文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

I heard the detailed response of a doctor treating a patient for the first time on NHK news tonight

2020年03月19日 22時50分36秒 | 全般

I heard the detailed response of a doctor treating a patient for the first time on NHK news tonight.
I believed firmly the Wuhan virus is not naturally occurring.
Masayuki Takayama, the one and only journalist in the post-war world, the person he taught, the person pointed out earlier in a paper published by Delhi University in India,
'Who' implied Shi Zhengli, a 'P4' researcher at the Wuhan Virus Research Institute.
She was studying a chimeric virus at the University of North Carolina that just integrated another gene into the coronavirus.
After returning to China, she continued her research at P4.
By the way, 'P4' is 16km away from Wuhan Seafood Market.
Teachers from Guangzhou's relatives, as well as India's, take the 'leakage' theory as another 'from Wuhan Disease Center.'
Wuhan pneumonia virus is similar to that of SARS.
So it was initially thought that it was infected from bats or Manis sold at the Wuhan Seafood Market.
However, the symptoms are different from SARS, and the infection is stable.
So it was certified as a new model.
The new feature was similar to that of HIV in the way that viral protrusions attach to human cells, and the DNA sequence there was also the same.
That's why AIDS drugs are suddenly used.
There are more mysterious points.
For example, Guangzhou reported that '14% of cured patients relapsed.'
Chinese residents in Osaka have also recurred after being completely cured.
Humans do not suffer from the same disease once the disease cured.
That's because both antibodies, whether pathogenic or viral, can be made in the body.
It is common sense in the medical world.
Immunity and antibody therapy, such as using plasma from cured patients, was established.
It doesn't seem to work for the Wuhan virus.
If something that doesn't happen in nature happens, it raises the suspicion that it's like a biological weapon made by humans.
Doubt is probably 100% true.
She was the most significant criminal after the war, and China, which had her research on biological and chemical weapons, became the most significant criminal state in human history.
Masayuki Takayama, the one and only journalist in the post-war world, the person he taught, the person pointed out earlier in a paper published by Delhi University in India,
'Who' implied Shi Zhengli, a 'P4' researcher at the Wuhan Virus Research Institute.
She was studying a chimeric virus at the University of North Carolina that just integrated another gene into the coronavirus.
After returning to China, she continued her research at P4.
By the way, 'P4' is 16km away from Wuhan Seafood Market.
Teachers from Guangzhou's relatives, as well as India's, take the 'leakage' theory as another 'from Wuhan Disease Center.'
Wuhan pneumonia virus is similar to that of SARS.
So it was initially thought that it was infected from bats or Manis sold at the Wuhan Seafood Market.
However, the symptoms are different from SARS, and the infection is stable.
So it was certified as a new model.
The new feature was similar to that of HIV in the way that viral protrusions attach to human cells, and the DNA sequence there was also the same.
That's why AIDS drugs are suddenly used.
There are more mysterious points.
For example, Guangzhou reported that '14% of cured patients relapsed.'
Chinese residents in Osaka have also recurred after being completely cured.
Humans do not suffer from the same disease once the disease cured.
That's because both antibodies, whether pathogenic or viral, can be made in the body.
It is common sense in the medical world.
Immunity and antibody therapy, such as using plasma from cured patients, was established.
It doesn't seem to work for the Wuhan virus.
If something that doesn't happen in nature happens, it raises the suspicion that it's like a biological weapon made by humans.
Doubt is probably 100% true.
She was the most significant criminal after the war, and China, which had her research on biological and chemical weapons, became the most significant criminal state in human history.


2020年03月19日 22時20分46秒 | 全般



What is 'We appreciate the favor' while Wuhan citizens are suffering?

