This morning, the following chapter was among the top 10 most searched on goo.
Nevertheless, Sun Yi, such an honorable man, was eventually assassinated by the Chinese authorities, despite being released from prison after enduring much torture.
I sent this chapter out on 03/07/2019.
It must read not only for the Japanese people but for people worldwide.
I am re-submitting it.
A good number of viewers may have watched the documentary film "Letters from Masanjia" on NHK's BS1 on the evening of March 05, 2019.
This documentary should be broadcast precisely during the WATCH9 time slot.
China and the Korean Peninsula, lands of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies," are indeed a nation of people who love torturing people in gruesome ways.
They are indeed a land of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies," as the documentary makes clear.
They have been torturing their people since the beginning of time in ways that cannot be considered the work of a decent human being.
For the sake of anti-Japanese propaganda, they proudly present their deeds as the work of the Japanese military in textbooks and as facilities for children and tourists to see.
The fact that they are a people of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies" is demonstrated by the fact that they have the nerve and the attitude to rub their evil deeds on others.
The time has come when the Japanese people and the world should know what they are really like.
What will happen when the evil of the Communist Party's one-party dictatorship is added to the "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies"?
It would be an unbelievable disaster.
And yet, the depth of the sins of the Asahi Shimbun and NHK, both of which are in league with the one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party of China and Korea, is still more significant than the sum of its parts.
All the employees of these two companies must go to hell and suffer the most incredible torture of Enma, the Great King of the World.
The Chinese authorities assassinated the honorable Sun Yi after being released from prison after enduring torture.
His wife, like a Japanese with a beautiful heart and whose righteousness could be seen at a glance, decided to divorce Mr. Sun Yi, whom she loved with all her heart.
She does so to prevent her parents and family from being persecuted by the authorities.
China is the biggest violator of human rights in human history.
The world is irresponsible that China is a UN Human Rights Commission member.
It is about IMADR, happily engaged in anti-Japanese activities under this Chinese manipulation.
Executive Staff
The International Movement against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism (IMADR) Board of Directors
Nimalka Fernando, Attorney at Law
Kimihide Mushanokoji, International Political Scientist
Vice President
Mario Jorge Youtzis, a former member of the United Nations Commission on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Bernadette Etier, Co-Chair, Movement for Racism and Amity (MRAP)
Shigeyuki Kumisaka, Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the Liberation League of Japan
Executive Director
Fujihiko Nishijima, Secretary General, Liberation League of Japan
Executive Director
Romani Lohse, Chairperson, Central Committee of the German Swinti-Roma
Rodolfo Stabenhagen, Professor, Graduate University of Mexico / Former UN Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Peoples
Theo van Boven Professor, Maastricht University
Brunad Fatima Natisan, Advisor, Society for Rural Education and Development (SRED)
Durga Sobh, Founding President, Feminist Dalit Association (FEDO)
Michael Sharp, Assistant Professor, City University of New York, York
Tadashi Kato, President, Hokkaido Ainu Association
Nanako Inaba, Professor, Sophia University, National Network in Solidarity with Migrant Workers
Hitoshi Okuda, Liberation Institute for Human Rights
Masaki Okajima President, Central Executive Committee, Japan Teachers Union
Ryuko Kusano, Chairperson of the Solidarity Conference of Religions and Religious Communities for "Dowa Issue", Shinshu Otaniha
Shuichi Kim, Secretary General, Kanagawa Mintoren
SHIN Hae Bong Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University
Takanao Iwane, President, Tokyo Human Rights Enlightenment Association
Atsuko Miwa, Director, Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center
Takashi Akai Chairman, Central Finance Committee, Liberation League of Japan
Makoto Kubo Professor, Osaka Sangyo University
Hélène Zachstein, Gender and Child Protection Specialist
Penda Mbou Professor, Sheikh Anta Diop Dakar University
Yoko Hayashi, Attorney at Law, Chairperson of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
KENZO TOMONAGA Director Emeritus, Institute for Liberation and Human Rights
Ryu Matsumoto, Former Minister of the Environment
Secretariat Structure
Megumi Komori, Acting Executive Director
Shinichi Wada, Deputy Secretary General, Central Executive Committee Member of the Liberation League of Japan
Catherine Cadou, Deputy Secretary General, Japanese Studies
Martin Kaneko, Deputy Secretary General; Professor, Japan Women's University
Masahiro Terada, Deputy Secretary General; Secretary General, Solidarity Conference of Religious Communities on the Dowa Issue
Kohsuke Takahashi, Deputy Secretary-General, National Business Liaison Association for the Dowa Issue
Taisuke Komatsu, Deputy Secretary General, Geneva Office
Fumiko Kaminari, Tokyo Office
The above people, Oe, Murakami, etc., and the following people are human scraps.
Taking the length of Ghosn's detention, etc... Ghosn was given unusually generous treatment for a criminal, not only without torture or anything else... unthinkable in other countries...
The Western media, including the French press, which commented on Japan as if Japan was a backward country, and the Japanese press, which had so-called intellectuals who were merely purveyors of Asahi, NHK, etc., criticized Japan in sympathy with the Western media!
Criticize China before you say anything!
As long as China and Korea are unchecked, you are not qualified to say anything!
You should be ashamed of yourselves for calling yourselves intellectuals!
Viewers who watched the following documentary broadcast on the evening of 03/05/2019 will agree with my anger.
Police arrested Sun Yi for simply being a Falun Gong practitioner and detained him at the infamous MaSanjia Labor and Education Center, where torture and other forms of torture are practiced.
An American woman, Julie Keith, found a letter written by Sun Yi at MaSanjia Labor and Education Center in a Halloween gift she sent to her daughter.
