文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It's not the time to be maneuvered by China and make a scene.

2020年10月04日 18時37分53秒 | 全般
What follows is a rough draft of a continuation of the previous chapter.
The fragmentation of the country, speaking of which, is the fuss over the Spanish provinces' independence.
Recently, Spain nearly expelled the former governor of the province, the mastermind of this independence movement.
That would be par for the course for a united nation.
It is reported that Spain has rekindled the Wuhan virus and resumed the blockade of the city.
Could this flare-up of the Wuhan virus in Spain, following the decision to essentially expel the former governor who masterminded Spain's independence movement, be a mere coincidence?
China has been a black-hearted nation since ancient times.
Now, the CCPs who are plotting world domination is complete totalitarians.
There is no such thing as learning or art there.
They are people who are all about propaganda and all about the conspiracy.
They are all propagandists, all conspirators, and they are in complete control of a country called China.
Western countries.
Let's stop saying that Chinese universities are better than Japanese universities.
It's not the time to be maneuvered by China and make a scene.
There is no time to lose.
Do we give in to totalitarianism, or do we defend freedom and intelligence, the arts, sports, and everything that makes us human, that has no place in a totalitarian state?
We must destroy the CCP.
The damage caused by the Wuhan virus must be struck by the CCP and reimbursed.
At such a time, the United States of America, the best country in the world, a country where Colored People enjoy and achieve freedom and prosperity.
And that's why, although every single child from evil-ruled, extremely poor South America to the U.S. on foot, is still trying to get to the United States.
You people are wholly maneuvered and ramped up by the Chinese.
The Democrats are pandering to such idiots.
For what purpose, Democrats, are you trying to destroy or dismantle the United States, the bastion, and kingdom of the free world?
Are they that entangled with Chinese interests?
Are they that wretched?
This article continues.
