文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

She is also one of the key figures in IMADR.

2022年06月21日 10時11分40秒 | 全般
The following is a rough draft.
Last night, around midnight, as I was trying to fall asleep, NHKBS was showing a "documentary on the world.
It was a completely different program from NHK and other news programs.
It caught my attention instantly.
But I lost an hour of sleep.
It is no exaggeration to say that the pseudo-moralists who make their living from Asahi Shimbun, NHK, etc., and the pseudo-moralists in various fields who conform to them, are more guilty than Xi Jinping.
The documentary at the beginning of this article shows the mess that the Philippines has become under Duterte's presidency.
It is no exaggeration to say, Southeast Asia, except for Japan, is a mess.
The root cause is poverty.
The fact that women like Coomaraswamy exist as scholars and university professors proves that there is not much difference between Sri Lanka and the Philippines.
Sri Lankan women, who came to Japan to study, live with Sri Lankan men, living together with a Sri Lankan man.
She put her studies on the back burner.
To escape from the man's domestic violence, she rushed to the immigration office.
Even there, she was selfish.
She even refused to eat and eventually died.
Some anti-Japanese people in Japan are using this case to undermine Japan and the Japanese people and attack the government.
NHK, Japan's national broadcaster, spends a lot of time on its flagship news program to support its agenda.
A female professor of law at Aoyama Gakuin University with a Korean name is one of the key players.
She is also one of the key figures in IMADR.
IMADR set up an office in Geneva in 1993.
It is no exaggeration to say that IMADR is an organization whose activities are nothing more than an attempt to discredit Japan, the most intelligent and free country in the world, by propagating the Ainu people, ethnic minorities, and so on.
Its activities show that its funding comes from China, South Korea, and other anti-Japanese propagandists.
There is no mention of IMADR filing a complaint with the United Nations about the Philippines.
Nothing is more foolish than the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has supported such an organization.
Japan pays a massive sum of 100 billion yen to China annually under the name of "greenhouse gas emissions trading."
The other day, the newspaper reported that coal consumption has increased in the world since the invasion of Ukraine.
Among them, China, which has an overwhelming consumption, accounts for more than 30%.
China, which has teamed up with Canadian international fraudster Maurice Strong to set it up as a climate change issue, has also been consuming coal in an unparalleled manner, with impunity.
Biden gathered many countries and said that together they emit 80% of the world's greenhouse gases, etc.
It is as if he is trying to hide the great evil of China.

NHK must broadcast genuine news programs like the one shown at the beginning of this article during its golden hour.
NHK must realize that airing such programs at around midnight every night, cutting into the sleeping hours of the Japanese people, is a treacherous act in itself.
To be continued.