She released the contents to the media, and the world was astonished by the startling revelation.
Mr. Sun Yi was later released from the Workers' Education Center, and through his cartoons, he exposed the human rights persecution in the Workers' Education Center.
What is most surprising is that he filmed parts of the film in China.
The most astonishing part of the film is that he filmed part of it in China, where the persecution that the Sun family suffered daily from the CCP was vividly shown.
After escaping from China, Mr. Sun met Julie Keith, who unfortunately died in Indonesia, where he had fled.
The notorious Chinese prisons and labor camps are a product of the government's totalitarian regime.
The incarcerated populace is reportedly made to work like slaves and overworked to produce export goods.
The following are some of the problems with prison "slave labor" in China
1. violates trade agreements and laws
Despite trade agreements and laws prohibiting the export of products derived from labor camps, it has been found that more than 100 different products, including food, clothing, household goods, and cosmetics, are produced in Chinese labor camps through forced labor.
These products are sold in the United States, Australia, Asia, Russia, and Europe.
2. Where are the prisons and laboratories located?
According to one survey, nearly 100 prisons, labor camps, and detention centers in China use slave labor to produce goods.
Most are located in Anhui, Beijing, Gansu, Guangdong, Henan, Heilongjiang, Shandong, Shanghai, and Tianjin.
3. Lack of Regulation
The international community has developed standards to protect food and clothing during production from infectious diseases.
However, there need to be supervisors in Chinese laboratories to conduct sanitary inspections of food and clothing.
For example, at the Yunnan Women's Labor Education Center, there was an incident in which a Falun Gong practitioner refused to work in a cookie factory.
When the Labor Cultivation Center asked her why the inmate replied: "You want to buy these biscuits.
When it did, the Labor Education Center asked him why the inmate replied: "Do you want to buy these cookies? It piled Bags of flour on the dirty floor, and the machines used to make cookies were covered with dust. Do you think the cookies produced meet hygiene standards? Our toilets are dirty and smelly, and there is no clean space to put your feet down. We don't even have towels to wipe our hands, so at best, we wipe them with our aprons. Do you want to eat these cookies? I am a Falun Gong practitioner who values truth and compassion, so I cannot make food that harms others."
Take the example of what happened at the First Women's Labor and Cultivation Center in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
Most of the inmates were sickly and housed in solitary confinement.
Their advanced age made them unsuitable for working on the production line.
As a result, these women were forced to take the trash off their sweaters.
They were forced to use dirty shoe brushes and fold their garments with dirty hands to complete their tasks within the allotted time.
These goods were then exported to countries around the world.
4. No concern for the environment or health
Laboratories in China are ideal places for companies to escape regulations and safety standards.
The following example is from a labor camp in Heilongjiang Province.
Inmates were put to work processing toxic rubber material used in the processing of gloves and car seats.
The camp is filled with a pungent odor and toxic wastewater that even the guards find unbearable.
A technical team from the Labor and Culture Institute took measurements and found highly carcinogenic substances.
Upon seeing the results, the guards were reluctant to enter the factory, preferring to stay outdoors even on the coldest winter days.
Meanwhile, inmates were forced to meet high production quotas, and many suffered from nosebleeds, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, and other severe disabilities.
5. Inhuman schedule
Slave laborers must work 10 to 20 hours a day.
When production quotas are high, workers are not allowed to close their eyes and rest, which continues for several days.
According to estimates, about 36% of slave laborers were forced to work 12 to 14 hours a day, 25% worked 16 to 18 hours, and 19% worked as many as 14 to 16 hours.
6. Work without wages
Workers in detention are not paid, and the lucky few receive a minimal wage.
Actual cases have been observed in women's labor training centers in Shandong Province, where workers could receive payments ranging from about 100 yen to 2,000 yen.
7. Apparel Production Expected to Increase
China's prisons, which have already established food and machinery production capacity, are now focusing on clothing production.
According to a 2016 report by the World Bank, China is the world's largest apparel producer, accounting for 41% of the world's total.
Industry insiders indicate that about 10% of China's apparel shipments are produced in laboratories.
According to the investigative report, "Production of Slave Labor Products by Falun Gong Practitioners in China," Prisons 1, 4, 5, and 7 and the Labor and Culture Center in Zhejiang Province have long-term contracts with Chinese garment manufacturers.
More than 20,000 workers, including illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners, are employed by this enterprise. In this way, the Workers' Cultivation Center uses slave labor to make clothing, which it then sells to China and the rest of the world.
*Last night, 2022/11/11, on TV Tokyo's WBS, the female hosts, with whom I have suspicions about the relationship with China, broadcast huge praise of China, saying that the Chinese brand SHIEN is on the verge of taking over the world, whether they knew about the above situation or not.
I watched the broadcast with astonishment.
It was a program that clearly showed how much its parent company, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, was eating the poisoned bun in China.
Despite all that, China is now professing its intention to invade Taiwan and seize the Senkaku Islands and continues to invade Japan's territorial waters around the Senkaku Islands day and night.
It was the Nihon Keizai Shimbun and TV Tokyo that took the lead.
And all this while using the public airwaves for free.
The stupidity of the Japanese government and the people who continue to allow this kind of behavior has reached an irredeemable level.
Labor Cultivation: This is a system whereby the Labor Cultivation Administration Committees of local governments in China can detain (forced labor) citizens for reasons such as "disturbing social order." Still, there is no trial, and the grounds are vague and open to arbitrary interpretation.
Although the term of detention is limited to three years or less, they can extend it for up to four years since an additional year of imprisonment can be granted.
It is also said that reincarcerating a person after their release makes it possible to incarcerate them forever.