文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is what I want to say to Okinawans about the gubernatorial election.

2022年08月29日 11時31分50秒 | 全般

This chapter I originally published on 2018-09-27 under the title Okinawa Prefecture people chose Japan, a country that has achieved the highest level of freedom and intelligence in the world, or China, a one-party communist dictatorship.
It is re-submitted with some corrections, including numbers and punctuation.
Unlike the previous transmission I sent just before the gubernatorial election, it should reach more Okinawans this time since the election has just been announced.
The following is the chapter I sent on 2018-09-27.
It is what I want to say to Okinawans about the gubernatorial election.
This gubernatorial election is not at all what the mass media is saying it is.
Will the Okinawans choose Japan, a country that has achieved the highest level of freedom and intelligence in the world, or China, a one-party communist dictatorship?
Or will they choose the Korean Peninsula, a country that has inherited China's essence of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies" in its DNA because it has been a vassal state of China, which has been described as "black-hearted" by neighboring peoples since ancient times?
Specifically, it is a simple election of whether to choose Japan=LDP or China and the Korean Peninsula=opposition parties such as the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) and the Communist Party.
I have previously sent out the following message to Onaga, who is so pro-China and anti-Japan that I wondered if he wants to become a vassal state of China. If the Okinawans share their views, they should do the following.
If the people of Okinawa believe the same way as he does, we have no choice but to do the following.
If they continue to behave as they are now, we will have no choice but to let China buy Okinawa for a quadrillion yen.
However, China must recognize Japan's nuclear armament, never threaten Japan with military force, and never invade Japan. 
It must return the South China Sea to its pre-invasion state, declare freedom of navigation in the East China Sea at the United Nations, and conclude the agreement as a document fully recognized internationally.
If the people of Okinawa accept this, Japan will no longer have to pay the enormous amount of subsidies that it has been giving to Okinawa (with the U.S. military bases still there) since Okinawa was returned to Japan, which is more than any other prefecture.
Japan would then be able to spend the money on infrastructure improvements throughout Japan that have been neglected in the past, such as levees that will never break again and landslide prevention measures.
If you Okinawans consider yourselves to be noble people with beautiful hearts, your logic would be to accept the above conditions and become a territory of China as a way of repaying the massive amount of local subsidies given to Okinawa so far.
The Okinawa Times and the Ryukyu Shimpo, which will become the Okinawan edition of the People's Daily, must add to the above conditions that they will never again write anti-Japanese articles.
The Onaga faction, which only accounts for 30% of the Okinawan population, has continued to win the gubernatorial elections.
And so, in response to China, the Korean Peninsula, and the Asahi Shimbun and their followers, they have continued to undermine the nation of Japan at every turn severely.
All you have to do is to realize your current attitude.
Suppose the people of the Onaga faction, who make up only 30% of the prefecture's population, think that becoming a Chinese vassal by committing double suicide with the Onaga faction. 
In that case, this election is the only opportunity to do so. 
You have to think about it from the bottom of your heart.
For, an invasion by China into the Senkaku Islands and Okinawa is not a matter of possibility but rather a matter of fact because if the Okinawans remain as they are, it would not be surprising if China decides to invade Taiwan, the Senkakus, or Okinawa tomorrow.
The truth is that the only country that can prevent China's invasion is the U.S., which the Onaga faction is attacking, and even a grade school student can understand this. *
When I was a subscriber to Newsweek, Newsweek once reported on the actual struggle against the bases in Okinawa.
In the report, real Okinawans were telling the truth.
When I see the Japanese countryside on the TV news, I feel sorry for them because we have a much better life than they do. (Japan gives us a lot of money every year at the expense of improving the countryside.)
This year, the Japanese mainland was hit by typhoons and torrential rains that caused severe damage throughout the country.
It occurred to me.
Okinawa is a well-known typhoon pathway.
Although typhoons usually head for Okinawa first, we rarely hear the news that hurricanes like the rest of Japan have hit Okinawa.
I immediately noticed this.
The Japanese taxpayers' money invested in promoting Okinawa (essentially to reduce the base burden) should have gone first to infrastructure development.
Public works projects are first directed to infrastructure development and then housing development.
It is why the scenery of Okinawa looks more robust on TV than in many other parts of Japan.
As the Okinawans, who are proper Japanese, have discovered, Japan has invested a massive amount of taxpayer money in Okinawa at the expense of disaster prevention and maintenance in other parts of Japan.
In other words, the Onaga faction is a group of people with the same DNA of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies" as the people of the Korean Peninsula.
They have become wealthy by receiving vast amounts of aid from the other side, yet they have no sense of gratitude for anything and continue to attack the other side.
It is an outright lie that the Japanese military forced Okinawans to commit mass suicide during the Battle of Okinawa.
Masayuki Takayama has let us know that this is mainly due to the influence of Kenzaburo Oe's "Okinawa Notebook," a book written in the spirit of a masochistic view of history and anti-Japanese ideology.

The other day I realized that this is indeed verifiable.
One only has to look at the biased reporting of the Ryukyu Shimpo and the Okinawa Times, which now dominate Okinawa ideologically, to see that this can be verified.
In other words, they, like the Asahi Shimbun, were one of the leading players in the war between Japan and the U.S. before and during the war.
They reported as follows:
The Western brute (esp. American and British), one hundred million honorable defeat honorably death, A Japanese must never suffer the shame of being captured alive. I won't ask for it until I win. Luxuries are your enemy.

However, the current situation, where the pages of newspapers are filled daily with articles supporting the anti-base struggle against Japan, makes it unnecessary to verify these slogans.
They must have filled the paper with those slogans day after day.
I then searched and learned for the first time that one of the three major prewar newspapers in Okinawa was the Okinawa Asahi Shimbun.
I knew at that moment that my guess was 100% correct.
What further confirmed my guess was that the Asahi Shimbun was exhibiting its signature tendency to cover up anything inconvenient.
The Okinawa Asahi Shimbun was not available to be searched.

Okinawans voting in the gubernatorial election on January 30 should go online or to the respective newspapers to check what the Ryukyu Shimpo and the Okinawa Times reported before the war before voting.
If you do not want to be brainwashed by the stupid mass media, again and again, you must do so.

You must do so if you do not want to vote for the Ocho faction and, more and more, be scorned by the Japanese people with all their hearts, as if you are as ungrateful as China and the Korean peninsula.

Still, you have no choice now if you think so much better of China and the Korean peninsula.
The Korean Peninsula cannot buy Okinawa for the amount mentioned above, even if it stands on its head, so it will have to let China buy it.
The only way for Japan to be safe is to sign a written agreement with China, with the United Nations and the international community as witnesses, to allow Japan to acquire nuclear arms and not engage in any activities that threaten Japan forever and then transfer Okinawa to Xi Jinping.
The leftist activists, who can only be described as traitors, will lose their reason for existence, stop being proxies, and return or emigrate to China or the Korean peninsula.



