文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Repost!It was the national character to forget immediately.

2024年12月12日 15時47分30秒 | 全般
The chapter titled "National character of South Korea that a president lies without feeling ashamed" was sent out on 2019-04-30 and re-sent with corrections to typos and omissions.
The following is from the latest publication by Masayuki Takayama, the one and only journalist in the post-war world.
The national character of South Korea that a president lies without feeling ashamed.
Koreans say, 'Japan colonized the peninsula as a foothold of the conquest of the continent.'
But I swear to them.
Japan has long been annoying this peninsula; if possible, we want not to have anything more to do with them.
Hiroshi Furuta, professor of Tsukuba University, explains its meaning directly with 'A hundred years ago because it was ancient.'
A country there clings to Japan very much from the old days.
Muromachi Period.
An envoy came three times in the times of Sejong that says there.
It tried the truth with those many times, but most became the Tsushima Current seaweed because they have no great ship.
The first envoy who barely arrived was eager to know platting, papermaking, and making a water wheel for an irrigation system.
The Japanese let them know kindly.
They came, being troubled after a while again.
It says that it wants us to tell the way of making the waterwheel, which they have been given instructions before while scratching ahead, wanting us to let them know once more.
It was the national character to forget immediately.
Well, also, it lets them know.
We repeated it until the Edo period.
If it tries to go after becoming Meiji, there isn't a waterwheel, and also, there isn't a wooden tub.
It is ordered such as 'the ancient times spread' to cook with an earthen vessel.
Not only improving but also degenerating people.
It was very unpleasant about the Japanese, but the peninsula they live in resembles the dagger pointed to the side of Japan.
Japan ended up with war against China after Russia because of its presence, like geopolitics.
This article continues. 

2024/12/8 in Kyoto


