The female professor with the Korean name, who I thought was strange... was an executive of an organization that has been using the United Nations to continue issuing recommendations to Japan and undermining Japan!
March 19, 2022
I was re-reading a chapter I had sent out in March 2019. I was surprised.
In a world where it is no exaggeration to say it is made up of liars and scoundrels, the Japanese customs is the most humane (kind) in its response to illegal immigrants, etc.
In a TV Tokyo program that uses a certain Mr. Ikegami to brainwash university students with pseudo-moralism,
of all things, the program's producer read out the name of the professor in charge of having students from Aoyama Gakuin University's Faculty of Law debate (brainwashing and propaganda disguised as democracy) as if Japan's customs were violating human rights.
The female professor with the Korean name, who I thought was strange at the time, was, as it turns out, a board member of an organization that has been using the UN to make ridiculous recommendations to Japan and has been continuously undermining Japan!
This revelation was genuinely shocking.
It is a clear fact that even an elementary school student can understand that this organization is related to China and South Korea (the Korean Peninsula), the only two countries in the world that continue to practice anti-Japanese education in the name of Nazism.
In other words, the following organizations are the naked kings of anti-Japanese propaganda.
Anyone with an open mind can see the truth of my argument just from reading the following comments and looking at the following images. The clarity of my argument should reassure you of the validity of my claims.
List of International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism (IMADR) Board Members
Co-representative directors
Fernando NIMARKA, Attorney at Law
Kinhide MUSHANOKOJI, International political scientist
Deputy representative directors
Mario Jorge Yutzis, Former member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Bernadette Etienne, Co-President of the Movement against Racism and for Friendship among Peoples (MRAP)
Shigeyuki Kumisaka, Chairperson of the Central Executive Committee of the Buraku Liberation League
Managing Director
Fujihiko Nishijima, Secretary General of the Buraku Liberation League, Chairperson of the Central Executive Committee of the Buraku Liberation League
Board Member
Romani Rose, Chairperson of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma
Rodolfo Stavenhagen, Professor at the Graduate School of Mexico / Former UN Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Peoples
Theo van Boven, Professor at Maastricht University
Brunado Fatima Natixan, Advisor to the Rural Education and Development Association (SRED)
Durga Sob, Founding President of the Feminist Dalit Organization (FEDO)
Michael Sharp, Assistant Professor at York College of the City University of New York
Tadashi Kato, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Hokkaido Ainu Association
Nanako Inaba, Professor, Sophia University, National Network for Solidarity with Migrants in Japan
Hitoshi Okuda, Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Institute
Masaki Okajima, Chairperson, Japan Teachers' Union Central Executive Committee
Ryuko Kusano, Chairperson, Conference of Religious Organizations Working on the 'Dowa' Issue, Otani-ha of the Shinshu Sect
Shuichi Kan, Secretary General, Kanagawa Min-To-Ren
Hye-Bong Shin, Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University
Takahisa Iwane, Chairman of the Tokyo Human Rights Enlightenment Business Association
Atsuko Miwa, Director of the Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center
Takashi Akai, Chairman of the Central Finance Committee of the Buraku Liberation League
Makoto Kubo, Professor at Osaka Sangyo University
Elaine Zackstein, Gender and Child Protection Expert
Penda Mbow, Professor at Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar
Yoko Hayashi, Lawyer and Chairperson of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
Kenzo Tomonaga, Honorary Director of the Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute
Ryu Matsumoto, Former Minister of the Environment
Secretariat Structure
Megumi Komori, Acting Secretary-General
Kenichi Wada, Deputy Director, Central Executive Committee Member of the Buraku Liberation League
Catherine Cadou, Deputy Director, Japan Researcher
Martin Kaneko, Deputy Director, Professor at Japan Women's University
Masahiro Terada, Deputy Director, Secretary General of the Religious Conference for Solidarity in Tackling the Dowa Issue
Kousuke Takahashi, Deputy Director, National Federation of Corporate Liaison Associations Tackling the Dowa Issue
Taisuke Komatsu, Deputy Director, Geneva Office Staff