文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

No other immigration office could have allowed her to be as selfish as she was.

2022年06月14日 14時52分46秒 | 全般
The following is a rough draft.
On the noon TV news, the sightseeing boat "KAZU1" sank off the Shiretoko Peninsula in Hokkaido... According to the Hokkaido Transport Bureau, the Shiretoko excursion boat side complained in a written statement, "It is strange that the responsibility for the accident is placed solely on the Shiretoko excursion boat. The regulator and the national government are also to blame."
I am sure many Japanese citizens were stunned to see this news report.
The news did, however, demonstrate the correctness of my report this morning.
It was the same result of the domination and leadership of Japan by the Asahi Shimbun and NHK.
The attitude of the president of the cruise ship operator is the same as that of the Aoyama Gakuin law professors of Korean name who have mobilized NHK and even their students to criticize the Japanese government for the death of a Sri Lankan woman in an immigration facility.
She was mere selfish and arrogant.
The name of her study in Japan for academic purposes and her reality was completely different.
Her entire case is one of death as a result of her actions.
Despite this, the woman's sister and her supporters, who are anti-Japanese, are attacking the government.
NHK has repeatedly reported the same thing, and the Aoyama Gakuin law professors, even mobilizing their students to criticize the Japanese government under Korean names, are in the same boat as the above president.
So, what kind of country is Sri Lanka?
It is a country now clinging to China's "One Belt, One Road" and even deprived of rights to essential ports as security for a loan at a high-interest rate.
A Coomaraswamy claims to be a scholar and a university professor in Sri Lanka.
She submitted a bullshit report on comfort women to the UN as a UN investigator without any verification, just as the Asahi Shimbun fabricated it and South Korea, a country living on anti-Japanese propaganda, said.
She has yet to make any correction, despite the Asahi Shimbun officially admitting that the report was fabricated.
The sister of the woman in question is a person the Japanese government has accused of having the best immigration laws in the world.
The woman's sister in question is attacking the Japanese government, saying that Japan's immigration law violates human rights.
She should criticize Japan after demonstrating that Sri Lanka's immigration law is far more considerate of human rights than Japan's immigration law, arguably the best in the world.
Some forces have been instigating her to attack the Japanese government.
It is no exaggeration to say that a female Aoyama Gakuin University law professor with a Korean name represents them.
They and NHK, which has repeatedly reported on this case, must prove that Sri Lanka's immigration law respects and considers human rights more than Japan's immigration law, which is the best in the world.
First, the woman's death in the immigration facility resulted from the Japanese immigration authorities' overzealousness in considering her human rights and respecting them.
No other immigration office could have allowed her to be as selfish as she was.
To be continued.