2020年03月19日 21時35分51秒 | 全般

The following is from Mr. Seki hei's serialized column published in today's Sankei Shimbun.
His dissertation also proves that the most decent newspaper in Japan today is the Sankei Shimbun.
The Communist party lost to public opinion
In China, related departments such as newspapers, television, and publishing are called 'propaganda front' and are under the unified command of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China.
When the Publicity Department of the Communist Party decides on a specific policy, it is the characteristic that the 'propaganda front' nationwide begins to operate in in-order and conducts planned propaganda activities.
But recently, the 'propaganda front' has created some significant disruptions.
In late February, while the new coronavirus was rampant across the country, China's 'propaganda front' began a simultaneous propaganda notice of a book to be published on the 1st of this month.
The title is 'The Great Powers Fighting Plagues.' The content is to praise the Communist Party government, which leads the people to fight the new Corona.
However, on the 1st, the publicity for the book stopped exactly, and sales were halted.
Even now, this book, which should have been printed, is left hanging in the air.
It is clear that this is a big blunder for the publicity department.
The cause was a fierce online rebound against the content of the book that had been announced.
In particular, while the contents of the book to honor the 'strategic foresight' and 'outstanding leadership' of Xi Jinping chairman in response to the new coronavirus has been foretold, net citizens rallied to dispute all at once.
As a result, the publication of the book organized by the Publicity Department has been canceled.
The Publicity Department of the Communist Party in the world has lost to the public opinion.
And the voice of the public who is spoken by the public view.
The incident at propaganda about Xi happened elsewhere.
On Wednesday, a new Wuhan party secretary, Wang Zhonglin, said in a response meeting on the new Corona on June 6, speaking, 'We must educate citizens and thank the general secretary and the party for their favors.'
The remark was reported the following morning extensively on many local news sites, including the official website of the local Yangtze Ilbo. Still, the response to this on the Internet has been even more acute.
There is a lot of resentment saying, "What is 'We appreciate the favor' while Wuhan citizens are suffering?"
Then, in the afternoon, the Wang Party Commissioner's remarks were simultaneously erased from all news sites in the country, including the official Yangtze Daily website mentioned above.
It is in precise order united action under the command of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party.
In just one week, great vigor's Publicity Department of the Communist Party experienced two 'defeats.'
First of all, there may be a change in the Chinese people's attitude about 'speech' that has occurred since the spread of the new Corona.
Many Chinese citizens recognize the importance of freedom of speech, reflecting on the government's series of information concealment and control during the early stages of corona proliferation, which helped promote proliferation and caused enormous damage to the general public. They realized it.
As a result, online public opinion is now multiplying momentum than before and is starting to overpower the Publicity Department of the Communist Party and its propaganda front.
Another fact that has emerged from the two 'defeats' of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party is the growing public dissatisfaction and opposition to Xi himself.
Whenever someone praises Xi's 'excellent leadership' or sings 'affection' to Xi, he always invites a repulsion on the net and is being hated by everyone.
You can see that President Xi has become a very hated person.
What are the consequences of the defeated Publicity Department of the Communist Party, the dissatisfied President Xi, and these significant political changes? 
I want to pay attention to future trends.

Parce que ce sont des aspects comme eux qui sont les pires

2020年03月19日 16時22分29秒 | 全般

Les nouvelles à 7 heures ce soir, et regardez 9, NHK, que je regarde en ce moment, sont vraiment terribles.
Ce n'est plus un problème négligé.
NHK est devenue une organisation de propagande de la Chine et de la Corée, tout comme Tedros de l'OMS.
Même les élèves du primaire peuvent dire que le gouvernement japonais prend les bonnes mesures pour empêcher la transmission du coronavirus.
Si vous regardez le monde à vol d'oiseau, c'est un fait que vous pouvez comprendre instantanément.
Cependant, NHK est la propagande vicieuse de la Chine et de la Corée.
La Chine et la Corée tentent par l'auteur de prendre la place de la victime.
La Chine et la Corée du Sud ont mis en œuvre des mesures pénales absurdes.
Ce sont les pays les plus sales, les plus bas et les pires du monde.
C'est le nombre d'inspections comme le seul matériau qui peut reprocher au Japon ses progrès et le retard du Japon.
Pour une raison quelconque, ils disent inspection, inspection.
En premier lieu, Tedros est une personne qui ne devrait pas être le Secrétaire général de l'OMS, le Ministre éthiopien des affaires étrangères et le Siège des Nations Unies pour le contrôle des maladies.
Ce Tedros avait un visage qu'il ne savait pas être une pandémie dans le monde causée par la cruauté de son mouvement initial, et il est devenu une véritable marionnette chinoise et a déclaré `` test, test et test ... ''.
Et NHK diffusera cette vidéo, même si elle sera précise comme manœuvrant en Chine et en Corée du Sud.
Le nombre de tests en Chine et en Corée du Sud est loin devant. C'est un rapport stupide que les deux pays avancent.
Il n'est pas exagéré de dire qu'Arima et Kuwako sont les criminels les plus malveillants.
Parce que ce sont des aspects comme eux qui sont les pires.
J'enseignerai aux gens qui sont en charge du département des nouvelles NHK ci-dessous les élèves du primaire.
La meilleure façon d'empêcher la transmission du virus de Wuhan est de rester à l'écart de la foule. Dans les endroits où des personnes sont présentes, gardez un intervalle de 1 m ou plus. Si possible, portez un outil de stérilisation antivirus. Se laver les mains avec de l'alcool désinfectant. Gargarisme.
Ce que les Japonais font maintenant est la meilleure mesure au monde.
En d'autres termes, les Japonais sont vraiment les meilleurs au monde.
Puis, ce soir, l'histoire de Mori Tomo, qu'ils ont rapportée sérieusement,
Ce tumulte est si vicieux qu'il fait vraiment vomir.
La méchanceté des humains, appelée l'aile gauche, a atteint le point où même les morts l'utilisent.
Avec un document dont l'identité est inconnue, qui l'a écrit (qui a frappé le clavier), ils attaquent l'élite qui a travaillé pour le pays et le traduisent en justice.
Et les avocats qui attaquent le gouvernement même avec de tels documents.
Ils n'ont pas de porte céleste.
Ils font le plus horrible mal dans ce monde, croyant qu'ils ne sont coupables d'aucune culpabilité, mais Hell Enma the Great in Hell est toujours prêt à blâmer.


