文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Then, the yen was at 78 yen. The nightmare Democratic Party administration continued to overlook

2024年08月30日 00時14分19秒 | 全般
The following is a rough draft.
The middle part and onwards is the chapter I published on 9/1/2012.
It is because this chapter disgustingly proves how stupid and incompetent the Ministry of Finance and the Japanese mass media are.
Even 12 years later, they are trying to repeat the same mistakes...policies that will weaken Japan's national power.
I became convinced as I watched the mass media coverage of the recent LDP presidential election.
The mass media has been trying to weaken Japan's national power and its status in the international community.
The problematic situation Japan is facing now is becoming even more tense.
Even a kindergartener can understand that the increasing likelihood that Xi Jinping will invade Taiwan to divert the public's discontent caused by the economic debacle makes the situation even more tense.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the last LDP presidential election was held without any usual nationwide public debates.
If it had been held in the usual way, only a complete moron would doubt that Takaichi Sanae would have won.
That is how outstanding Takaichi Sanae's clarity and courage were.
Most Japanese people were amazed to learn she possessed such clarity and courage.
She could be Abe's successor.
Most Japanese people were surprised to learn that she was the only politician with the insight to be Abe's successor.
And she is a woman.
No other than her could have written a historic page as Japan's first female prime minister.
She let the Japanese people know that she possessed such clarity and courage.
For the first time, the Japanese people learned that she existed as a politician worthy of being the prime minister of Japan.
It is also a kindergarten-level issue.
However, even today, no mass media reports that she is the person to become the prime minister of a country where the turntable of civilization is turning, a country that must lead the world alongside the United States.
This article continues.

Today's Nikkei newspaper, Daiki Shoki, page 15, titled "Japan's Challenge from the Fourfold Hardships," concludes, "Shouldn't Japan, which is challenging itself to reach higher heights despite its fourfold hardships, have more pride in itself?"
I believe that today's writer, Mr. Bansoku, subscribes to my "Turntable of Civilization," but if he doesn't, I recommend that he do so.
My "Turntable of Civilization" naturally perfectly embodies the opinions that Mr. Bansoku concluded at the end of his editorial.
That is because it is that kind of book.
It is the best book to inspire the Japanese people since the war.
It is also a book that describes the utmost pride of the Japanese people.
I am convinced that no book since the war has described the nobility of the Japanese heart, the lofty level of thinking, the lofty level of pride, and my "Turntable of Civilization."
Just think about it.
Has anyone ever written that Japan will lead the world for another 170 years with the world's most excellent intellect and freedom, standing tall with the United States?
I am not saying for a show that this book is Nobel Prize-worthy.

Even so, the scholars and politicians who told us to learn from Korea or Samsung while working hard amidst our quadruple hardships are the worst.
This is especially true of the man who was supposed to be my junior, who seemed to think only about how he looked on TV.
If he were a true junior, he would have quietly subscribed to my book, put it into practice, and become the greatest politician of the 21st century. However, he is disappointed because he only has the brains to go see the Incheon airport and port after hearing that they are amazing.
Korean society is a society that is so unreasonable that most people find it challenging to live in it.
Because they continue to give anti-Japanese education, they continue to mass-produce people with the mental age of 12, and in the end, they end up strangling themselves... They don't realize that this is what fascism is,
and they only look at the surface of other people and hurry off.
You are the one who should subscribe to my "Turntable of Civilization" right now.
...Excerpt omitted.
As these have already become a "triple whammy," the responsibility or burden of the "yen" that has become an international currency, specifically the strong yen, is hitting Japan's manufacturing industry, which is its forte.
The decline in the credibility of Western currencies is hitting the Japanese economy in the form of a relative rise in the yen's value.
It is truly a "quadruple whammy."
While the weak won is a tailwind for the Korean economy, Japan competes with a considerable handicap.
The above is an excerpt from the Nikkei newspaper, Daiki Shoki, but I always have a question.
The decline in confidence in Western currencies is causing the relative rise in the yen's value. Is that the truth of the market?
...It would be outrageous if this were not true.
If that is the case, is it really okay for the country that is the most trusted by the market and the world to do things that make the people feel down, such as saying that the country is in a fiscal deficit and will go bankrupt, so we need to increase the consumption tax, etc.?
I always have this feeling.
The market and the world are proving that Japan is the strongest country globally.
If that is the case, in order for the country to become truly strong and lead the world, those in power should immediately subscribe to my "Turntable of Civilization."
And we will immediately make it 1 dollar = 111 yen.
*At that time, the yen was at 78 yen. The nightmare Democratic Party administration continued to overlook this.*
The world will know the whole truth in Japan's declaration.
They will know that Japan has declared 21st-century capitalism.
When you, the leaders and the people, put my <<answer>> into practice,
the world will genuinely realize that Japan's position is next to the United States, the world's champion, standing tall against the United States.
That is why my book is Nobel Prize-worthy.
Unless you put my <<answer>> into practice, the pathetic state of the Japanese Prime Minister will not be resolved...Where on earth are you standing at every international conference?
That is different from the place where Japan should stand.
I don't know if Nakasone was the only one who stood next to the United States, whether it was because of his philosophy or because he was brazen, but I feel like he stood next to the United States.
2024/8/26 in Onomichi


