文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

both sides of the river at Osaka-jo Hall to buy Red Hot Chili Peppers merchandise!

2023年02月21日 21時44分55秒 | 全般

It is a regular event of mine to go to Osaka Castle Park to photograph the plum blossoms in the plum grove.
It may be because I have been suspicious of the relationship between the Osaka Restoration Association and Shanghai Electric Power Company, and by extension, China, or it may be correct to call it the relationship between Toru Hashimoto and China.
I had not been feeling good this year, but today was a perfect day for a photo shoot, so I went out with a friend.
There were many people lined up at Osaka-jo Hall.
My friend wondered, with a dubious look, "What in the world is going on?
I was almost indifferent and hurried to the plum grove.
This year, I finished the photo shoot in the shortest time ever; this is my home garden, which I know very well.
On the way home, I wanted to go to Starbucks for coffee, but the place was quite crowded.
I gave up, went to the Lawson store right before me, and got a canned coffee.
By the way, today was the perfect day for shooting.
The clarity of the air was beautiful.
If it had not been such a fine day, I would have planned to photograph the Kinkakuji Temple in the snow for the fourth time this year.
It was a beautiful day for shooting, and it was only around 2:00 p.m., but I felt like I had not taken enough pictures.
I was surprised when I went to the bridge to the Hotel New Otani to take pictures of the water surface and the buildings.
What a surprise! The line above spanned both sides of the river.
I wondered what in the world was going on.
I had thought it was a social networking site and might not be good, so I was even more surprised.
On the way home, my friend asked a middle-aged couple behind us.
When I heard their answer, I was astonished.
They were in line to buy Red Hot Chili Peppers merchandise.
Red Hot Chili Peppers!

I knew them from checking and listening to Billboard weekly when they were at their peak.
I was impressed.
I immediately bought the CD.
So I was astonished, and at the same time, I was amazed at how fantastic the Japanese are.
People lined up on both sides of the river at Osaka-jo Hall to buy Red Hot Chili Peppers merchandise!

2/21/2023, at Osaka