2020年03月19日 16時21分23秒 | 全般

今天晚上7點的新聞,以及我現在正在看的NHK 9,真是太糟糕了。
防止武漢病毒傳播的最佳方法是遠離人群。在有人的地方,請保持1 m以上的間隔。如果可能,請佩戴病毒消毒工具。用消毒酒精洗手。漱口。

그들과 같은 측면이 최악이기 때문에

2020年03月19日 16時20分18秒 | 全般

오늘 저녁 7시 뉴스와 지금보고있는 NHK 9는 정말 끔찍합니다.
더 이상 간과 된 문제가 아닙니다.
NHK는 WHO의 테드 로스처럼 중국과 한국의 선전 단체가되었습니다.
초등 학생조차도 일본 정부가 코로나 바이러스의 전염을 막기 위해 올바른 조치를 취하고 있다고 말할 수 있습니다.
조감도에서 세상을 보면 바로 이해할 수 있다는 사실입니다.
그러나 NHK는 중국과 한국의 악의적 인 선전이다.
중국과 한국은 가해자가 피해자를 대신하려고 시도합니다.
중국과 한국은 말도 안되는 범죄 조치를 취했습니다.
그들은 세계에서 가장 더럽고, 가장 낮고, 최악의 나라입니다.
진전과 일본이 늦었다 고 일본을 비난 할 수있는 유일한 자료 인 검사의 수입니다.
어떤 이유로 검사, 검사라고합니다.
우선 테드 로스는 WHO 사무 총장, 에티오피아 외무부 장관, 유엔 질병 통제 본부가되어서는 안되는 사람입니다.
이 테드 로스는 그의 초기 운동의 잔인 함으로 인해 전 세계적으로 유행성 질병이라는 것을 결코 알지 못했던 얼굴을 가졌으며 실제 중국 인형이되어 '테스트, 테스트 및 테스트 ...'라고 말했습니다.
NHK는이 비디오를 방송 할 것이지만, 중국과 한국에서의 기동처럼 정확할 것입니다.
중국과 한국의 테스트 수는 훨씬 앞서 있습니다. 양국이 발전하고 있다는 것은 어리석은보고이다.
Arima와 Kuwako가 가장 악의적 인 범죄자라고해도 과언이 아닙니다.
그들과 같은 측면이 최악이기 때문입니다.
NHK 뉴스 부서를 담당하는 사람들에게 초등학생 이하를 가르 칠 것입니다.
우한 바이러스의 전염을 막는 가장 좋은 방법은 군중에서 벗어나는 것입니다. 사람이있는 장소에서는 1m 이상의 간격을 유지하십시오. 가능하면 바이러스 살균 도구를 착용하십시오. 소독 용 알코올로 손을 씻으십시오. 양치질하다.
일본인이 지금하고있는 것이 세상에서 가장 좋은 척도입니다.
다시 말해서, 일본인은 실제로 세계 최고의 사람들입니다.
그리고 오늘 밤, 모리 토모의 이야기는
이 소란은 너무나 심해서 구토를합니다.
좌익이라고 불리는 인간의 악의는 죽은 자조차도 그것을 사용하는 지점에 이르렀습니다.
신원을 모르는 사람, 누가 쓴 사람 (키보드를 쳤는가)을 가지고 그들은 국가를 위해 일한 엘리트를 공격하여 법의 심판을 받는다.
그런 자료로도 정부를 공격하는 변호사들.
그들은 하늘의 문이 없습니다.
그들은이 세상에서 가장 추한 잘못을 저지르고 있으며 죄책감을 느끼지 않는다고 생각하지만 지옥에있는 대마 지옥은 항상 책임이 있습니다.

