It was in the top 50 searches for the past week of 2024/2/24. 2025年02月24日 08時49分11秒 | 全般 1トップページ2In effetti, Dentsu è colui che aiuta Asahi in questo gioco.3Come gli Stati Uniti hanno approvato con riluttanza la costruzione della centrale nucleare4Non riesco a capire il coraggio di vedere queste persone apparire come i principali commentatori¥5Quello che segue è un memorandum per un documento da scrivere in seguito.6La Chine a commencé avec l'escroc international canadien Maurice Strong,7The lie that China started with Canadian international con artist Maurice Strong, and8China empezó con el estafador internacional canadiense Maurice Strong,9A China começou com o vigarista internacional canadiano Maurice Strong,10China begann mit dem kanadischen internationalen Hochstapler Maurice Strong,11It is no exaggeration to say that Germany is the most hypocritical country in the world12la Cina ha iniziato con l'artista canadese della truffa internazionale Maurice Strong,13This paper is also (for the first time in the world) the truth I will tell the world.14The lie that China started with Canadian international con artist Maurice Strong, and Al Gore15The horseshit of the UN and the international community is also at an all-time high.16Repost! It is a fabricated story to make people think that the V-22 is dangerous.17continue to maintain their respective regimes, Nazism, in the name of anti-Japanese education.18Er det dette demokratiet du snakker om, eller fortsetter du å fortelle løgner og sofisteri?19eine einmalige Gelegenheit, 78 Jahre Nachkriegspolitik zu verändern, bot sich gleichzeitig20Você quer ser a espinha dorsal da mídia daqueles traidores que vão para a ONU21It was a popular page yesterday, 2023/2/22.22Republiez ! Mais cet article est celui qui a prouvé qu’ils étaient des imbéciles23This chapter was the victim of a criminal act of search obstruction. Re-submit.24Repost! China's Xi Jinping Plans to Export Corona Infections, a Terrifying Danger25un'opportunità unica nella vita di cambiare 78 anni di politica26Repost! a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change 78 years of postwar politics27初期のビートルズがドイツ遠征をしていた頃、ハンブルクは戦後の世界で最大の売春地帯だった。28The Wolf is a Great God29It was a popular page yesterday, 2023/2/23.30Aber dieser Artikel war der Artikel, der bewies, dass sie Dummköpfe waren.31¡Volver a publicar! No es exagerado decir que Alemania es el país más hipócrita del mundo.32It was a popular page yesterday, 2021/2/18.33再発信!前章で「どぶ板選挙」と書いた。その事が私の青年時代の記憶を呼び覚ました。34Apakah ini demokrasi yang Anda bicarakan, atau Anda terus berbohong dan menyesatkan?35Dans le chapitre précédent, j'ai parlé des « élections de type porte-à-porte ».36Repost! to maintain their respective regimes, Nazism, in the name of anti-Japanese education37Das Folgende ist ein Memorandum für eine später zu verfassende Arbeit.38狼は大神…狼はやっぱり日本的に「神の使い」と考えたい。39It is a fact that proves that "golden opportunity is coming,"40再発信!数日前、最初に発見したというか、YouTubeに現れたのが「フルタの方程式」だった。41Les conneries de l’ONU et de la communauté internationale atteignent également42Pero este artículo fue el que demostró que eran tontos.43再送!2014年8月まで朝日新聞に支配されて来た日本も偽善(似非モラリズム)国家だったのだと言っても過言ではない。44If this is considered, they are more foolish than North Korea, a cartoon nation of our time.45No capítulo anterior, escrevi sobre “eleições do tipo porta-a-porta”.46Cet article est aussi (pour la première fois au monde) la vérité que je dirai au monde.47It was a popular page yesterday, 2021/2/20.48Repostar! A merda da ONU e da comunidade internacional também está em alta.49Es ist, als wären wir eine chinesische Kolonie geworden.50It was a top 50 searcher for the past week, 2022/2/18. « It was a popular page yeste... | トップ | Anyone with an open mind ca... »
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