文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

There is no more incredible irony than that such a person is a religious official.

2023年02月06日 23時09分14秒 | 全般

Anyone who read Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai's regular column in the Sankei Shimbun this morning must have been convinced that I had hit the nail on the head with my assessment of her.
Today's article also proved that she is a national treasure, a supreme national treasure, as defined by Saicho.
On the other hand, the article on the same front page by Komeito representative Yamaguchi was nothing short of hypocrisy itself.
Yamaguchi should take a lesson from Ms. Sakurai.
Unless he does so, it is no exaggeration to say that he is a traitor to Japan.
His attitude of not only not criticizing China's actual situation but also continuing to be discerning about it is a manner that is not even worthy of a person involved in the religious community.
The article on the right below is the ultimate in pseudo-moralism, or the ultimate in stupidity and hypocrisy = the ultimate traitor to the country.
Many people now angrily realize what this fool has done to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism (MLIT) in their interest.
Indeed, he has been leading the way in a manner that is the ultimate stupidity.
They are the nation that continues to practice Nazism in the name of anti-Japanese education, the country that is one of only two nations in the world that is anti-Japanese.
Yamaguchi is the mastermind behind the relentless use of the languages of China and the Korean peninsula, the only two anti-Japanese nations in the world, in announcements and postings on Japan's public transportation system.
It is no exaggeration to say that Yamaguchi allowed the Chinese to purchase land in Japan freely.
There is no more incredible irony than that such a person is a religious official.
The article on the left is the ultimate in truth, the utmost in sincerity, the supreme in true patriotism, and the ultimate in true religion.
It is the gem of truth that the national treasure, the supreme national treasure, as defined by Saicho, informs us.
She is the one who constantly sheds light on the hidden truth, the hidden truth, and expresses it, and makes it known to the people of Japan.

China is the worst country in the history of the world, a land of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lies" combined with the evil of the Communist Party's one-party dictatorship.
The article on the right is a statement for those who have continued to hide the truth and reality of the situation at every turn.
It is the statement of a representative of an organization that wants Japan to become a vassal state of China happily.