لأنها جوانب مثل الأسوأ

2020年03月19日 16時19分08秒 | 全般

الأخبار الساعة 7 مساء هذا اليوم ، ومشاهدة 9 ، NHK ، التي أشاهدها الآن ، مروعة حقًا.
لم تعد قضية تم تجاهلها.
أصبحت NHK منظمة دعاية للصين وكوريا ، تمامًا مثل منظمة Tedros التابعة لمنظمة الصحة العالمية.
حتى طلاب المدارس الابتدائية يمكنهم أن يقولوا أن الحكومة اليابانية تتخذ الإجراءات الصحيحة لمنع انتقال الفيروس التاجي.
إذا نظرت إلى العالم من منظور عين الطائر ، فهذه حقيقة يمكنك أن تفهمها على الفور.
ومع ذلك ، فإن NHK هي دعاية مفرغة من الصين وكوريا.
محاولة الصين وكوريا من قبل الجاني لتحل محل الضحية.
نفذت الصين وكوريا الجنوبية إجراءات جنائية هراء.
إنها أقذر وأقل وأسوأ الدول في العالم.
هذا هو عدد عمليات التفتيش باعتبارها المادة الوحيدة التي يمكن أن تلوم اليابان على تقدمهم وتأخر اليابان.
لسبب ما ، يقولون التفتيش والتفتيش.
في المقام الأول ، تيدروس هو شخص لا ينبغي أن يكون الأمين العام لمنظمة الصحة العالمية ، ووزير الخارجية الإثيوبي ، ومقر الأمم المتحدة لمكافحة الأمراض.
كان لدى تيدروس وجه لم يكن يعرفه أبدًا أنه جائحة حول العالم ناجم عن قسوة حركته الأولية ، وأصبح دمية صينية فعلية وذكر "الاختبار والاختبار والاختبار ...".
وسوف تبث NHK هذا الفيديو ، على الرغم من أنه سيكون دقيقًا مثل المناورة في الصين وكوريا الجنوبية.
عدد الاختبارات في الصين وكوريا الجنوبية أمامنا بكثير. إنه تقرير سخيف أن كلا البلدين يتقدمان.
ليس من قبيل المبالغة أن نقول أن أريما وكواكو هما أكثر المجرمين ضراوة.
لأنها جوانب مثل الأسوأ.
سوف أقوم بتدريس الأشخاص المسؤولين عن قسم أخبار NHK أدناه طلاب المدارس الابتدائية.
أفضل طريقة لمنع انتقال فيروس ووهان هو البقاء خارج الحشد. في الأماكن التي يتواجد فيها الأشخاص ، احتفظ بفاصل زمني يبلغ 1 م أو أكثر. إذا أمكن ، ارتد أداة تعقيم الفيروسات. اغسل يديك بالكحول المطهر. الغرغرة.
ما يفعله اليابانيون الآن هو أفضل مقياس في العالم.
وبعبارة أخرى ، فإن اليابانيين هم حقا أفضل الناس في العالم.
ثم ، الليلة ، قصة موري تومو ، التي أبلغوا عنها بجدية ،
هذه الضجة شرسة للغاية لدرجة أنها تسبب القيء.
وحشية البشر ، التي تسمى اليسار ، وصلت إلى النقطة التي يستخدمها حتى الموتى.
بوثيقة لا تعرف هويتها ، من كتبها (الذي ضرب لوحة المفاتيح) ، هاجموا النخبة التي عملت لصالح البلد وتقديمها للعدالة.
والمحامين الذين يهاجمون الحكومة حتى بمثل هذه المواد.
ليس لديهم بوابة سماوية.
إنهم يرتكبون أبشع خطأ في هذا العالم ، معتقدين أنهم ليسوا مذنبين بأي ذنب ، لكن الجحيم إنما العظيم في الجحيم مستعد دائمًا لإلقاء اللوم.

