文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

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Repost!The Pulitzer Prize-winning article of the paper also lies a lot.

2024年11月18日 20時03分30秒 | 全般
The Pulitzer Prize-winning article of the paper also lies a lot.

The chapter' That's the news if the Asahi wrote, ' which I sent out on October 19, 2020, has been blocked by the criminal.
I will correct the paragraphs and re-send them.
The following is the continuation of the latest publication of Takayama Masayuki, the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
The reader should go to subscribe to the nearest bookstore right now.
People worldwide read my English translation and must know the truth, especially those who think the Asahi Shimbun is a newspaper company representing Japan.
This is an incredible misunderstanding.
The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
The absurdity of the Asahi editorial committee is reminiscent of Honda Katsuichi.
Praise AIIB in the column and criticize the Abe administration.
'NYT in Japan' that Ryu Shintaro brags
From the old days of Sulzberger, the New York Times has said hoity-toitily, 'It is the news if we can write it.'
It says because we are already taking 20 Pulitzer Prizes.
But Pulitzer is the New York World Paper owner, the yellow paper representative that has told a pack of lies about 'UFO kidnaps it' or 'Japanese troops massacred at Lushun.'
The plausibleness of writing a lie was said to be the selection criteria for this award.
Indeed, the New York Times wrote a lot of lies.
When the information of 'Japanese fleet sinking 12 Russian armored battleships' arrived in the Battle of the Sea of Japan, yellow could not win white people.
Just as the information, 'The Russian ship's sailor brought up a rebellion and pulled the kingpin,' is wrong, they post lies.
The Pulitzer Prize-winning article of the paper also lies a lot.
Acclaiming Stalin won it later, they accused a prize, Walter Duranty, of writing a lie from Ukrainian immigrants.
When Columbia University investigated, it turned out that the reign of Stalin was hell itself.
In Ukraine, millions were killed by starvation and massacre as the immigrants filed.
Colombian University concluded that Duranty's article needed to be more credible.
There was no deprivation of the award.
It is because it wrote the article quite plausibly as Pulitzer wanted.
Ryuu Shintaro began to say, 'Asahi Shimbun is the New York Times in Japan,' and so on, whether knowingly or not, such an actual state.
'That's the news if the Asahi wrote.'
It imitated the New York Times, after all.
The role of Durant was the Beijing branch office Akioka Ieshige.
Mao Zedong, who killed 30 million people, was tailored as a merciful leader, and he praised the blood-smelling Cultural Revolution deployed in front of him very well.
This draft continues.

2024/11/16 in Osaka by iPhone

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