trend of grass - roots conservation is the key, it is in trouble without knowing Limbaugh.

Programs of the three most popular hosts of talk radio, Limbaugh, Sean Haniti (born in 1961), Mark Levin (born 1957), are all broadcast on a 3 hour frame every day from Monday to Friday.

Once in Japan it was difficult to listen, but now if you download the podcast of the program to the smartphone, the audio file is sent every day. Listen when you like.

Because commercials are cut, it is more efficient than listening live.

I listen to Levin most recently.

He is an expert on the Constitution and has work experience in the Justice Department of the Reagan era.

It is also the appeal of this program that John Bolton presidential security adviser frequently guest appearances (the superbly busy Bolton's time spending time itself tells the influence of the talk radio).

Levin and Haniti also have programs with a high viewer rating on conservative FOX TVs competing for CNN and the cable news competition.

Limbaugh podcasts specialized for radio are charged, but transcripts can be read for free.

I am reading about the character version recently because of time.

Let me give an example that it is difficult to see conservative real intention unless it is a talk radio.

Senior John McCain, Republican senior, died recently and the voice of memorial overflowed the party.

He was a person who was not afraid of rebellion, deserving a synonym for ‘lone wolf’ (maverick). The problem is the direction of rebellion.

Regarding the use of military force, McCain was almost always aggressive.

He was also ridiculed as warmonger.

Meanwhile, domestic affairs often crawl to the liberal faction, cold remarks remarked to President Trump in Russian gates.

Therefore, the mainstream media competed and asked McCain for comment.

To that extent, the reputation on talk radio has been particularly bad in recent years.

Levin summarized that ‘McCain was a fine soldier but was a useless (lousy) senator.’

Let's return to the question at the beginning.

Why is it possible to say that there is not Trump impeachment?

The leaders of the talk radio are gathered together to raise the tone that supports Trump.

In impeachment there is two thirds or more in favor in the Senate.

There is no impeachment unless grass-roots conservation strikes the avalanche and abandons Trump.

'Japanese expert', they are looking at 'Asahi Shimbun' and NHK news only, and it will

2018年09月30日 17時48分59秒 | 日記

Below is the ‘qualification’ talking about American politics, published in the monthly issue of WiLL in four monthly magazines that I recommend subscribing to those who want to know the truth in a person living in the 21st century, and it is from the series column of Mr. Yoichi Shimada published on the title.

Emphasis is on me.

Due to researching American politics, he is often asked ‘Is there a trump impeachment?’  The answer is 'not in the foreseeable future'.

Trump is finally driven down

Looking only at the report of anti-Trump mainstream media such as ‘New York Times’, ‘Washington Post’, CNN, etc. or tell them at second hand Look at only coverage of NHK, Kyodo news, etc. 'Trump is finally driven down', there are overflowing commentators on TV, but it is out of the question.

If we see European and American 'Japanese expert', they are looking at 'Asahi Shimbun' and NHK news only, and it will explain that 'Prime Minister Abe is overlooked by voters at last', we will laugh and make fun of them.

There is a way to know briefly whether a person qualified to talk about ‘now’ of American politics.

When you hear 'What do you think about Rush Limbaugh'? If you get an answer such as 'Who?' Or 'I have heard of his name, but I do not know him well', you can respect it as an imposter.

Limbaugh (born 1951) has a strong influence on ‘grass-roots conservation’ for many years and is a legendary talk radio who speaks for that intention.

In the late 1980s, AM Radio was thought to be a fading media even in America.

It was conservative talk radio that revived it.

With the deregulation of the Reagan administration, programs that strike the enemy from certain political standpoints will be allowed, and Limbaugh of bullet talk full of black humor breaks. The idea of deregulation was that fairness and balance need only be taken throughout the radio world and individual programs can be free.

The left-wing media often quotes Limbaugh as a representative controversy.

In other words, being unaware of Limbaugh is synonymous with not knowing any American left and right topics.

If you exclusively discuss American diplomacy and economy, you do not need to know Limbaugh.

However, as soon as there is a Trump impeachment, that is, a political fight within the United States, especially if you are to discuss the political fight where the trend of grass - roots conservation is the key, it is in trouble without knowing Limbaugh.

Programs of the three most popular hosts of talk radio, Limbaugh, Sean Haniti (born in 1961), Mark Levin (born 1957), are all broadcast on a 3 hour frame every day from Monday to Friday.

Once in Japan it was difficult to listen, but now if you download the podcast of the program to the smartphone, the audio file is sent every day. Listen when you like.

Because commercials are cut, it is more efficient than listening live.

I listen to Levin most recently.

He is an expert on the Constitution and has work experience in the Justice Department of the Reagan era.