Потому что именно такие аспекты, как они, являются худшими

2020年03月19日 16時17分53秒 | 全般

Новости в 7 часов вечера, и смотреть 9, NHK, который я сейчас смотрю, действительно ужасны.
Это больше не пропущенная проблема.
NHK стал пропагандистской организацией Китая и Кореи, точно так же, как Tedros ВОЗ.
Даже ученики начальной школы могут сказать, что правительство Японии принимает правильные меры для предотвращения передачи коронавируса.
Если вы посмотрите на мир с высоты птичьего полета, это факт, который вы можете понять мгновенно.
Однако NHK - это злобная пропаганда Китая и Кореи.
Китай и Корея предпринимают попытки преступника занять место жертвы.
Китай и Южная Корея ввели бессмысленные уголовные меры.
Это самые грязные, самые низкие и самые худшие страны в мире.
Это количество проверок как единственного материала, который может обвинить Японию в своем прогрессе и опоздании Японии.
Почему-то говорят инспекция, осмотр.
Во-первых, Тедрос - это человек, который не должен быть Генеральным секретарем ВОЗ, министром иностранных дел Эфиопии и Центральным учреждением Организации Объединенных Наций по борьбе с болезнями.
У этого Тедроса было лицо, которое он никогда не знал, было пандемией во всем мире, вызванной жестокостью его первоначального движения, и он стал настоящей китайской марионеткой и заявил: «Испытай, испытай и испытай ...».
И NHK будет транслировать это видео, хотя оно будет точным, как маневрирование в Китае и Южной Корее.
Количество тестов в Китае и Южной Корее далеко впереди. Глупо сообщать, что обе страны продвигаются вперед.
Не будет преувеличением сказать, что Арима и Кувако являются самыми злыми преступниками.
Потому что именно такие аспекты, как они, являются худшими.
Я буду учить людей, которые руководят отделом новостей NHK, ниже учеников начальной школы.
Лучший способ предотвратить передачу вируса Ухань - это держаться подальше от толпы. В местах, где присутствуют люди, соблюдайте интервал 1 м или более. Если возможно, наденьте инструмент для вирусной стерилизации. Мойте руки дезинфицирующим спиртом. Полоскать горло.
То, что делают сейчас японцы, - лучшая мера в мире.
Другими словами, японцы действительно лучшие люди в мире.
Затем, сегодня вечером, история Мори Томо, о которой они серьезно сообщили,
Этот скандал настолько злобен, что вызывает рвоту.
Порочность людей, называемых левыми, достигла того уровня, когда его используют даже мертвые.
Имея документ, личность которого неизвестна, кто его написал (кто ударил по клавиатуре), они нападают на элиту, которая работала на страну, и привлекают ее к ответственности.
И адвокаты, которые нападают на правительство даже с такими материалами.
У них нет небесных ворот.
Они делают самые ужасные ошибки в этом мире, полагая, что они не виновны в какой-либо вине, но ад Энма Великая в аду всегда готова обвинить.

Porque são aspectos como eles são os piores

2020年03月19日 16時16分39秒 | 全般

As notícias às 7 horas da noite e as 9 horas da NHK, que estou assistindo agora, são realmente terríveis.
Não é mais um problema esquecido.
A NHK se tornou uma organização de propaganda da China e da Coréia, assim como o Tedros da OMS.
Até os alunos do ensino fundamental podem dizer que o governo japonês está tomando as medidas corretas para impedir a transmissão do coronavírus.
Se você olha para o mundo de uma vista aérea, é um fato que você pode entender instantaneamente.
No entanto, a NHK é a propaganda cruel da China e da Coréia.
China e Coréia tentam, pelo autor, tomar o lugar da vítima.
China e Coréia do Sul implementaram medidas criminais sem sentido.
Eles são os países mais sujos, mais baixos e piores do mundo.
É o número de inspeções como o único material que pode culpar o Japão por seu progresso e o atraso do Japão.
Por alguma razão, eles dizem inspeção, inspeção.
Em primeiro lugar, Tedros é uma pessoa que não deve ser o Secretário-Geral da OMS, o Ministro de Relações Exteriores da Etiópia e a Sede das Nações Unidas para o Controle de Doenças.
Esse Tedros tinha um rosto que ele nunca imaginou ser uma pandemia em todo o mundo causado pela crueldade de seu movimento inicial, e ele se tornou um fantoche chinês de verdade e declarou 'teste, teste e teste ...'.
E a NHK transmitirá este vídeo, embora seja preciso como manobras na China e na Coréia do Sul.
O número de testes na China e na Coréia do Sul está muito à frente. É um relatório tolo que os dois países estão avançando.
Não é exagero dizer que Arima e Kuwako são os criminosos mais maliciosos.
Porque é aspectos como eles são os piores.
Ensinarei as pessoas encarregadas do departamento de notícias da NHK, abaixo dos alunos do ensino fundamental.
A melhor maneira de impedir a transmissão do vírus Wuhan é ficar fora da multidão. Em locais onde as pessoas estão presentes, mantenha um intervalo de 1 m ou mais. Se possível, use uma ferramenta de esterilização de vírus. Lave as mãos com álcool desinfetante. Gargarejo.
O que os japoneses estão fazendo agora é a melhor medida do mundo.
Em outras palavras, os japoneses são realmente as melhores pessoas do mundo.
Então, hoje à noite, a história de Mori Tomo, que eles relataram seriamente,
Esse alvoroço é tão cruel que realmente vomita.
A crueldade dos humanos, chamada de esquerda, chegou ao ponto em que até os mortos a usam.
Com um documento cuja identidade é desconhecida, quem o escreveu (que tocou no teclado), eles atacam a elite que trabalhou no país e o levam à justiça.
E advogados que atacam o governo mesmo com esses materiais.
Eles não têm um portão celestial.
Eles estão cometendo o erro mais feio deste mundo, acreditando que não são culpados de qualquer culpa, mas o inferno Enma, o Grande no inferno, está sempre pronto para culpar.

