文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

In other words, it is an anti-Japanese propaganda organization.

2024年09月25日 17時12分14秒 | 全般
I was really dumbfounded when I first learned from Masayuki Takayama's book that IMADR's co-representative director, Kinhide Mushakoji, was the vice-president of the United Nations University.
24 September 2018
I am currently translating a chapter of the famous book by Masayuki Takayama, the one and only journalist in the post-war world, into English. In this chapter, a man called Taisuke Komatsu, who no one in Japan has ever heard of, is stationed in Geneva and is constantly telling CERD that Japan is a country that violates human rights, etc. (a strange organization that never says a word about China or North Korea) and is working day and night to get CERD to issue human rights recommendations against Japan... In other words, it is an anti-Japanese propaganda organization.
I was really dumbfounded when I first learned from Masayuki Takayama's book that Kinhide Mushakoji, co-representative director of IMADR, was the vice president of the United Nations University.
I was even more dumbfounded when I was searching to check the spelling of Ramush Takur, an Indian who is one of the leading players in the anti-Japanese propaganda mentioned in this chapter (I also learned his name for the first time).
I was even more dumbfounded to find that this man had been the Vice-Rector of the United Nations University... Furthermore, when I clicked on the English translation of the article I was searching for, thinking that I would finally be able to find the correct spelling of this man's name, it turned out to be the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website.
In other words, not only was the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spending the Japanese people's tax money like it was water, but it was probably also the result of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs activities that this ridiculous university - the United Nations University, which is funded by Japanese tax money and has become a Mecca for anti-Japanese propaganda - was brought to Japan.
Mr. Kunihiko Miyake.
It would help if you weren't on TV and getting paid so much.
This university should be shut down immediately, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs must reflect on its actions and stop wasting the Japanese people's precious tax money on these ridiculous people.

2024/9/5 in Onomichi