It is also the appeal of this program that John Bolton presidential security adviser frequently guest appearances (the superbly busy Bolton's time spending time itself tells the influence of the talk radio).

Levin and Haniti also have programs with a high viewer rating on conservative FOX TVs competing for CNN and the cable news competition.

Limbaugh podcasts specialized for radio are charged, but transcripts can be read for free.

I am reading about the character version recently because of time.

Let me give an example that it is difficult to see conservative real intention unless it is a talk radio.

Senior John McCain, Republican senior, died recently and the voice of memorial overflowed the party.

He was a person who was not afraid of rebellion, deserving a synonym for ‘lone wolf’ (maverick). The problem is the direction of rebellion.

Regarding the use of military force, McCain was almost always aggressive.

He was also ridiculed as warmonger.

Meanwhile, domestic affairs often crawl to the liberal faction, cold remarks remarked to President Trump in Russian gates.

Therefore, the mainstream media competed and asked McCain for comment.

To that extent, the reputation on talk radio has been particularly bad in recent years.

Levin summarized that ‘McCain was a fine soldier but was a useless (lousy) senator.’

Let's return to the question at the beginning.

Why is it possible to say that there is not Trump impeachment?

The leaders of the talk radio are gathered together to raise the tone that supports Trump.

In impeachment there is two thirds or more in favor in the Senate.

There is no impeachment unless grass-roots conservation strikes the avalanche and abandons Trump.

or tell them at second hand Look at only coverage of NHK, Kyodo news, etc.

2018年09月30日 17時46分40秒 | 日記

Below is the ‘qualification’ talking about American politics, published in the monthly issue of WiLL in four monthly magazines that I recommend subscribing to those who want to know the truth in a person living in the 21st century, and it is from the series column of Mr. Yoichi Shimada published on the title.

Emphasis is on me.

Due to researching American politics, he is often asked ‘Is there a trump impeachment?’  The answer is 'not in the foreseeable future'.

Trump is finally driven down

Looking only at the report of anti-Trump mainstream media such as ‘New York Times’, ‘Washington Post’, CNN, etc. or tell them at second hand Look at only coverage of NHK, Kyodo news, etc. 'Trump is finally driven down', there are overflowing commentators on TV screens, but it is out of the question.

If we see European and American 'Japanese expert', they are looking at 'Asahi Shimbun' and NHK news only, and it will explain that 'Prime Minister Abe is overlooked by voters at last', we will laugh and make fun of them.

There is a way to know briefly whether a person qualified to talk about ‘now’ of American politics.

When you hear 'What do you think about Rush Limbaugh'? If you get an answer such as 'Who?' Or 'I have heard of his name, but I do not know him well', you can respect it as an imposter.

Limbaugh (born 1951) has a strong influence on ‘grass-roots conservation’ for many years and is a legendary talk radio who speaks for that intention.

In the late 1980s, AM Radio was thought to be a fading media even in America.

It was conservative talk radio that revived it.

With the deregulation of the Reagan administration, programs that strike the enemy from certain political standpoints will be allowed, and Limbaugh of bullet talk full of black humor breaks. The idea of deregulation was that fairness and balance need only be taken throughout the radio world and individual programs can be free.

The left-wing media often quotes Limbaugh as a representative controversy.

In other words, being unaware of Limbaugh is synonymous with not knowing any American left and right topics.

If you exclusively discuss American diplomacy and economy, you do not need to know Limbaugh.

However, as soon as there is a Trump impeachment, that is, a political fight within the United States, especially if you are to discuss the political fight where the trend of grass - roots conservation is the key, it is in trouble without knowing Limbaugh.

Programs of the three most popular hosts of talk radio, Limbaugh, Sean Haniti (born in 1961), Mark Levin (born 1957), are all broadcast on a 3 hour frame every day from Monday to Friday.

Once in Japan it was difficult to listen, but now if you download the podcast of the program to the smartphone, the audio file is sent every day. Listen when you like.

Because commercials are cut, it is more efficient than listening live.

I listen to Levin most recently.

He is an expert on the Constitution and has work experience in the Justice Department of the Reagan era.

It is also the appeal of this program that John Bolton presidential security adviser frequently guest appearances (the superbly busy Bolton's time spending time itself tells the influence of the talk radio).

Levin and Haniti also have programs with a high viewer rating on conservative FOX TVs competing for CNN and the cable news competition.

Limbaugh podcasts specialized for radio are charged, but transcripts can be read for free.

I am reading about the character version recently because of time.

Let me give an example that it is difficult to see conservative real intention unless it is a talk radio.

Senior John McCain, Republican senior, died recently and the voice of memorial overflowed the party.

He was a person who was not afraid of rebellion, deserving a synonym for ‘lone wolf’ (maverick). The problem is the direction of rebellion.

Regarding the use of military force, McCain was almost always aggressive.