Weil es Aspekte wie diese sind, die am schlimmsten sind

2020年03月19日 16時15分38秒 | 全般

Die Nachrichten heute Abend um 7 Uhr und 9, NHK, die ich gerade sehe, sind wirklich schrecklich.
Es ist kein übersehenes Thema mehr.
NHK ist zu einer Propagandaorganisation Chinas und Koreas geworden, genau wie Tedros von der WHO.
Selbst Grundschüler können feststellen, dass die japanische Regierung die richtigen Maßnahmen ergreift, um die Übertragung des Coronavirus zu verhindern.
Wenn Sie die Welt aus der Vogelperspektive betrachten, ist dies eine Tatsache, die Sie sofort verstehen können.
NHK ist jedoch die bösartige Propaganda Chinas und Koreas.
China und Korea versuchen vom Täter, den Platz des Opfers einzunehmen.
China und Südkorea haben unsinnige kriminelle Maßnahmen umgesetzt.
Sie sind die schmutzigsten, niedrigsten und schlimmsten Länder der Welt.
Es ist die Anzahl der Inspektionen als einziges Material, das Japan für ihre Fortschritte und die Verspätung Japans verantwortlich machen kann.
Aus irgendeinem Grund sagen sie Inspektion, Inspektion.
Erstens ist Tedros eine Person, die nicht der Generalsekretär der WHO, der äthiopische Außenminister und das Hauptquartier der Vereinten Nationen für die Kontrolle von Krankheiten sein sollte.
Dieser Tedros hatte ein Gesicht, von dem er nie wusste, dass es eine Pandemie auf der ganzen Welt war, die durch die Grausamkeit seiner anfänglichen Bewegung verursacht wurde. Er wurde eine echte chinesische Marionette und sagte: "Test, Test und Test ...".
Und NHK wird dieses Video senden, obwohl es genau wie Manöver in China und Südkorea sein wird.
Die Anzahl der Tests in China und Südkorea liegt weit vor uns. Es ist ein dummer Bericht, dass beide Länder Fortschritte machen.
Es ist keine Übertreibung zu sagen, dass Arima und Kuwako die bösartigsten Verbrecher sind.
Weil es Aspekte wie diese sind, die am schlimmsten sind.
Ich werde Leute unterrichten, die für die NHK-Nachrichtenabteilung unter Grundschülern verantwortlich sind.
Der beste Weg, um die Übertragung des Wuhan-Virus zu verhindern, besteht darin, sich von der Masse fernzuhalten. Halten Sie an Orten, an denen Personen anwesend sind, einen Abstand von mindestens 1 m ein. Tragen Sie nach Möglichkeit ein Werkzeug zur Virussterilisation. Hände mit desinfizierendem Alkohol waschen. Gurgeln.
Was die Japaner jetzt tun, ist die beste Maßnahme der Welt.
Mit anderen Worten, die Japaner sind wirklich die besten Menschen der Welt.
Dann, heute Abend, die Geschichte von Mori Tomo, über die sie ernsthaft berichteten,
Dieser Aufruhr ist so bösartig, dass er wirklich Erbrechen hervorruft.
Die Boshaftigkeit der Menschen, die als linker Flügel bezeichnet wird, hat den Punkt erreicht, an dem selbst die Toten sie benutzen.
Mit einem Dokument, dessen Identität unbekannt ist, wer es geschrieben hat (wer auf die Tastatur gedrückt hat), greifen sie die Elite an, die für das Land gearbeitet hat, und bringen es vor Gericht.
Und Anwälte, die die Regierung auch mit solchen Materialien angreifen.
Sie haben kein himmlisches Tor.
Sie tun das hässlichste Unrecht auf dieser Welt und glauben, dass sie keiner Schuld schuldig sind, aber die Hölle Enma die Große in der Hölle ist immer bereit, die Schuld zu geben.