He was also ridiculed as warmonger.

Meanwhile, domestic affairs often crawl to the liberal faction, cold remarks remarked to President Trump in Russian gates.

Therefore, the mainstream media competed and asked McCain for comment.

To that extent, the reputation on talk radio has been particularly bad in recent years.

Levin summarized that ‘McCain was a fine soldier but was a useless (lousy) senator.’

Let's return to the question at the beginning.

Why is it possible to say that there is not Trump impeachment?

The leaders of the talk radio are gathered together to raise the tone that supports Trump.

In impeachment there is two thirds or more in favor in the Senate.

There is no impeachment unless grass-roots conservation strikes the avalanche and abandons Trump.

Looking only at the report of anti-Trump mainstream media such as ‘New York Times’

2018年09月30日 17時45分06秒 | 日記

Below is the 'qualification' talking about American politics, published in the monthly issue of WiLL in four monthly magazines that I recommend subscribing to those who want to know the truth as a person living in the 21st century, and it is from the series column of Mr. Yoichi Shimada published on the title.
The emphasis is on me.
Due to researching American politics, he is often asked, 'Is there a trump impeachment?' 
The answer is 'not in the foreseeable future.'
Trump is finally driven down.
You are looking only at the reports of anti-Trump mainstream media such as 'The New York Times,' 'Washington Post,' CNN, etc., or telling them second-hand, Looking at only coverage of NHK, Kyodo news, etc. 'Trump is finally driven down,' there are overflowing commentators on TV screens, but it is out of the question.
If we see European and American 'Japanese experts' looking at 'Asahi Shimbun' and NHK news only and it will explain that 'Prime Minister Abe is overlooked by voters at last,' we will laugh and make fun of them.
There is a way to know briefly whether a person is qualified to talk about the 'now' of American politics.
When you hear 'What do you think about Rush Limbaugh'? If you get an answer such as 'Who?' Or 'I have heard of his name, but I do not know him well,' you can see it as an imposter.
Limbaugh (born 1951) strongly influenced 'grassroots conservation' for many years and is a legendary talk radio who speaks for that intention.
In the late 1980s, AM Radio was considered a fading media even in America.
It was conservative talk radio that revived it.
With the deregulation of the Reagan administration, programs that strike the enemy from particular political standpoints will be allowed, and Limbaugh of bullet talk full of black humor breaks. 
The idea of deregulation was that fairness and balance need only be taken throughout the radio world, and individual programs could be free.
The left-wing media often quotes Limbaugh as a representative of controversy.
In other words, being unaware of Limbaugh is synonymous with not knowing any American left and right topics.
You do not need to know Limbaugh if you exclusively discuss American diplomacy and economy.
However, as soon as there is a Trump impeachment, a political fight within the United States, especially if you are to discuss the political battle where the trend of grassroots conservation is the key, it is in trouble without knowing Limbaugh.
Programs of the three most popular hosts of talk radio, Limbaugh, Sean Hannity (born in 1961), and Mark Levin (born 1957), are all broadcast on a 3-hour frame every day from Monday to Friday.
Once in Japan, it wasn't easy to listen, but now, if you download the program's podcast to the smartphone, the audio file is sent daily. 
Listen when you like.
Because commercials are cut, it is more efficient than listening live.
I listen to Levin most recently.
He is an expert on the Constitution and has work experience in the Justice Department of the Reagan era.
It is also the appeal of this program that John Bolton, presidential security adviser, frequently makes guest appearances (the superbly busy Bolton time spent shows the influence of the talk radio).
Levin and Haniti also have programs with a high viewer rating on conservative FOX TVs competing for CNN and the cable news competition.
Limbaugh podcasts specialized for radio are charged, but transcripts can be read for free.
I have been reading about the character version recently because of time.
For example, it isn't easy to see conservative real intention unless it is a talk radio.
Senior John McCain, the Republican senior, died recently, and the voice of memorial overflowed the party.
He was a person who was not afraid of rebellion, deserving a synonym for 'lone wolf' (maverick). The problem is the direction of rebellion.
Regarding the use of military force, McCain was almost always aggressive.
He was also ridiculed as a warmonger.
Meanwhile, domestic affairs often crawl to the liberal faction, cold remarks remarked to President Trump at Russian gates.
Therefore, the mainstream media competed and asked McCain for comment.
But on talk radio, his reputation is atrocious.
Levin summarized that 'McCain was a fine soldier but was a useless (lousy) senator.'
Let's return to the question at the beginning.
Why is it possible to say that there is no Trump impeachment?
The leaders of the talk radio are gathered together to raise the tone that supports Trump.
In impeachment, there are two-thirds or more in favor in the Senate.


2018年09月30日 16時38分39秒 | 日記







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