Porque es que aspectos como ellos son los peores

2020年03月19日 16時14分28秒 | 全般

Las noticias a las 7 en punto de esta noche y ver las 9, NHK, que estoy viendo en este momento, son realmente terribles.
Ya no es un tema que se pasa por alto.
NHK se ha convertido en una organización de propaganda de China y Corea, al igual que Tedros de la OMS.
Incluso los estudiantes de primaria pueden decir que el gobierno japonés está tomando las medidas correctas para prevenir la transmisión del coronavirus.
Si miras el mundo a vista de pájaro, es un hecho que puedes entender al instante.
Sin embargo, NHK es la propaganda viciosa de China y Corea.
China y Corea intentan que el perpetrador tome el lugar de la víctima.
China y Corea del Sur han implementado medidas criminales sin sentido.
Son los países más sucios, más bajos y peores del mundo.
Es el número de inspecciones como el único material que puede culpar a Japón por su progreso y que Japón llegue tarde.
Por alguna razón, dicen inspección, inspección.
En primer lugar, Tedros es una persona que no debería ser el Secretario General de la OMS, el Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Etiopía y la Sede de las Naciones Unidas para el Control de Enfermedades.
Este Tedros tenía una cara que nunca supo que era una pandemia en todo el mundo causada por la crueldad de su movimiento inicial, y se convirtió en un títere chino real y declaró 'prueba, prueba y prueba ...'.
Y NHK transmitirá este video, aunque será preciso como maniobras en China y Corea del Sur.
El número de pruebas en China y Corea del Sur está muy por delante. Es un informe tonto que ambos países están avanzando.
No es exagerado decir que Arima y Kuwako son los delincuentes más maliciosos.
Porque es que aspectos como ellos son los peores.
Enseñaré a las personas que están a cargo del departamento de noticias de NHK debajo de los estudiantes de primaria.
La mejor manera de prevenir la transmisión del virus Wuhan es mantenerse alejado de la multitud. En lugares donde hay personas presentes, mantenga un intervalo de 1 mo más. Si es posible, use una herramienta de esterilización de virus. Lávese las manos con alcohol desinfectante. Gárgaras.
Lo que están haciendo los japoneses ahora es la mejor medida del mundo.
En otras palabras, los japoneses son realmente las mejores personas del mundo.
Luego, esta noche, la historia de Mori Tomo, que informaron seriamente,
Este alboroto es tan cruel que realmente provoca vómitos.
La crueldad de los humanos, llamada el ala izquierda, ha llegado al punto en que incluso los muertos la usan.
Con un documento cuya identidad se desconoce, quién lo escribió (quién golpeó el teclado), atacan a la élite que ha trabajado para el país y lo llevan ante la justicia.
Y abogados que atacan al gobierno incluso con tales materiales.
No tienen una puerta celestial.
Están haciendo el mal más feo en este mundo, creyendo que no son culpables de ninguna culpa, pero Hell Enma the Great in Hell siempre está listo para culpar.

Perché sono aspetti come loro sono i peggiori

2020年03月19日 16時13分13秒 | 全般

Le notizie alle 7 di questa sera e le 9, NHK, che sto guardando in questo momento, sono davvero terribili.
Non è più un problema trascurato.
NHK è diventata un'organizzazione di propaganda di Cina e Corea, proprio come Tedros dell'OMS.
Anche gli studenti delle scuole elementari possono dire che il governo giapponese sta adottando le misure corrette per prevenire la trasmissione del coronavirus.
Se guardi il mondo da una vista dall'alto, è un dato di fatto che puoi capire all'istante.
Tuttavia, NHK è la cattiva propaganda di Cina e Corea.
La Cina e la Corea tentano dall'autore di prendere il posto della vittima.
La Cina e la Corea del Sud hanno messo in atto misure penali senza senso.
Sono i paesi più sporchi, più bassi e peggiori del mondo.
È il numero di ispezioni come unico materiale che può incolpare il Giappone per i suoi progressi e che il Giappone è in ritardo.
Per qualche ragione, dicono ispezione, ispezione.
In primo luogo, Tedros è una persona che non dovrebbe essere il segretario generale dell'OMS, il ministro degli affari esteri etiope e il quartier generale delle Nazioni Unite per il controllo delle malattie.
Questo Tedros aveva un volto che non sapeva mai essere una pandemia in tutto il mondo causata dalla crudeltà del suo movimento iniziale, e divenne un vero burattino cinese e dichiarò "prova, prova e prova ...".
E NHK trasmetterà questo video, anche se sarà preciso come manovre in Cina e Corea del Sud.
Il numero di test in Cina e Corea del Sud è molto più avanti. È un rapporto sciocco che entrambi i paesi stanno avanzando.
Non è esagerato affermare che Arima e Kuwako sono i criminali più malvagi.
Perché sono aspetti come loro sono i peggiori.
Insegnerò alle persone che sono responsabili del dipartimento di notizie NHK sotto gli studenti delle scuole elementari.
Il modo migliore per impedire la trasmissione del virus Wuhan è di stare lontano dalla folla. Nei luoghi in cui sono presenti persone, mantenere un intervallo di 1 m o più. Se possibile, indossare uno strumento di sterilizzazione del virus. Lavarsi le mani con alcool disinfettante. Gargle.
Ciò che i giapponesi stanno facendo ora è la misura migliore al mondo.
In altre parole, i giapponesi sono davvero le persone migliori al mondo.
Quindi, stasera, la storia di Mori Tomo, che hanno riportato seriamente,
Questo tumulto è così vizioso che rende davvero il vomito.
La cattiveria degli umani, chiamata ala sinistra, ha raggiunto il punto in cui anche i morti la usano.
Con un documento di cui non si conosce l'identità, che l'ha scritto (che ha colpito la tastiera), attaccano l'élite che ha lavorato per il Paese e lo rendono giustizia.
E gli avvocati che attaccano il governo anche con tali materiali.
Non hanno una porta celeste.
Stanno facendo il più brutto errore in questo mondo, credendo di non essere colpevoli di colpa, ma l'Inferno Enma il Grande all'Inferno è sempre pronto a dare la colpa.


2020年03月19日 15時56分42秒 | 全般


it is crucial to keep the name of the 'Wuhan virus affliction' because we do not want to

2020年03月19日 15時47分13秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Ambiguous names are irresponsible.
There is a  problem in Japan; in such cases, not a few people, it is easy to make relativity easily between 'Both are to blame' and 'mud-slinging,' or look at whichever.'
Professor Jun Sakurada of Toyo Gakuen University warned the following on Facebook on the 18th and emphasized the importance of the name.
'Do not understand the exchange of accusations between the United States and China in the dimension of 'Children's quarrel' that can not be responded to during the crisis.' 'I, Sakurada, think that it is crucial to keep the name of the 'Wuhan virus affliction' because we do not want to come to a world where the intentions of an authoritarian nation similar to China dominate.'
In Japan, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Taro Aso said on March 10 that the 'Wuhan virus' was reported critically in the media.
* I also knew this for the first time. Still, these media (like the Asahi Shimbun) are under the maneuvering of China and Korea, a mass of masochistic view of history unparalleled in the world, and they are mad people struggling to degrade their country is a no longer a well-known fact. In other words, the Asahi Shimbun and NHK, etc., as well as Xi Jinping and Moon Jae-in, is the naked king. Even the worst human representative, Takashi Uemura, says, 'I left the Asahi Shimbun and learned for the first time that the oppression received from society is strong on the Asahi.'  In other words, they are madmen who play logic that works only within their organization. The Japanese and the world must know that the people who control the NHK's press are the same *
However, it is irresponsible as a member of the world to obscure the name and protect China and leave the publicity campaign unchecked.
(Editorial committee member and editorial politics committee member)

That has delayed the response of countries around the world by two months.

2020年03月19日 15時16分59秒 | 全般

The following is from a column by Abiru Rui, one of the best active reporters, published in the Sankei Shimbun today, entitled Reason that should be called a Wuhan virus.
What to call a new coronavirus that causes pneumonia that is widespread in the world?
The WHO (World Health Organization) named it 'COVID119', but the name of this disease, which is difficult to remember, is not widely distributed and does not come to mind.
A correct name is appropriate because it is a disaster that will remain in history.
China aiming for buck-passing
'Some LDP members are discriminatory terms such as Wuhan fever.'
Constitution Democrat Deputy Representative Renhō pointed out on Twitter on February 15.
* I knew this for the first time, but as I wrote earlier, Renhō is too suspicious of relations with China, including the history of studying at Peking University. One of the things that Japan is not proud of to the world is the existence of Japanese people who make such people pay the real annual income of about 50 million yen as a member of the Diet of Japan. *
It may be due to concerns that linking to a particular place name could promote reputational damage and discrimination.
Nevertheless, looking at China's stance on avoiding liability, removing place names and country names may have a negative effect.
In the United States, high-ranking government officials refer to the virus as the 'China virus' (President Trump) and the 'Wuhan virus' (Secretary of State Pompeo). It is not unreasonable.
In a speech on Tuesday, President O'Brien, chief of national security affairs, criticized the Chinese government's initial response to the virus as 'a cover-up activity' and condemned it.
'That has delayed the response of countries around the world by two months.'
The Hong Kong newspaper also reported on March 13 that the virus was first infected in Hubei, China last November, and it is no wonder Trump said on the same day:
'China knows where the virus came from. The United States knows where the virus came from.'
China, on the other hand, is not only trying to show off its escapism but is also trying to transfer responsibility to other countries implicitly.
'The U.S. military may have introduced an infectious disease to Wuhan,' a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian wrote on March 12 without giving any evidence.
In the U.S., Pentagon Farrah spokesman also responded on Twitter that the Chinese Communist Party is spreading ridiculous conspiracy theories. Still, China, which initially emphasizes political effects rather than facts, will continue to pursue crimes not only in the United States but also in other countries, including Japan.
In fact, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang has expressed 'strong resentment' over Trump's remarks on the 'China virus.'
They say that the virus is unrelated to China.
Mr. Pompeo also emphasized, 'It isn't when spreading a false rumor a diffusing and weird rumor now' in a phone call with senior Chinese diplomat Yang Jiechi, a communist political official on March 16.
China's 'global information manipulation' (U.S. Department of State official) has begun.
This article continues.